Very interesting. It looks people never learn from the history... from american indians, to jewish people in world war 2, to indonisia's anti-chinese riots, to Palestinians of today
Not really. There are period and time in history that women can't vote , black can't mix live with white , no interracial marriage between races ,Asian can't get jobs , the portrait of Asians are all grossly wrong and negative in major medias and entertainment: These all were once LAW and facts. . 现在我们有的都是看清现实放弃幻想开始战斗的人们斗争来的。我们不能轻易放弃这些。 社会是可以倒车的。极端请看阿富汗。
回复 26楼 半个马和甲 的帖子 There isn’t any prove that trump would do something against human rights nor would he reverse all the progress that we have made over the last few decades please remember that he has been the president before,and we didn’t become Afghanistan
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 16:28 回复 26楼 半个马和甲 的帖子 There isn’t any prove that trump would do something against human rights nor would he reverse all the progress that we have made over the last few decades please remember that he has been the president before,and we didn’t become Afghanistan
回复 41楼 wacxg 的帖子 There is no reason to be rude,if you disagree with me then tell me how I am wrong and your political views,you don’t need to say what you think you know about my education level,especially when you don’t know anything about me
agree with lz. i watched the whole speech of Trump on RNC - he didn't only mention china, in fact, he mention a lot more about mexico, russia, north korea: mexico illegal immigrants, mexico cartels, russian invation, north korea missile tests, etc. etc.. he talked about the weak position the US is at now in the world landscape, and mentioned those countries that he would negotiate with if he were elected. china was mentioned along those lines, and i think it's reasonable given the narratives he was trying to deliver. i don't believe chinese in the US would be the targeted population just because of this. he criticized mexico illegal immigrants and cartels - does that mean mexicans in the US would be targeted population too? no one would believe that. there are too many people on this forum that are spending too much time talking just about politics - they apparently have their agenda. i'd encourage everyone who come to US for a better life to really look and listen closely what each candidate proposes, then make a conscious decision, if you have voting right.
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 16:44 回复 41楼 wacxg 的帖子 There is no reason to be rude,if you disagree with me then tell me how I am wrong and your political views,you don’t need to say what you think you know about my education level,especially when you don’t know anything about me
There is no reason to be rude. If you disagree with me, then tell me how I am wrong and share your political views. You don’t need to comment on what you think you know about my education level, especially when you don’t know anything about me.
marsala 发表于 2024-07-25 16:46 agree with lz. i watched the whole speech of Trump on RNC - he didn't only mention china, in fact, he mention a lot more about mexico, russia, north korea: mexico illegal immigrants, mexico cartels, russian invation, north korea missile tests, etc. etc.. he talked about the weak position the US is at now in the world landscape, and mentioned those countries that he would negotiate with if he were elected. china was mentioned along those lines, and i think it's reasonable given the narratives he was trying to deliver. i don't believe chinese in the US would be the targeted population just because of this. he criticized mexico illegal immigrants and cartels - does that mean mexicans in the US would be targeted population too? no one would believe that. there are too many people on this forum that are spending too much time talking just about politics - they apparently have their agenda. i'd encourage everyone who come to US for a better life to really look and listen closely what each candidate proposes, then make a conscious decision, if you have voting right.
marsala 发表于 2024-07-25 16:46 agree with lz. i watched the whole speech of Trump on RNC - he didn't only mention china, in fact, he mention a lot more about mexico, russia, north korea: mexico illegal immigrants, mexico cartels, russian invation, north korea missile tests, etc. etc.. he talked about the weak position the US is at now in the world landscape, and mentioned those countries that he would negotiate with if he were elected. china was mentioned along those lines, and i think it's reasonable given the narratives he was trying to deliver. i don't believe chinese in the US would be the targeted population just because of this. he criticized mexico illegal immigrants and cartels - does that mean mexicans in the US would be targeted population too? no one would believe that. there are too many people on this forum that are spending too much time talking just about politics - they apparently have their agenda. i'd encourage everyone who come to US for a better life to really look and listen closely what each candidate proposes, then make a conscious decision, if you have voting right.
“too many peopleon this forum that are spending too much time talking just about politics - they apparently have their agenda.” 您真厉害,一张嘴就把在这儿的好多讨论政治(实际上就是斗嘴)的人,扣成"have their agenda"了。。。 另外谁真把候选人说的那些高大上的好听话当真啊。。。谁竞选的时候不往好了说呢?差别就是这个人可能说的是你更在乎的方向,那个人可能说的是别人更在乎的方向而已。 从事实来看,很多事(犯罪,非法移民,经济。。。),大家可能嘴上的政策不同,但现实就是,这些“不同",基本上只是大趋势下的小波折而已。还真以为共和党就能对付零元购?有没有零元购,犯罪率如何,更大程度取决于当地的人口组成和经济发展 。我们这儿也是民主党的地区,周围可没啥零元购发生。 对中国的态度也是类似,大方向在哪儿,老川老拜都针对中国有不少动作。 但共和党明显突出的“成绩”(就是,不光说,还真的做到了)还是有几项的。比如,在老川时代搞的China Initiative - 这个民主党没有能与之相比的成绩哦。再有就是这些年一些红州的共和党推动的对中国人限制购地的法案 - 这个也没民主党的成就能比拟的。还有就是共和党推动的基督教极端群体的成长(反堕胎,圣经进入学校),这些,对于我们这种不属于基督教文化的弱势群体的影响,你大概是不在乎的?
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 16:28 回复 26楼 半个马和甲 的帖子 There isn’t any prove that trump would do something against human rights nor would he reverse all the progress that we have made over the last few decades please remember that he has been the president before,and we didn’t become Afghanistan
Donald Trump is a Con man. Look at his track records as a business man and a tax payer. If you still believe a word coming out of his mouth, I have a bridge to sell to you.
回复 71楼 Dubs4life 的帖子 I never say I like Donald Trump,compared to democrats ideas i like republicans ideas and he is one that represents them,i just wanted to say that he was the previous president and we didn’t go to hell
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 17:34 回复 71楼 Dubs4life 的帖子 I never say I like Donald Trump,compared to democrats ideas i like republicans ideas and he is one that represents them,i just wanted to say that he was the previous president and we didn’t go to hell
楼主标题提到了个人崇拜,所以我摘抄一段 The Project asserts that the entire executive branch is under the direct control of the president under the unitary executive theory.[6][7] It proposes reclassifying tens of thousands of federal civil service workers as political appointees, in order to replace them with loyalists more willing to enable Trump's policies.
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 18:13 回复 94楼 lwhale 的帖子 About project 2025 your source is doesn’t prove anything because there is no evidence to support he will really do it
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 18:13 回复 94楼 lwhale 的帖子 About project 2025 your source is doesn’t prove anything because there is no evidence to support he will really do it
🔥 最新回帖
主楼理中客, 回帖下场大战三百回合, 这个就是她们单细胞脑子想出的策略
其实吧, 川粉的味道, 隔着屏幕都能把人熏死, 她们还在装着傻白甜, 实在不算聪明
这个楼主和隔壁紫苏类似,都是上来装啥也不懂要跟大家讨论,但默默带风向的。也不知道是不是他们最新指导方针 其实讨论一下挺好的。自己支持谁不用遮遮掩掩。我今年坚决支持Harris打败种族主义bully集团。America needs to move forward。历史的车轮总会向前滚动。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
Imagine an average American, then realize half of the nation is stupider than that.
别费心了,说破嘴, 我们不会投给trump
被叫China virus , 我们不爽是我们自己做主的感觉, 凭啥听你证明不应该觉得“不爽”?
“楼主从来不发帖, “不懂就问哈, “我不是川粉,
某个政治家专门歧视哪里人 - 大部分政治家可能犯不着这么做,但他们和支持者的一些行为就导致了对这种排外势力的鼓励和支持。
当然你可以认为china initiative是合理合法的调查,所以不算针对华人。你也可以认为红州共和党针对中国人买房限制的法案只是针对中国人,不是针对华人,而且人家也合理合法。你也可以认为红州共和党推动的反堕胎,让圣经进学校的那些法案,只是他们争取他们的权利,而不是代表那些基督教极端势力(与排外势力有相当的重合)的兴起。
啊? 所以你不期待有人会保护华人,但是觉得没有哪个总统会针对华人哈
没说你不能发啊, 我喷的重点是你身为川粉装理中客装无辜 你看你这回答这不就原形毕露了啊?
听我的, 川粉有很深的逻辑风格烙印, 你们发帖隔着屏幕都能闻出来,这种装X风格真的只能徒增笑柄
That was JD.Vance who said that
These all were once LAW and facts. . 现在我们有的都是看清现实放弃幻想开始战斗的人们斗争来的。我们不能轻易放弃这些。
Trump 反中其实是半真半假,虚虚实实,实际上中国政府和中国领导人是他喜爱的(之一)。
And he is on the ticket!
总统会针对华人,美国有足够的法律和建制可以保护华人不会受到政府系统性的迫害。 什么共和党要命,集中营之类的都是BS。 但是在总统的煽动下,社会上针对华人的种族仇恨犯罪会增多。
“美国有足够的法律和建制可以保护华人不会受到政府系统性的迫害” 排华法案那么快就忘了哈
所以你支持一个推动china initiative的party。你支持一个在自己控制的州里推动对中国人买房限制的法案的party。 你支持一个在自己控制的州里推动反堕胎法案,让圣经进学校的那些法案的party。对吧?
我们也希望美国变的(按我们的希望的那种)”好“,我们是小爱,更在意自己以及华人这种相对弱势的,不属于传统基督教文化圈的群体受到的(不是猜的,而是已经发生了的)负面影响。你是”大爱“, 更在乎广大”美国人民“如何如何?没问题,大家希望的”好“不同而已。
There isn’t any prove that trump would do something against human rights nor would he reverse all the progress that we have made over the last few decades please remember that he has been the president before,and we didn’t become Afghanistan
LOL I really don't think you worth it...
现在都2024年了。。。 社会是在进步的,拿百年前的旧法律举例,就好比川粉拿spanish flu的旧例来justify china virus的叫法一样。
还法律保护? 排华法案不是法律? 德州和某些红州不是通过了不允许某些国籍背景的人买房/地 这些垃圾大法官上去了, 你高院都可以乱来. 你们和红脖子一样天天反对政治正确, 迟早能把反对种族歧视这条政治正确去掉.
There is no reason to be rude,if you disagree with me then tell me how I am wrong and your political views,you don’t need to say what you think you know about my education level,especially when you don’t know anything about me
there are too many people on this forum that are spending too much time talking just about politics - they apparently have their agenda. i'd encourage everyone who come to US for a better life to really look and listen closely what each candidate proposes, then make a conscious decision, if you have voting right.
There is no reason to be rude. If you disagree with me, then tell me how I am wrong and share your political views. You don’t need to comment on what you think you know about my education level, especially when you don’t know anything about me.
Thank you!
所以川普说 Chinese virus 时你什么感受呢?
“too many people on this forum that are spending too much time talking just about politics - they apparently have their agenda.”
您真厉害,一张嘴就把在这儿的好多讨论政治(实际上就是斗嘴)的人,扣成"have their agenda"了。。。
从事实来看,很多事(犯罪,非法移民,经济。。。),大家可能嘴上的政策不同,但现实就是,这些“不同",基本上只是大趋势下的小波折而已。还真以为共和党就能对付零元购?有没有零元购,犯罪率如何,更大程度取决于当地的人口组成和经济发展 。我们这儿也是民主党的地区,周围可没啥零元购发生。
但共和党明显突出的“成绩”(就是,不光说,还真的做到了)还是有几项的。比如,在老川时代搞的China Initiative - 这个民主党没有能与之相比的成绩哦。再有就是这些年一些红州的共和党推动的对中国人限制购地的法案 - 这个也没民主党的成就能比拟的。还有就是共和党推动的基督教极端群体的成长(反堕胎,圣经进入学校),这些,对于我们这种不属于基督教文化的弱势群体的影响,你大概是不在乎的?
那你怎么解释几十年前的roe v wade被推翻了啊
Donald Trump is a Con man. Look at his track records as a business man and a tax payer. If you still believe a word coming out of his mouth, I have a bridge to sell to you.
本人也认为进华人集体进集中营的可能性较小。但一个极其不体面的偏激总统,没脑子的底层被其煽动,一天天,一层层加码, 到了某临界值全国性仇华暴乱的可能性很大。 川普上次在台上,全美反华政治环境,跟现在根本没有可比性。
I never say I like Donald Trump,compared to democrats ideas i like republicans ideas and he is one that represents them,i just wanted to say that he was the previous president and we didn’t go to hell
啥? Trump represents Republican ideas???????? 年度笑话吗?
对等吧,中国也不让美国人买房啊。中国规定必须要有户口和社保证明,就是要有工作才能买房,美国有HIB 绿卡就可以买房。是同样条件。
有毛病吧,现在是你们红太阳川普不但没有对Chinese virus道歉,反而几天前又说过一次。你来说华人不应该揪着不放?你掩着耳朵就没这事了吗?
川粉想拉票,最好的办法是push川普赶快就Chinese virus对美国华人道歉,而不是让别人假装听不见。他道歉并永不再说,这个话题才能不再讨论。
当初最早来美国的那批华人,都是啥遭遇和下场? 要不要去了解一下。。
Chinese virus trump特别到过谦了,说不是指华人。这次提China virus是指病毒从中国来的或中国制造。
川普自己发过推说自己不知道这个project 25,更没有参与。
说说这个china virus,你觉得特朗普敢对一个美籍华人说你是china virus吗,送他一百个胆子他都不敢,今天说明天就就不用干了,所以他说的china virus 什么意思非常明显
川普今天早上fox news才说了同意project 2025的一些纲领。你们要不要更新一下你们的组织文件
这个级别的为什么要对着一个人说。 就是对着对着几百万美籍华人喊话。
我从来没听说过川普因为这个道过歉。他在不同场合不止说过一次。 你有他道歉的来源吗?
歧视华人最厉害的是加州, 也是排华法案起始推动者。有这段黑暗历史, 加州同学要不先撤一步? 不过时代变了, 总不能老拿这说事。
About project 2025 your source is doesn’t prove anything because there is no evidence to support he will really do it
这个对等就太假了,中国是不让外国人买房,不让外国人买房的政策也不是中国一家独有。佛州是不让中国俄罗斯这几个国家的人买,再缩小一点,基本定向中国。另外,我觉得lz的想法有点天真了,被煽动起来的底层红脖子和Proud boys打砸抢华裔的时候可不管法律。
这么讨论就没意思了。 竞选时的口号,大纲,拥护方的提议,没有一个能是evidence,那还选什么
排华法案是1943年废除的,跟加州同学没关系。 中间差了半个多世纪。