统一回复一下,我说我是feminist,并不是说我支持trump 的一些想法,但是他并不能做所有的决定,我只是不支持democrats We can’t expect a president make all decisions are right,but compare the other party we know how to make a decision
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 18:48 统一回复一下,我说我是feminist,并不是说我支持trump 的一些想法,但是他并不能做所有的决定,我只是不支持democrats We can’t expect a president make all decisions are right,but compare the other party we know how to make a decision
Compared to trump, democrats align more with values that feminist hold。楼主你提别的都算了,还是不要说自己是feminist,妇女连自己生育或不生育的权利都没有,已经不是女权的问题,是基本人权的问题。
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 16:44 回复 41楼 wacxg 的帖子 There is no reason to be rude,if you disagree with me then tell me how I am wrong and your political views,you don’t need to say what you think you know about my education level,especially when you don’t know anything about me
番茄85 发表于 2024-07-25 16:49 There is no reason to be rude. If you disagree with me, then tell me how I am wrong and share your political views. You don’t need to comment on what you think you know about my education level, especially when you don’t know anything about me.
很多人的错误是take rights for granted 包括公民权利,女性权利,黑人和白人上一个学校的权利 其实这些权利随时都是可以失去的 对任何威胁到这些权利的历史倒退都需要警惕 We need to fight for our rights. 这个楼主的agenda很明显。。但是也感谢这个帖子。道理越辩越明。
气笑了! 人家质问川普你说的chinese virus, kong flu之类的racist言辞导致美国亚裔被攻击,你为什么还要反复说? 川普完全没有任何愧疚的说,this is not racist at all。意思是他还会没有精神负担的继续说。 这个视频证明川普就是个racist畜牲! 个人认为racist 是世界上最low最恶心的行为。华川粉支持一个racist畜牲,无语至极。
Thank you for all your comments. I’m not a trump supporter,and I don’t like to talk about abortion because I think all babies are cute ; if I am going to just assume that trump would do something bad then I have the rights to go against him so do all of you,it’s just better than dealing with the Democrats. Democrats would just cause more problems for all of us.
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 21:06 Thank you for all your comments. I’m not a trump supporter,and I don’t like to talk about abortion because I think all babies are cute ; if I am going to just assume that trump would do something bad then I have the rights to go against him so do all of you,it’s just better than dealing with the Democrats. Democrats would just cause more problems for all of us.
You don’t have to agree with abortion, but when you don’t agree that all women should have the right to abort because it’s their own body then you are not a true feminist. So don’t call yourself one. It is not true. When you vote for trump, you are supporting him. Your vote is the support. So don’t say “ I am not a trump supporter”. It is not true.
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 21:06 Thank you for all your comments. I’m not a trump supporter,and I don’t like to talk about abortion because I think all babies are cute ; if I am going to just assume that trump would do something bad then I have the rights to go against him so do all of you,it’s just better than dealing with the Democrats. Democrats would just cause more problems for all of us.
回复 134楼 shoppingisfun 的帖子 Trump had previously suggested he could support a 15-week federal ban with exceptions in the cases of incest, rape and when the life of the mother is in danger. However, his ultimate decision to punt the politically fraught issue to the states and not back a national ban was swiftly denounced by a major anti-abortion rights organization, which said his position did not go far enough
You have 48 different states you can drive to to find a place that will handle your abortion plus Alaska and Hawaii just pick the state that has a law that works for you
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 17:34 回复 71楼 Dubs4life 的帖子 I never say I like Donald Trump,compared to democrats ideas i like republicans ideas and he is one that represents them,i just wanted to say that he was the previous president and we didn’t go to hell
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 17:34 回复 71楼 Dubs4life 的帖子 I never say I like Donald Trump,compared to democrats ideas i like republicans ideas and he is one that represents them,i just wanted to say that he was the previous president and we didn’t go to hell
天啊,他在位的时候我就是觉得我went to hell. 太煎熬了。要怎么没有自尊才能觉得那样可以啊?
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 22:17 You have 48 different states you can drive to to find a place that will handle your abortion plus Alaska and Hawaii just pick the state that has a law that works for you
And the point is…? it is totally ok for states like Alabama to consider abortion as illegal just because women can simply travel to other states to do it???!!! It’s your right to vote for whomever, but PLEASE don’t call yourself a feminist.
回复 145楼 lwhale 的帖子 I have kept saying I don’t like his some of his ideas ,there is always something more important than that,it’s just hard to explain it here
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 23:59 回复 145楼 lwhale 的帖子 I have kept saying I don’t like his some of his ideas ,there is always something more important than that,it’s just hard to explain it here
I respect your point of view. However, for me nothing is more important than what happened on 1/6. He has crossed the line.
回复 145楼 lwhale 的帖子 I have kept saying I don’t like his some of his ideas ,there is always something more important than that,it’s just hard to explain it here Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 23:59
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 21:06 Thank you for all your comments. I’m not a trump supporter,and I don’t like to talk about abortion because I think all babies are cute ; if I am going to just assume that trump would do something bad then I have the rights to go against him so do all of you,it’s just better than dealing with the Democrats. Democrats would just cause more problems for all of us.
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 23:59 回复 145楼 lwhale 的帖子 I have kept saying I don’t like his some of his ideas ,there is always something more important than that,it’s just hard to explain it here
haidafu 发表于 2024-07-25 20:58 气笑了! 人家质问川普你说的chinese virus, kong flu之类的racist言辞导致美国亚裔被攻击,你为什么还要反复说? 川普完全没有任何愧疚的说,this is not racist at all。意思是他还会没有精神负担的继续说。 这个视频证明川普就是个racist畜牲! 个人认为racist 是世界上最low最恶心的行为。华川粉支持一个racist畜牲,无语至极。
Fi088 发表于 2024-07-25 22:17 You have 48 different states you can drive to to find a place that will handle your abortion plus Alaska and Hawaii just pick the state that has a law that works for you
Politico reports that the president called "almost every student" from China a spy. President Trump characterized the vast majority of Chinese students in the U.S. as spies during a dinner Tuesday night with CEOs at his private golf club in New Jersey, according to a report in Politico.Aug 8, 2018
当时的YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl78PQGJpiI
你自己看了没有? 你管这叫道歉,真是怎么说呢,挺有勇气的。
在谷歌里搜索“scalia kidding yourself”, 就知道为啥说kidding yourself
是啊 美国三权鼎立的体质 和基督教传统 搞个人崇拜根本不可能
The constitution protects us from dictatorship
老川的主要问题 - 就是他的政策,口号,和相当一部分支持者以及他们的行为,在明显的鼓励煽动并提高那些右翼的排外势力与宗教势力(这二者常常有很大重合)的影响。
Compared to trump, democrats align more with values that feminist hold。楼主你提别的都算了,还是不要说自己是feminist,妇女连自己生育或不生育的权利都没有,已经不是女权的问题,是基本人权的问题。
佛州德州的禁止买房就target中国人 佛州不准中国博士进实验室也是target中国人 学术圈的witch hunt直接target 美籍华人,也没看蓝皮护照啊
哈哈 给楼上番茄点赞 这个楼主执意要秀英语, 但是连基本的标点符号和大写规则都没搞懂
赞, 真是打脸楼主
这是女拳师被黑的比较惨的一次, 顶着女权flag 挺疮…. 我勒个去
我们当然特别关注我们自己。我们不是在法院和老川打官司,也不是向美国大众宣传(如果是向美国大众宣传,那么反民主啊,独裁啊,倒是可以采取的方向之一),犯不着去说的那么高大上 -就直接谈他(实际上是他造成的影响)对我们的负面效果就是了。
他自己针对华人的行为:China initiative,这个直接针对的就是华人,楼主没听说过近年来的案例?这些案子的追查起诉报道,不光影响的是那些当事人,还明显酿造了一个“中国人/华人更有可能是间谍“的氛围。
其他的行为,具体就表现在:红州各种针对中国人买房的限制法案的通过 - 这个一方面增加对来自中国的人的仇视的氛围,另一方面也让排外的力量获得了胜利。还有就是各种宗教团体在这几年收获都不小,我不用一一去说了吧?
特别是时不时强调:“我们有法律的保护,而不是期待某个人” “我们都有阻止他的权利” - 这意思难道是:我知道他可能坏,但我们不怕,因为有伟大光荣正确的民主制度和法律保护我们呢!我们有骄傲的公民权利去阻止他呢!
很多人的错误是take rights for granted 包括公民权利,女性权利,黑人和白人上一个学校的权利 其实这些权利随时都是可以失去的 对任何威胁到这些权利的历史倒退都需要警惕 We need to fight for our rights.
搞得仿佛华人川粉有啥negotiation power 似的 这群渣子在橘子头rally 的地位, 也就是被人喷go back to China 的命
泥哥其实说的是泥土里面打滚的哥, 你跟黑人好好解释下 china man , 特指中国来的男人嘛 Chink 也不过是在针对站街女对吧
只要你趴的低, 这世界上就没有种族歧视?
气笑了! 人家质问川普你说的chinese virus, kong flu之类的racist言辞导致美国亚裔被攻击,你为什么还要反复说? 川普完全没有任何愧疚的说,this is not racist at all。意思是他还会没有精神负担的继续说。
这个视频证明川普就是个racist畜牲! 个人认为racist 是世界上最low最恶心的行为。华川粉支持一个racist畜牲,无语至极。
You don’t have to agree with abortion, but when you don’t agree that all women should have the right to abort because it’s their own body then you are not a true feminist. So don’t call yourself one. It is not true.
When you vote for trump, you are supporting him. Your vote is the support. So don’t say “ I am not a trump supporter”. It is not true.
你对于妇女权利的认识还是在 “all babies are cute”的阶段。。。
Trump had previously suggested he could support a 15-week federal ban with exceptions in the cases of incest, rape and when the life of the mother is in danger. However, his ultimate decision to punt the politically fraught issue to the states and not back a national ban was swiftly denounced by a major anti-abortion rights organization, which said his position did not go far enough
你既然不喜欢他,只是支持共和党的话 应该让川普下台 和拜登一样 换个人上来 那你支持的共和党估计就能赢了
I wish I had power
哦,所以你的表现就是发个帖子 给川普洗白白 然后喊票么? 口嫌体直么?
天啊,他在位的时候我就是觉得我went to hell. 太煎熬了。要怎么没有自尊才能觉得那样可以啊?
确实挺难的,竟然开了头,总觉得应该stand up for my ideas,但是我也觉得不想再吵
And the point is…? it is totally ok for states like Alabama to consider abortion as illegal just because women can simply travel to other states to do it???!!! It’s your right to vote for whomever, but PLEASE don’t call yourself a feminist.
I have kept saying I don’t like his some of his ideas ,there is always something more important than that,it’s just hard to explain it here
I respect your point of view. However, for me nothing is more important than what happened on 1/6. He has crossed the line.
Okay, please show me what is your political views I would like to learn
什么玩意?所以你的逻辑是川普再坏,人民有权利反对他,所以大家都会相安无事。但是民主党要是坏,同样的机制就不work, 所以不能让民主党上台?真够奇葩的,呵呵。
仅在几十年前 妇女和黑人都没有投票权 第一个能够和白人一起上学的黑人叫ruby bridge 她今年才69岁,1960年她是在警察的护送下入学的
绝对不能让racist上台,尤其是当你是被攻击被排挤的那一个种族。因为在这种情况下其他的政策好坏都跟你没关系了,除非你肉身不在美国。这道理很难懂? 政策的左右可以辩论投票,左派和右派可能都有好的政策,只要不极端就没问题。但是racist是到死都不会改的。
选一个多次叫嚣chinese virus事实上煽动了亚裔仇恨却从不认为自己做错的人,还是一个推动立法禁止chinese virus的人? 再加上policy2025,如果不是神棍,正常人都反对。
她表达出的就是这个逻辑。所以我前面说楼主有大概率是挖坑玩儿的 - 正常人很少见到这么胡扯的。
"泥土里面打滚的哥" - 这个太乐了。。。
川普这么会为民请命怎么才表演完一个任期就被踢出白宫了 历史重演是2016还是2020呀
应该说川粉的脑子就是这么自动黑白颠倒的,老川被法律和陪审团判有罪就是system corrupted是迫害,Hunter Biden被判刑就是justice,明明是同一套法律系统
拜老头老弱病残力不从心交给继承他衣钵的年轻人呀 川老头越老越邪性左脸被人民打过一遍还要伸右脸 们有些老年人就是顽固得要死 历史重演是2016还是2020也就几个月了
对于我们这种移民来的美国人 - 土生土长的美国人与我们当然不是一定处于对立 - 大家也有很多共同的愿望。
他们要的,爱好的,推崇的,去让他们同类人一起骄傲的(当然,也有其实不是他们的同类却也能自欺欺人的觉得骄傲)的,是那些他们自己号称的“传统” 而已。
哈哈哈哈, MAGA只会在后面鼓掌
加州还有多少川粉? 加油, 把他们气走
川普很直接, 之前说的“大多数中国留学生都是间谍”. 没见他出来否定?
可能川粉真不懂英语? 还是理解力有问题?
就这还女权? 连一般普信男的权利认知都不够吧?
“女性主义者没有三六九等。 只要自由自在地活着, 怎么样都可以。 ” “关键是不能糊弄自己。”
Politico reports that the president called "almost every student" from China a spy. President Trump characterized the vast majority of Chinese students in the U.S. as spies during a dinner Tuesday night with CEOs at his private golf club in New Jersey, according to a report in Politico.Aug 8, 2018
赞!只要自由自在地活着,怎么样都可以。 “关键是不能糊弄自己。”
比如,您要觉得只要是美国人,所以就不需要考虑族群的差别,只要“要选尊重美国宪法,支撑Law and Order,支持拥枪权的候选人” (大概就是MAGA啦?)就好了,这当然也是您的选择。
还有当别人说“床铺最尊重你: chinese virus!”,您的反驳就是:“你是不是不知道,入了美国籍,就是美国人了?” - 又更加体现了您对“是美国人”有更高的层次的理解 - 只要是美国人,就不会被川普的这种话攻击到喽。。。