回复 103楼 科罗伊 的帖子 Harris promoted the bail fund in June 2020 to help bail Black Lives Matter rioters out of jail, but only a fraction of the more than $41 million actually went to freeing rioters. Minneapolis-based FOX 9 reported that the fund spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to free an alleged knife murderer and a convicted rapist who was facing charges of sexual assault and kidnapping, among others. bail fund once backed by Vice President Kamala Harris during the 2020 presidential campaign that helped free violent criminals is back in the spotlight as the website appears to still be taking in donations. As of Monday night, the website was running and accepting payments.
海阔 发表于 2024-07-24 16:44 Kamela Harris was attorney general when Prop 47 passed. She wrote the title and summary of Prop 47 which misled the public. Prop 47 was called "Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act".
marytng 发表于 2024-07-24 14:05 心里挣扎,像哈里斯,牛森(以及他们的同僚们)这些能把一个完美的地方治理成现在这样,那以他们的治国理念,能把国家搞成什么样?跟SF一样么 What''s their success story? Is SF their best example for voters? 但是也许我miss掉了什么马工们看得到,而我们非马工或者不在加州则体会不到的方面,比如,despite SF现在乱糟糟的样子,因为科技的领先,还会再度成为世界的灯塔?能self correct, check and balance?
https://spectrumnews1.com/ca/la-west/politics/2024/07/23/how-harris--california-past-could-influence-future-presidential-priorities- "Proposition 47 is the 2014 ballot measure that reclassified certain non-violent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors. While Harris did not take a public stance on Proposition 47 when she was Attorney General, she was in charge of writing the title and summary. " https://www.yahoo.com/news/kamala-harris-record-prosecutor-california-080013544.html "As California's then attorney general, Harris and her office were responsible for writing up a summary of Proposition 47 to inform voters of its contents and intent. Dubbed the "Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act," the legislation lessened penalties for a variety of crimes – including making the theft of items with a total value of less than $950 a misdemeanor." "They changed sentencing to free criminals who should have been incarcerated and titled it with a misleading name," Castronovo noted. "But it actually made communities less safe."
https://spectrumnews1.com/ca/la-west/politics/2024/07/23/how-harris--california-past-could-influence-future-presidential-priorities- "Proposition 47 is the 2014 ballot measure that reclassified certain non-violent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors. While Harris did not take a public stance on Proposition 47 when she was Attorney General, she was in charge of writing the title and summary. " https://www.yahoo.com/news/kamala-harris-record-prosecutor-california-080013544.html "As California's then attorney general, Harris and her office were responsible for writing up a summary of Proposition 47 to inform voters of its contents and intent. Dubbed the "Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act," the legislation lessened penalties for a variety of crimes – including making the theft of items with a total value of less than $950 a misdemeanor." "They changed sentencing to free criminals who should have been incarcerated and titled it with a misleading name," Castronovo noted. "But it actually made communities less safe." 海阔 发表于 2024-07-25 02:36
满嘴跑火车的是你们吧。造谣教会。这是主党最擅长的伎俩 我们说的是官员vs官员 不要混淆概念 trump上台后签署了严惩恋童癖的法案 拜登上台后又改轻了。你大概也是个恋童癖 不然怎么那么喜欢炼铜癖的官员呢
Harris promoted the bail fund in June 2020 to help bail Black Lives Matter rioters out of jail, but only a fraction of the more than $41 million actually went to freeing rioters. Minneapolis-based FOX 9 reported that the fund spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to free an alleged knife murderer and a convicted rapist who was facing charges of sexual assault and kidnapping, among others. bail fund once backed by Vice President Kamala Harris during the 2020 presidential campaign that helped free violent criminals is back in the spotlight as the website appears to still be taking in donations. As of Monday night, the website was running and accepting payments.
我感觉极左都是一群反人类人格障碍患者。现在他们把恋童癖叫做被minor吸引的人 想把恋童癖加入LGBTQ合法化。还鼓吹吸毒变性犯罪
砸玻璃,抢劫,最多不去那里就行。 仇华暴民全国范围内开始活动,才是华人末日。
That's boloney.
因为是跟voting有关啊,需要自己说服自己either way。我从来没说过老川好,不知道为什么有人觉得我是川粉甚至Vance粉 以前少不经事的时候会毫不犹豫的选主党。但是每次看到主党的城市的样子,越来越难说服自己了。
又来了每个帖子复制黏贴贴不累么 Harris 既不是议员又不是起草者她是如何worte the title? Porp 47公投法案写的名称叫Criminal Sentences. Misdemeanor Penalties. Initiative Statute 什么叫misled?如果misled了,2020的prop 20 无论金额大小都要重罪的法案为啥又被公投否决了呢? 那能不能拜托加州人民努把力下次争取公投吧prop 47干掉。
一般都是共和党致富 民主党过来分财富
对啊,太极端了真的不好。要理性分析才有建设性。比如在美国不管是在所住的地方还是常去travel的地方,平时是担心被种族歧视迫害多,还是担心治安不好受到的伤害多。SF不仅担心种族歧视,更要担心治安,人身安全。而在其他比如红州的地方,没有担心过治安,到目前为止也没有受到严重的种族歧视。这样一比,SF的灯塔效应就比较难justify了。 只是举个理性分析的例子。
码公不在三番,都在San Jose
Take it easy. 物极必反。该烂就烂
新王openAI 各种AI总部都在SF
92年洛杉矶暴动了解下,你们右党皮特威尔森州长。“整起内乱造成各方约10亿美元的财产损失,并有63人于暴动中死亡,数千人受轻重伤,震惊全球。” 不知道历史整天肉眼肉眼的,找个眼科吧。
"Proposition 47 is the 2014 ballot measure that reclassified certain non-violent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors. While Harris did not take a public stance on Proposition 47 when she was Attorney General, she was in charge of writing the title and summary. "
"As California's then attorney general, Harris and her office were responsible for writing up a summary of Proposition 47 to inform voters of its contents and intent. Dubbed the "Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act," the legislation lessened penalties for a variety of crimes – including making the theft of items with a total value of less than $950 a misdemeanor." "They changed sentencing to free criminals who should have been incarcerated and titled it with a misleading name," Castronovo noted. "But it actually made communities less safe."
可真逗,Harris 负责的是公投的名字和summery 叫给Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act起名叫Criminal Sentences, Misdemeanor Penalties, Initiave Statue, 以及写Summry. 你是不知道这个法案有两个名字吧?就这么移花接木,张冠李戴,张口就来
川粉估计有群, 天天在商量对策,哈哈哈
右派? 还讲law and order吗? 哈哈哈, 😂 ,选举输了就搞政变.
纵观全球,凡是靠海的地方都是发达的地方。 砸车这种东西都是暂时的,要改也就是一夜之间。 问题是要等合适的人来做。
说的很有道理, 一针见血
十年前是州长Jerry Brown执政的时候,他没有national ambition所以在职时Veto了一堆堆极左的提案。我不觉得时间前旧金山的美好是贺锦丽的功劳,但当时她的确不算极左。不过贺锦丽没有领导力,没法领导有能力的下属,所以她的班子应该好不了。