youyouzou 发表于 2024-07-24 16:29 这妈妈看来有病。用这个方式让爸爸花钱。 Mental unstable, 不是先找 psychologist 疏导,然后psychologist决定是否 refer to a psychiatrist 吗?
都跟警察说了“I don’t feel safe with her right there, she abused me, hurt me”,没人理睬,仍然坚持把你交给她。一会跟你说你underage,不能make a decision,你的decision不算数;一会跟你说这都是你的decision,回头法官把你从父母身边都拿走,都因为你自己。 精神不分裂也得给整分裂了啊,一个15岁小孩在这种环境下,精神怎么stable得了
这个女孩很勇敢。如果第一个开门的是她爸, 并且没有录像很可能他爸已经翘辫子了。 @dalaimama3781 13 hours ago The young man was well spoken
@emilleung4477 9 hours ago To add to my story, my daughter was ordered to see a psychiatrist because her mother claimed that she is mentally unstable. I paid $1500 per month to the court appointed psychiatrist for 3 years that I had to pay for. My daughter Allison was traumatized by this crazy court ordered until today. I wish more people will speak up regarding how poor is the family court system. So many good people are hurt everyday by it.
@noISAIDutubeit 12 hours ago I want to kno who the first judge was. Who allows this monster to clearly manipulate the system?
@skatingcanuck9837 17 hours ago The scariest thing about this case is the system let Annie Chao buy custody of her own child away from her loving Dad. TEAM ALISON!
@Runner8617 13 hours ago The smartest thing the kid did was videotape her interaction with the police! Otherwise no one would believe her and still be on her mom''s side.
这妈妈看来有病。用这个方式让爸爸花钱。 Mental unstable, 不是先找 psychologist 疏导,然后psychologist决定是否 refer to a psychiatrist 吗?
" @woki-toki3988 11 hours ago (edited) The cop trying over and over to manipulate her into opening her door when he clearly doesnt have a warrant to do it himself is just .... unprofessional at best not to mention grossly unethical. And then claiming she is at fault should she be taken from her two parents. No, officer, a judge would not order "removal from both parents" because it is what the child "wants," as you tell Alison; a judge would order such removal because they have deemed both parents unfit. How dare you imply--directly to the child at risk, no less--that this outcome, of being orphaned, is a result of her own desire. Show less "
baidukaohe333 发表于 2024-07-23 16:14 " @woki-toki3988 11 hours ago (edited) The cop trying over and over to manipulate her into opening her door when he clearly doesnt have a warrant to do it himself is just .... unprofessional at best not to mention grossly unethical. And then claiming she is at fault should she be taken from her two parents. No, officer, a judge would not order "removal from both parents" because it is what the child "wants," as you tell Alison; a judge would order such removal because they have deemed both parents unfit. How dare you imply--directly to the child at risk, no less--that this outcome, of being orphaned, is a result of her own desire. Show less "
THAT "Mom" is guilty of so called "removing her (Alison) from both parents". To me that MOM is COLD bloody beast. South CA people should be well aware of this woman. 找到了,真好! Check out one comment from the Yahoo! The mom was playing dumb the whole time. She had the cops show up to institutionalize her the day before. Google "Missing: Alison Chao''s mom Annie Chao tries to have Alison committed 1 day before Alison disappeared"
这个女孩很勇敢。如果第一个开门的是她爸, 并且没有录像很可能他爸已经翘辫子了。 @dalaimama3781 13 hours ago The young man was well spoken
@emilleung4477 9 hours ago To add to my story, my daughter was ordered to see a psychiatrist because her mother claimed that she is mentally unstable. I paid $1500 per month to the court appointed psychiatrist for 3 years that I had to pay for. My daughter Allison was traumatized by this crazy court ordered until today. I wish more people will speak up regarding how poor is the family court system. So many good people are hurt everyday by it.
@noISAIDutubeit 12 hours ago I want to kno who the first judge was. Who allows this monster to clearly manipulate the system?
@skatingcanuck9837 17 hours ago The scariest thing about this case is the system let Annie Chao buy custody of her own child away from her loving Dad. TEAM ALISON!
@Runner8617 13 hours ago The smartest thing the kid did was videotape her interaction with the police! Otherwise no one would believe her and still be on her mom''s side.
据报是 孩子本人录的视频
Missing: Alison Chao''''s mom Annie Chao tries to have Alison committed 1 day before Alison disappeared
🔥 最新回帖
都跟警察说了“I don’t feel safe with her right there, she abused me, hurt me”,没人理睬,仍然坚持把你交给她。一会跟你说你underage,不能make a decision,你的decision不算数;一会跟你说这都是你的decision,回头法官把你从父母身边都拿走,都因为你自己。 精神不分裂也得给整分裂了啊,一个15岁小孩在这种环境下,精神怎么stable得了
啊?那我有些想当然了,还以为华人的姓中没有Chao 这个拼法呢。谢谢
Mental unstable, 不是先找 psychologist 疏导,然后psychologist决定是否 refer to a psychiatrist 吗?
在加州,我知道的除非报警孩子处在危险中,警察不会来执行家庭法庭的court order. 有次朋友很生气,她告诉我,约好交换孩子的时间父亲没有带孩子没有show up,她打了警察电话也没用。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
似乎圣地亚哥李艳被杀后, 黄皮男更难对付了。
不起诉以后警察不好做工作了,, 绑架罪
The cop trying over and over to manipulate her into opening her door when he clearly doesnt have a warrant to do it himself is just .... unprofessional at best not to mention grossly unethical. And then claiming she is at fault should she be taken from her two parents. No, officer, a judge would not order "removal from both parents" because it is what the child "wants," as you tell Alison; a judge would order such removal because they have deemed both parents unfit. How dare you imply--directly to the child at risk, no less--that this outcome, of being orphaned, is a result of her own desire. Show less "
估计问爸爸了, 爸爸说没有来。。。。 就狗血了。。 打官司哪里那么容易的。 这个老爹够聪明的, 没有被击毙, 打官司还不是输给黑心华人大妈了。
这个妈要把小孩送到精神病院去,还对媒体撒谎。我宁愿相信小孩和这个爹。最好孩子顺利run away平安。
你懂不懂, 这个警察算不错的了。
我家娃被医院扣着, 电话法庭, 我们请的律师连说话的机会都没有。
法官就让黑心医生一个劲儿说谎, 别人根本没有发言机会。
几分钟就结案了。 最后律师说反正隔几天也就出来了, 算了。
Chao 估计是姓赵吧?
我遇到过美国小学副校长, 白女, 比这群警察要恶毒多了, 92130。
其实大部分美国警察处理一般民事态度还是非常好的。你好好配合说话, 应该还是很帮忙的。 这个可能有court order。。 所以警察开始就是走程序, 应该是被法官坑了。
没看完,看不下去了。这警察是个bully。跟San Diego被打死那个国女一样。这个女孩很聪明啊,坚持不出去而且录音。
为啥? 你可以起诉啊。 美帝它妈的作恶的多了 人家只会灭口
二代学会了美帝 Bitchy
真他妈的邪恶。。 我曾经跟社工直接说, 明天我就辞工作, 你们拿不到保险的钱 该护士说, 根本不需要走保险, 我们有州的资金。。
Check out one comment from the Yahoo! The mom was playing dumb the whole time. She had the cops show up to institutionalize her the day before. Google "Missing: Alison Chao''s mom Annie Chao tries to have Alison committed 1 day before Alison disappeared"
那个video我也看了,下面的评论有一个人当时就说这个妈妈的表情和动作不能add up,很可疑
医院社工一样。 都是工作需要
警察是按family court 的order 来执行命令。
别一面之词了。去youtube上看看。 她同学都说,一年到头,每天接送她的都是她爸。他妈一年出现两三次。
现在的人都是假设妈妈是best hands。可是现实中,妈妈又懒又坏又蠢的太多了。
似乎孩子已经被警察抓了 如果我理解正确
我读博士的老板是台湾人,姓Chao, 中文是 赵。
为什么被医院扣着了,想起我家娃小的时候 ,有一次早上起来生长痛 ,孩子说腿不能动了 我们当时也不懂 吓得带孩子去了Emergency,在孩子没开始检查之前 我联系了我的家庭医生,他觉得孩子应该是生长疼 他让我带孩子其他那里看 不要在emergency了,这个当时那个东南亚裔长相的男医生不让我们离开,要求我们必须把所有的骨科检查 血液 检查都做了,我的家庭医生中途打电话给我说那个医生怀疑我们虐童,太扯了 然后看完了什么都没看出来 结果这个医生还是没放过我们 ,叫了另外一个儿童医院的担架把我们接到那个儿童医院又重新做了一遍相应的检查 ,后来我儿子自己站起来了就是生长痛 但是后来两家医院寄来了4000刀的账单 ,我们当时保险很好的 但是自付了4000多刀 那个医生太缺德了
民国时候的赵啊,Elaine Chao听说过吧,有名的赵家人啊。
这律师是court 指派的和court是一伙的,自然不会说court 错判。
法院把监护权full custody 判给妈了, 这娃宁可谁都不跟也不愿跟这个妈,足以说明问题了
确实 她好不容易到了电视台 又不给她说话的机会
,妈妈肯定不正常,但这个爸爸绝对不无辜。大家都怕Covid, 但是到现在了还不让回学校,不让社交,大人都受不了何况孩子。我找不到原来爆料的同学帖子,都删除了
我家也不懂 我们专门从华盛顿州开车到DC 到了各大媒体的总部门口都找不到一个人愿意听 还见到了班农,他说他的小报决定不报
基本上涉及医疗和警察 媒体都是秒拒,不报的。
所以美国被搞死的人不知道有多少。 所谓的每年25万的avoidable medical errors 死的肯定绝大多数都是故意谋杀。
她爸没有办法把 孩子已经被抓走了
我是说离家出走之前,之前她最好的朋友在小红书发了很多找她的文章,这个好朋友也是15岁孩子很诚实,很多人英文问的问题她都回答了,因为中文可能不太会。这家爸爸从疫情开始一直到现在都不同意孩子回学校上课,这么多年一直网课,而且爸爸不让她和同学社交,因为怕Covid ,所以她失去了很多朋友。谁都怕Covid, 但是一直把孩子关家里上网课也太偏激了。但是我刚回到那个账号发现所有贴子都清空了
“这个爸爸绝对不无辜” I don't think so。他爸平时口罩也不戴,他对covid怕个屁? 这个孩子可能有点mental问题,他爸没办法才网校。视频中他提到几次“他也不知道怎么办”。 这件事本来大人忍忍,过几年长大了,脑子清醒了,就消停了。现在闹的全城皆知,not fucking good。
这个爸爸平时不戴口罩你怎么知道的?你是认识他们吗?我只是看到了她好朋友的回答,她跟她的好朋友说的她不能去学校在家网课的原因。她的爸爸有健康问题,所以觉得Covid 会kill 他们。当然现在账户被清空了这个回复也没有了。
abuse不一定,愚蠢是一定的。这就是脑子坏掉了,自己handle不了,觉的别人可以handle?蠢货。 家丑不可外扬!不是面子的事,而是外扬了后你控制不了了,事情会越来越坏。本来花三分钱能解决的问题,现在花3万也解决不了。
你到底知道多少,什么是最好的朋友? 新闻发布会说是他爸爸总是接送, 学校反应很少见到妈妈。 是个白人小男孩新闻发布会说的。
拉进去, 就是新闻发布会。
这个女孩很勇敢。 如果第一个开门的是她爸, 并且没有录像 很可能他爸已经翘辫子了。
@dalaimama3781 13 hours ago The young man was well spoken
@emilleung4477 9 hours ago To add to my story, my daughter was ordered to see a psychiatrist because her mother claimed that she is mentally unstable. I paid $1500 per month to the court appointed psychiatrist for 3 years that I had to pay for. My daughter Allison was traumatized by this crazy court ordered until today. I wish more people will speak up regarding how poor is the family court system. So many good people are hurt everyday by it.
@noISAIDutubeit 12 hours ago I want to kno who the first judge was. Who allows this monster to clearly manipulate the system?
@skatingcanuck9837 17 hours ago The scariest thing about this case is the system let Annie Chao buy custody of her own child away from her loving Dad. TEAM ALISON!
@Runner8617 13 hours ago The smartest thing the kid did was videotape her interaction with the police! Otherwise no one would believe her and still be on her mom''s side.
这世界上有很多“蠢”母亲不能handle 逆反teenager,华人上也是常常看到。 就现有的data看,这女孩是被父亲控制了:只许上网课,不许交朋友,离家出走。 离婚的父母一般都尽量善待孩子,甚至会更好的对待孩子。但是也不排除有些人会利用孩子报复对方。
我看了小红书她好朋友的账号,从她一开始失踪一直帮助和周围的社区组织找人。一直在账号里更新他们和社区一起找人的记录和需要寻求的帮助。她帐号已经注销了。说他父亲基础病怕Covid 会kill 他们所以要求她到现在一直网课之类的话我没有截图找不到了。但是我之前和朋友讨论有截过一个她父亲从Covid 后不让她出门了
OMG re这个小学校长,我家娃也经历过自己在家的时候被无良校长打电话叫警察上门的惊魂时刻。这个校长是个白墨,看见华人家长就眼睛长到后脑勺趾高气昂,看到白人家长就贴上去谄媚的很,太恶心了🤮