回复 1楼 Simpson2020 的帖子 "Democrats now have a chance for a fresh new start, and while some elected leaders and party officials make their endorsements, there are still more than four weeks before the party's more than 4,000 delegates convene in Chicago," Bloomberg said. "That is more than enough time for the party to take the pulse of voters, especially in battleground states, to determine who is best positioned to win in November and lead the country over the next four years," he added. "We don't need a resolution right away, but we do need to get it right. The decision is too important to rush, because the election is too important to lose."
Simpson2020 发表于 2024-07-22 21:59 回复 1楼 Simpson2020 的帖子 "Democrats now have a chance for a fresh new start, and while some elected leaders and party officials make their endorsements, there are still more than four weeks before the party's more than 4,000 delegates convene in Chicago," Bloomberg said. "That is more than enough time for the party to take the pulse of voters, especially in battleground states, to determine who is best positioned to win in November and lead the country over the next four years," he added. "We don't need a resolution right away, but we do need to get it right. The decision is too important to rush, because the election is too important to lose."
回复 22楼 黑十三娘 的帖子 Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick, said in 2021 that Vice President Kamala Harris is one of the “childless cat ladies” who is “miserable” with her life and has no direct stake in America because she is not a mom. Trump这个VP真是够烂的。。
两党的背后金主: 全球化金融/新型产业资本家 (猪党背后金主), 国际军工复合体巨头,传统产业巨头 (狗屁党金主), 轮流坐庄的前提是朝三暮四,总在某个时刻让屁民有个盼头。
现在的问题是, 中印这种第三世界国家要每天吃三顿饭了, 于是美国屁民 朝三暮四做不到了,总共只有俩枣了! 这种情况下美国国内阶层矛盾首先在选举政治上体现 -- 这本身就是个设计好的出气筒。 但问题是, 光出出气没用! 咱美利坚的苦日子还在后面。。。。 想翻盘只有战争。。 继续确保地球上别人都每天只吃一顿饭两顿饭。。。。 省下来的剩余价值供应美利坚
我觉得小黄人这个称呼非常恶心, 楼主很恶。 楼主是不是称呼自己全家都是搅屎棍?
DEI 多数情况下不包括华人, 还把华人视为现在间谍。。。当然是不平等。。
猪党爱的是罪犯, 狗屁党爱的是富豪。。。。。。
Harris起中文名子是因为在加州黑人只占5% , 亚裔占15%, 她是为了争取华人选票而已。。。Trump天天喊ChinaVirus确实可恶, 咱们华人应该让他知道,他再这样说就拿不到华人得选票和捐助。。。
2,无论在不在摇摆州,都要去投票,有利于族裔统计的vote count。如果不喜欢任何候选人,可以手写自家猫狗的名字。
"Democrats now have a chance for a fresh new start, and while some elected leaders and party officials make their endorsements, there are still more than four weeks before the party's more than 4,000 delegates convene in Chicago," Bloomberg said. "That is more than enough time for the party to take the pulse of voters, especially in battleground states, to determine who is best positioned to win in November and lead the country over the next four years," he added. "We don't need a resolution right away, but we do need to get it right. The decision is too important to rush, because the election is too important to lose."
目前做不到所谓团结, 同床异梦也没必要团结。
他显然已经知道, 然后他用实际行动告诉我们, 他doesn’t fking care.
川党的策略是牺牲选票覆盖率换取特定人群选票热情(深度), 华人不在他盘子里面, 是块丢出去给红脖子撕咬的耗材肉
我记得猪党调调不是投第三方都不行吗 咋的 没统一?
华人只是竞选时的提款机, 实际沦为两党的弃儿。。。
地主儿子回答说: “那就减轻牛的工作量。提高猪的待遇,改善泔水的营养。扩建鸡舍、改变鸡的生存环境。”
地主听了儿子的回答对儿子说: “全都错了,你应该告诉这些家畜,外边有狼,离开这里你们会有生命危险的,这样它们还会老老实实的在这里(牛)继续干活,(猪)继续长肉,(鸡)继续下蛋。”
民主党open border造成1800万非法移民进入美国,拉低美国人民的生活水平,造成犯罪率急剧飙升,还有增加美国纳税人的负担,民主党搞LGBTQ,搞得下一代对自己性别糊涂,民主党搞大麻合法化,毒害下一代。
Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick, said in 2021 that Vice President Kamala Harris is one of the “childless cat ladies” who is “miserable” with her life and has no direct stake in America because she is not a mom.
Vance also argued in the interview that people without children don't have a "direct stake" in the future of this country.
这句话需要修改一点,“谁会让美国的华裔更好”。 光美国更好是不够的,希特勒当年也是要德国更好的
自从几年前我身边有朋友的孩子被同学叫Chinese virus后,我就绝对不会投trump。这是会直接危害我们安全的疯子,这是底线。