Europeans can be in amazing shape & live to 100+ while: • Eating carbs 24/7• Rarely going to the gym• Drinking alcohol every day But when Americans do it? They become obese & get sick. To show you I''m not just making this up... Look at the chart below of the Obesity rates between Europe & America. It''s a night & day difference. Obesity rates in America: 42%. Obesity rates in Europe: 17%. That''s about a 2.5x increase. But why is this the case? Well...
1. Food quality. Looks start with what I consider to be one of the most drastic differences: What''s IN both American foods & European foods. Let''s start with the American diet: The United States is the leading country in ultra-processed food consumption. Ultra-processed foods account for about 60% of the total daily caloric intake for Americans. This is because so much of the food in America is processed.
Even the things that don''t NEED to be... Like pastas, breads, whole grains, etc. Are all filled with harmful chemicals, a ton of sugar & cheap calories. So when Americans eat these foods? They gain weight, get diseases like diabetes & cancer, & destroy their bodies. Whereas in Europe... They''re eating these same exact foods. The only difference? These foods are being made from scratch with natural ingredients. They aren''t getting filled with 100s of preservatives & additives. Which makes them not only less calories... This is even shown with the alcohol they drink. In cities like Italy, they drink alcohol almost daily. The biggest difference? They''re drinking local wines that aren''t filled with sugar/calories.
2. The new smoking. Although the food quality is a major part of why Europeans can eat the same/more but gain less weight... Activity levels also play a huge role in it as well. You''ll rarely find people in places like Italy & Spain: • Sitting all-day • Driving everywhere • Hunched over a desk working Instead... They''re walking around the city to visit family & friends, out working in the garden/on the farm, walking to the markets/shops, etc. Why does this matter? Because sitting is the new smoking. & a sedentary lifestyle is the norm for people in America. This means that Americans sitting around all day & getting < 5000 steps a day is a huge contributor to why obesity rates are so high.
It's a big part of why Europeans can eat a ton of carbs & not go to the gym... But still stay skinny. They simply walk way more than Americans & burn more calories that way. Walking everywhere daily > going to the gym 3x a week & sitting on the couch the rest of the time.
矛盾什么啊, 一看就死犟大妈,一点数据不看,一点现实不清。 健身房和医生怎么说,就跟着盲从。 那都是生意经, 说人肌肉不够,那暗指的是肌肉不足支撑你overweight或者肥胖的身材的!不好意思说一个人胖,只好说你肌肉不够。 完全是本末倒置。 Just walk, and walk a lot, enough for 99%
就用负重背心,手腕脚腕负重,然后做家务散步行吗? 买多重合适?
简单来说只用weighted vest强度不够。 如果是老人已经出现骨质疏松,那么背心是很安全有效的办法来恢复骨密度。时间需要好几个月,不是一两天。 另外,如果有受伤、在恢复期,背心可以有作用。比如手有伤在恢复,不适合用大重量,穿背心一定程度上能辅助锻炼。
但不要因为大家都说不够就不穿了。最好的运动是你能坚持的运动。所有教练都会跟你说:consistency trumps intensity. 也许你穿一段时间会扩展到其他负重运动。比如穿着去爬山是很好的锻炼,同时锻炼心肺和力量。
欧洲人基本上不上gym,不去健身房,但吃的高糖高脂的食物也不少,但你看看身材为什么这么好? 就是因为散步走路多。
人不能没肌肉, 但不需要太多肌肉,太多肌肉对整体健康没啥明显好处,反而会降低身体技能的协调性和柔韧性。
真的是,女的一过更年期,各种骨质疏松之类的断崖式变化。 都不可太可逆。 现在练,已经很晚了,但比过十年练,肯定要好的朵。
一辈子给孩子补课各种班花了很多钱,自己身上舍不得。 老了都会有各种病痛,当做看病费用吧。
我觉得还是要找私教, 长期没运动健身习惯的,动作不标准,容易受伤。 抗阻训练,要慢慢加重,自己弄,不容易弄好。
我上过Gym课Barre和rhythm ride,一个是把芭蕾和力量训练结合的,一个是骑车和举重结合的,都不错
“”我不想像施瓦辛格那样一身肌肉!“” “”放心,你永远不会的!“”
你肯定没明白在说什么。动不动说老年人肌肉少,肌肉少的都是民科。 老年人活动少,自然肌肉少,用进废退。 你维持健康,也不需要什么太多肌肉, 你看看欧洲老人健康指数不就行了吗? 人家基本上不去健身房,一辈子都不去健身房的。吃的健康,走路多, 自然就够了。 你看看国内天天公园遛弯走好几里路的老头老太太, 都健康的很, 身上没多余的脂肪,更没多余的肌肉。
那是因为人类已经寿命太长了,现在在考虑如何提升老年人的生活质量,在自然界中这个年龄段早就死了 在原始社会,自然环境中人类的平均寿命有个30多岁就可以了,12岁到15岁左右性成熟,20岁之前完成繁衍任务,30岁完成养育下一代的任务,就足够了 既然我们靠各种方法大大延长了我们的寿命,那么多花一些精力在提高老年生活的生活质量上也是理所应当的 如果要防止肌肉流失,抗阻性运动确实效果最好,家务劳动里如果有很多GARDEN WORK或许也可以 就是烧饭打扫卫生啥的,怎么负重都不可能达到效果 尤其是单一的非系统性的活动,不可能把所有的肌肉群都调动起来,那么可能做完家务你真的觉得很累,但是身上还是很多肌肉群根本没用上 我前些天户外跑步的时候还看到一个中年男人一看就是常年跑步的,腿还比较强壮,上半身瘦得跟个骷髅似的。健身房里也一直能看到有些人只练上半身不练腿,头重脚轻 就算是长期运动,如果训练得不全面都可能造成这样的后果。系统性的抗阻运动,科学的训练计划,可以在最短的时间内达到你想要的锻炼效果(不丢失肌肉,一周2到3次举铁,每次半个小时左右都足够了),比你大费周章的去穿什么负重背心吭哧吭哧的每天有几个小时都很不舒服的做家务,效率高多了。
一般人以为举铁是为了健美长肌肉, 这也是一个方面,没意识到年纪大了,抗阻训练对骨骼关节平衡性的保护。
别只听美国有些广告里怎么说,你就怎么信了,好不好???? 让人吃垃圾快餐,多开车,长胖, 再推健身房减肥药这锻炼那锻炼, 然后各种保健品,然后就运动伤害等等各种保健医生, 这是一条龙的生意。
• Eating carbs 24/7 • Rarely going to the gym • Drinking alcohol every day
But when Americans do it?
They become obese & get sick.
To show you I''m not just making this up...
Look at the chart below of the Obesity rates between Europe & America.
It''s a night & day difference.
Obesity rates in America: 42%.
Obesity rates in Europe: 17%.
That''s about a 2.5x increase.
But why is this the case?
1. Food quality.
Looks start with what I consider to be one of the most drastic differences:
What''s IN both American foods & European foods.
Let''s start with the American diet:
The United States is the leading country in ultra-processed food consumption.
Ultra-processed foods account for about 60% of the total daily caloric intake for Americans.
This is because so much of the food in America is processed.
Even the things that don''t NEED to be... Like pastas, breads, whole grains, etc.
Are all filled with harmful chemicals, a ton of sugar & cheap calories.
So when Americans eat these foods?
They gain weight, get diseases like diabetes & cancer, & destroy their bodies.
Whereas in Europe...
They''re eating these same exact foods.
The only difference?
These foods are being made from scratch with natural ingredients.
They aren''t getting filled with 100s of preservatives & additives.
Which makes them not only less calories...
This is even shown with the alcohol they drink.
In cities like Italy, they drink alcohol almost daily.
The biggest difference?
They''re drinking local wines that aren''t filled with sugar/calories.
2. The new smoking.
Although the food quality is a major part of why Europeans can eat the same/more but gain less weight...
Activity levels also play a huge role in it as well.
You''ll rarely find people in places like Italy & Spain:
• Sitting all-day • Driving everywhere • Hunched over a desk working
They''re walking around the city to visit family & friends, out working in the garden/on the farm, walking to the markets/shops, etc.
Why does this matter? Because sitting is the new smoking.
& a sedentary lifestyle is the norm for people in America.
This means that Americans sitting around all day & getting < 5000 steps a day is a huge contributor to why obesity rates are so high.
But still stay skinny.
They simply walk way more than Americans & burn more calories that way.
Walking everywhere daily > going to the gym 3x a week & sitting on the couch the rest of the time.
健康指数有许多因素的吧。 这里只是讨论抗阻训练的益处。
矛盾什么啊, 一看就死犟大妈,一点数据不看,一点现实不清。 健身房和医生怎么说,就跟着盲从。 那都是生意经, 说人肌肉不够,那暗指的是肌肉不足支撑你overweight或者肥胖的身材的!不好意思说一个人胖,只好说你肌肉不够。 完全是本末倒置。
Just walk, and walk a lot, enough for 99%
这就是没太多锻炼时间,只能做最基本的四个大肌肉群, 胸,大腿,肩膀,背部。