gokgs 发表于 2024-07-13 12:46 小扎有 common sense, 当时 twitter 也把 川疯子给 ban 了, 没什么问题。 现在解封, 也有道理吧。
To be honest, who cares if he unban Trump or not. He has no right to control other people's right of free speech simply because he doen't like and agree, plain and simple. That's what democrats called dictatorship. It's laughable when democrats called Trump like Hiltler. Did you ever see dictator being banned from speech....this is common sense.
monofaye 发表于 2024-07-13 13:05 To be honest, who cares if he unban Trump or not. He has no right to control other people's right of free speech simply because he doen't like and agree, plain and simple. That's what democrats called dictatorship. It's laughable when democrats called Trump like Hiltler. Did you ever see dictator being banned from speech....this is common sense.
Democrats are hypocrite. they claim that they're fighting to preserve democracy, but they destroy the democracy along the way instead. They also accuse opponents for exactly the same things they are actually doing, very deveiving, LOL
monofaye 发表于 2024-07-13 13:05 To be honest, who cares if he unban Trump or not. He has no right to control other people's right of free speech simply because he doen't like and agree, plain and simple. That's what democrats called dictatorship. It's laughable when democrats called Trump like Hiltler. Did you ever see dictator being banned from speech....this is common sense.
monofaye 发表于 2024-07-13 13:05 To be honest, who cares if he unban Trump or not. He has no right to control other people's right of free speech simply because he doen't like and agree, plain and simple. That's what democrats called dictatorship. It's laughable when democrats called Trump like Hiltler. Did you ever see dictator being banned from speech....this is common sense.
回复 12楼 monofaye 的帖子 Before Hitler become a dictator, he was not only banned from speech, but also sentenced to five years in prison, that's common sense. Wannabe dictator couldn't do whatever he want, that's why he wanna be a dictator.
小扎有 common sense, 当时 twitter 也把 川疯子给 ban 了, 没什么问题。
现在解封, 也有道理吧。
To be honest, who cares if he unban Trump or not. He has no right to control other people's right of free speech simply because he doen't like and agree, plain and simple. That's what democrats called dictatorship.
It's laughable when democrats called Trump like Hiltler. Did you ever see dictator being banned from speech....this is common sense.
They also accuse opponents for exactly the same things they are actually doing, very deveiving, LOL
小扎是个有责任心的人, 这点跟马斯克不一样,马斯克的X 只要不违法就可以,标准太 low, 人品也很 low.
川普人品当然 low. Ban 他一点儿问题都没有。
党一向单标 对于自己好的都是对的
很多左B就是这么的low而不自知还理直气壮的 LOL
我有基本的 common sense 就够了, 川普刚说大选舞弊的时候, 我就断言这家伙肯定是胡说八道, 果然川普的官司没有一个是不被扔出来的, 智商差别太大了, 你老洗洗睡吧。
跟你辩论, 丢不起人。 哈哈
给你普及一个基本常识, 言论自由并不等于信口雌黄, 胡说八道, 懂不?
你赢了。 哈哈
赢什么呢,从奥8开始,猪党把美国搞得乌烟瘴气是非都颠倒了,commen sense都没了,大家都没好日子过,有什么可赢
川粉暴跳那个楼, 不少川粉居然开始玩decency, 绿茶般的控诉参与讨论的反川人士“说话没有人性”
卧槽, 尴尬死了 川普和川粉是这世界上离decency 最远的一群人渣
高级法院通过了 当总统和当皇帝一样
Before Hitler become a dictator, he was not only banned from speech, but also sentenced to five years in prison, that's common sense. Wannabe dictator couldn't do whatever he want, that's why he wanna be a dictator.
川普的意思是:我就是law,我就是order,我的一切行为都是在执行law and order。