回复 2楼 gewfw 的帖子 Tao did not disclose on a form he filled out for Kansas in 2019 that he was named to a Chinese talent program, the Changjiang Professorship. He traveled to China to set up a laboratory and recruit staff for Fuzhou University, while telling Kansas officials that he was in Germany. In announcing the sentence, Robinson said prosecutors had presented no evidence during the trial that Tao received any money for his work in China, which is required for a wire fraud conviction. Rather, the evidence showed that Tao continued fulfilling his duties to the University of Kansas while in China by working 70-hour weeks and pushing his students at Kansas to do the same. And she noted he was doing fundamental research that is freely shared across the scientific community. Tao教授确实高尚,是"长江学者",却分文不拿!
这几个也是川普的计划? Chenguang Gong In February 2024, Chenguang Gong, 57, of San Jose, California, was arrested on federal charges alleging he stole trade secret technologies developed for use by the United States government to detect nuclear missile launches and to track ballistic and hypersonic missiles. Gong is a former engineer at a Southern California company. Linwei Ding On March 6, 2024, a federal grand jury indicted Linwei Ding, aka Leon Ding, charging him with four counts of theft of trade secrets in connection with an alleged plan to steal from Google LLC (Google) proprietary information related to artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Ding, 38, a national of the People's Republic of China and resident of Newark, California, transferred sensitive Google trade secrets and other confidential information from Google's network to his personal account while secretly affiliating himself with PRC-based companies in the AI industry Xudong Yao Xudong Yao, also known as "William Yao", 57, is a naturalized United States Citizen wanted for his alleged involvement in the theft of proprietary information from a locomotive manufacturer in Chicago, Illinois.[1] Yao is currently at large and believed to be residing in China.[2] On November 18, 2015, Yao traveled from China to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. At the time, he had in his possession the stolen trade secret information, including nine complete copies of the suburban Chicago company's control system source code and the systems specifications that explained how the code worked, the federal indictment states.[3] Yao is charged with nine counts of theft of electronic files.
这个是选谁的原因? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/wrongfully-accused-spying-china-professor-wins-appeal-sue-government-rcna86109 Xiaoxing Xi, a Temple University professor who was falsely accused of spying for China, will be able to bring a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A judge at a federal appeals court ruled in favor of Xi on Wednesday, allowing the physicist to move forward with his case against the U.S. government for wrongful prosecution and violating his family’s constitutional rights by engaging in unlawful search, seizure and surveillance.
The decision comes after FBI agents swarmed Xi’s Philadelphia home in 2015, rounded up his family at gunpoint, and arrested him on fraud charges related to economic espionage, before abruptly dropping the charges months afterward
verylucky 发表于 2024-07-12 01:28 回复 2楼 gewfw 的帖子 Tao did not disclose on a form he filled out for Kansas in 2019 that he was named to a Chinese talent program, the Changjiang Professorship. He traveled to China to set up a laboratory and recruit staff for Fuzhou University, while telling Kansas officials that he was in Germany. In announcing the sentence, Robinson said prosecutors had presented no evidence during the trial that Tao received any money for his work in China, which is required for a wire fraud conviction. Rather, the evidence showed that Tao continued fulfilling his duties to the University of Kansas while in China by working 70-hour weeks and pushing his students at Kansas to do the same. And she noted he was doing fundamental research that is freely shared across the scientific community. Tao教授确实高尚,是"长江学者",却分文不拿!
verylucky 发表于 2024-07-12 01:28 回复 2楼 gewfw 的帖子 Tao did not disclose on a form he filled out for Kansas in 2019 that he was named to a Chinese talent program, the Changjiang Professorship. He traveled to China to set up a laboratory and recruit staff for Fuzhou University, while telling Kansas officials that he was in Germany. In announcing the sentence, Robinson said prosecutors had presented no evidence during the trial that Tao received any money for his work in China, which is required for a wire fraud conviction. Rather, the evidence showed that Tao continued fulfilling his duties to the University of Kansas while in China by working 70-hour weeks and pushing his students at Kansas to do the same. And she noted he was doing fundamental research that is freely shared across the scientific community. Tao教授确实高尚,是"长江学者",却分文不拿!
verylucky 发表于 2024-07-12 01:28 回复 2楼 gewfw 的帖子 Tao did not disclose on a form he filled out for Kansas in 2019 that he was named to a Chinese talent program, the Changjiang Professorship. He traveled to China to set up a laboratory and recruit staff for Fuzhou University, while telling Kansas officials that he was in Germany. In announcing the sentence, Robinson said prosecutors had presented no evidence during the trial that Tao received any money for his work in China, which is required for a wire fraud conviction. Rather, the evidence showed that Tao continued fulfilling his duties to the University of Kansas while in China by working 70-hour weeks and pushing his students at Kansas to do the same. And she noted he was doing fundamental research that is freely shared across the scientific community. Tao教授确实高尚,是"长江学者",却分文不拿!
verylucky 发表于 2024-07-12 01:28 回复 2楼 gewfw 的帖子 Tao did not disclose on a form he filled out for Kansas in 2019 that he was named to a Chinese talent program, the Changjiang Professorship. He traveled to China to set up a laboratory and recruit staff for Fuzhou University, while telling Kansas officials that he was in Germany. In announcing the sentence, Robinson said prosecutors had presented no evidence during the trial that Tao received any money for his work in China, which is required for a wire fraud conviction. Rather, the evidence showed that Tao continued fulfilling his duties to the University of Kansas while in China by working 70-hour weeks and pushing his students at Kansas to do the same. And she noted he was doing fundamental research that is freely shared across the scientific community. Tao教授确实高尚,是"长江学者",却分文不拿!
🔥 最新回帖
🛋️ 沙发板凳
Tao did not disclose on a form he filled out for Kansas in 2019 that he was named to a Chinese talent program, the Changjiang Professorship. He traveled to China to set up a laboratory and recruit staff for Fuzhou University, while telling Kansas officials that he was in Germany.
In announcing the sentence, Robinson said prosecutors had presented no evidence during the trial that Tao received any money for his work in China, which is required for a wire fraud conviction.
Rather, the evidence showed that Tao continued fulfilling his duties to the University of Kansas while in China by working 70-hour weeks and pushing his students at Kansas to do the same. And she noted he was doing fundamental research that is freely shared across the scientific community.
Chenguang Gong In February 2024, Chenguang Gong, 57, of San Jose, California, was arrested on federal charges alleging he stole trade secret technologies developed for use by the United States government to detect nuclear missile launches and to track ballistic and hypersonic missiles. Gong is a former engineer at a Southern California company.
Linwei Ding On March 6, 2024, a federal grand jury indicted Linwei Ding, aka Leon Ding, charging him with four counts of theft of trade secrets in connection with an alleged plan to steal from Google LLC (Google) proprietary information related to artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Ding, 38, a national of the People's Republic of China and resident of Newark, California, transferred sensitive Google trade secrets and other confidential information from Google's network to his personal account while secretly affiliating himself with PRC-based companies in the AI industry
Xudong Yao Xudong Yao, also known as "William Yao", 57, is a naturalized United States Citizen wanted for his alleged involvement in the theft of proprietary information from a locomotive manufacturer in Chicago, Illinois.[1] Yao is currently at large and believed to be residing in China.[2] On November 18, 2015, Yao traveled from China to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. At the time, he had in his possession the stolen trade secret information, including nine complete copies of the suburban Chicago company's control system source code and the systems specifications that explained how the code worked, the federal indictment states.[3] Yao is charged with nine counts of theft of electronic files.
Xiaoxing Xi, a Temple University professor who was falsely accused of spying for China, will be able to bring a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
A judge at a federal appeals court ruled in favor of Xi on Wednesday, allowing the physicist to move forward with his case against the U.S. government for wrongful prosecution and violating his family’s constitutional rights by engaging in unlawful search, seizure and surveillance.
The decision comes after FBI agents swarmed Xi’s Philadelphia home in 2015, rounded up his family at gunpoint, and arrested him on fraud charges related to economic espionage, before abruptly dropping the charges months afterward
法庭都取消定罪了。你还在给定罪。。。。。。 难怪说一个华人是龙,一群华人是虫。
大家都明白是怎么回事,但是美国检察官无法获取陶教授的中国账户信息,所以在美国法庭上没有证据证明他拿钱了, LOL
自己给自己脸上抹屎, 别人给你洗干净了,你还要抹,而且要跪着抹。。。 好象以为这样,就能从白大人那抢到更多的吃屎机会似的。。。 建议你现在就去给你娃整容换血……
这楼里马上又会跳出来几个。有些人真的,洋大人都把棍子扔了,他们还在使劲地跳呢。 我为身为和这些人同族感到可耻。
每次华人教授一出事,华人大妈跟打了鸡血一样,纷纷拍手叫好,还没定罪呢,就喊打喊杀,甚至还要主动告密。生怕不叫好,不跟人划清界限,表现得不积极,白人主子就要拿她们开刀了似的,叫人不齿。。 搁在国内文革时期,华人大妈的行为就是典型的红卫兵; 搁在抗日时期,就是汉奸二鬼子,趋炎附势,跟红顶白,跪舔权威,不要脸没骨气,把人性的丑恶表现的淋漓尽致。 这样的大妈,难怪老公能挣钱的时候,宁愿被家暴都不离;老公一旦得大病没工作的时候,拍拍屁股就走了。。
川普不肯秀tax return大家也知道怎么回事
无罪了还能泼脏水,某些苍蝇什么不叮? 照你这么说,长得漂亮被人非礼,是长得漂亮的错了?
我觉得学校是不会让他回去的。 他确实是没有disclose,这些是ethical conduct来说是有问题的。不管是免费做的还是拿了钱。
他当年这么搞得时候,大家有提醒他,他说没事,这么搞的人多了去了,但是别人没得罪小人,国内学校也就口风很严,知道的就有脚踩三只船(国内同时有两个位置)的第四批第五批大千人,但是人家及时抽身而退,申报暑假工资. 其他的比如ufl的某人,直接回上院士了.
凡事皆有因有锅, 这锅运气好或者更狡猾的逃掉了, 此人背上了, 也还有同类被锅压S的。
政府主导的大型猎巫行动,F B l有雇线人,这些好多都是华人“举报“的。 疫情以来至少20来个教授被诬告,最后全部都判无罪。可是造势已成了。
想不被抓超速就别超速,陶教授脚踩两只船大家都明白是怎么回事, 那些不脚踩两只船的大家都i不怕
你们这些说法跟以前的 “现在抓非法移民,明天就抓合法移民了”, “今天严惩罪犯 ,明天就严惩守法公民了” 如出一辙, 可惜除了脑子进水的以外没人买账
堪萨斯州鸟不拉屎的地方破房子十万块可以买一套。 华人还有一个特点,看不得募捐。这么多年我在网上看到各种募捐的,没一个有好下场,全都被批倒批臭翻个底儿掉。 别说有五六套投资房的教授,赤贫流浪的老邱求捐了几百刀都被骂得狗血淋头。
在美国,只要有钱打官司,好的律师总会想办法给他的顾客找一个出脱的借口。但这并不等于顾客就真的那么无辜。OJ 辛普森不就是这样给判无罪了吗?至于他究竟有没有杀人,所有的美国老百姓心里难道不清楚吗?看来这位陶老兄家里钱财不少,这时候就可以用在官司上了。今后恐怕在美国找工作成问题。看来他还是回中国发展比较好。
你这么上蹿下跳的搅混水有目的吗?fbi盯人根本不是covid才开始的,每个大点规模的大学里都有fbi office,几十年前留学生(不管哪国,主要那几个国家吧)回国相亲频率高点都被约谈的。
你的结论是:你不明着说为什么这几年对高知华人的起诉案这么多,只是顾左右而言他,扯些比如 - 为什么FBI不去找其他华人教授的麻烦?为什么其他华人在美国安居乐业,并没有被fbi骚扰过?政府部门里也有相当一部分员工是华裔,也都好好的,为什么?
楼上偷着乐,不是因为她摊没摊上事儿,而是因为她在这儿搅混水,故意偷换了问题的实质:问题的实质是这几年这类针对高知华人起诉的数量大幅提高 - 这数量上的明显变化,表明了对华人的针对。
你现在想起来说这些了?你前贴提了么?你前贴那些“为什么”,比如,“这么多华人在美国安居乐业,并没有被fbi骚扰过,而且以后也不会被骚扰,为什么?政府部门里也有相当一部分员工是华裔,也都好好的,为什么?”, 和你现在说的这俩半点关系么?
自恨没边了。 China initiative 设立的目的就是盯所有的蛋,在学术届大撒网,违法监听,甚至还有FBI钓鱼。 还有在这试图给洗白的。
还是那句话,你不disclose,学校发现了后fire你是完全没有问题。在公司里也一样啊。 尤其是学校之类的地方都是需要签字的。隐瞒了,结果被人举报了,那学校自然会fire他啊。这位教授就是这种case,是故意隐瞒了。 至于故意说成spy,espionage这么严重的罪还是wire fraud,那就是政府的问题。
但是,犹太商人做了这样的事,难道雅利安血统的德国商人就没做吗?雅利安德国商人一样做了; 难道大部分犹太人不也是工薪族,不也是生活困苦的人的一部分吗?大多数犹太人真就是跟德国工人同命运。
现在这也是同样的问题:第一,disclose不周全的问题,只存在于华人教授吗?天大的笑话! 为什么只抓着华人打,这些人都是美国公民;
苍蝇不叮无缝的蛋,这是典型的受害者有罪论。你不晚上出去,人家会强奸你吗?你不发骚,人家会骚扰你吗?什么都能拿来这么说。 我只知道川普的中国计划以来,很多很有名的中国教授被迫去了亚洲和欧洲的大学。照你的逻辑他们肯定都犯法了。
是的,如果不是华人,根本就不会立案。立案都是因为China Initiative按照间谍罪调查的。最后发现是清白的就找报税的毛病。 川普搞的China Initiative跟报税没有一毛钱的关系。查华人教授都是因为china initiative 一开始就搞有罪推定。 幸灾乐祸的川粉就是恨不得华人都被遣返,全美只剩自己一家华人。
谁有本事两边通吃那就去吃,你就是嫉妒。 通吃本身不犯法。犯法另有条例。
法律已经给他清白了,证明他这几年都是被冤枉的。 你不服就去上诉告发他啊。 名教授在不同大学兼职的多了去了,世界所有大学都是这样操作的。你没这个本事就幻想人家嘲笑你,太搞笑了吧,谁知道你是那根葱啊还嘲笑你。
前阵在Lieber案子那个讨论里我提过一个华人的大学系主任,明明本校跟中国的合作项目是学校间达成的,学校批准的,结果还是被学校威胁说你最好自己辞职走人,我们跟政府合作很多,政府不想看到你。他就辞职去香港了。但牵头和批准那个项目的美国白人,不但没有被处理,反而仕途大好,第一荣升美国国家工程院院长,第二,国防部、国土安全部和多个研究资助机构认要职,甚至任一个以national security为目的的委员会的头头,第三,最神奇的,他又同时还是中国政府发大红证书任命的科技顾问、中国工程院外籍院士。。。。