pieapple 发表于 2024-07-01 19:49 No offense, asked ChatGPT and here is the reply "Watch the monkey" in baseball refers to a trick play where the runner on first base (the "monkey") attempts to steal second base to draw a throw from the catcher, allowing the runner on third base to score. This play relies on distracting the defensive team and creating an opportunity for the team to score a run. The success of this play depends on the timing and the reaction of the defensive players.
boxwood 发表于 2024-07-01 05:25 把视频发给当地媒体,报纸电视台那些。如果 on to something, 记者比你都积极,会联系你做调查做节目。当然你或者你们队的发言人要准备被采访。名字也会被公开。有高中体育比赛,网上两校学生争吵起来,一个叫另一个学校黑人运动员回家摘棉花去。就这句惊动了两校校长,各校全校通报,严肃处理涉事者,对黑人学生和家长正式道歉等等。
iheartglass 发表于 2024-06-30 22:43 刚才问了几个男的 黑白黄人都有 都说不是racist… 短信paste给你看: If that’s the only person they were saying it about it could be (racist). If they were saying it about multiple people then no. Or maybe that team just calls all catchers monkeys. It really depends on a lot of things. I don’t think assuming racism is the way to go. Unless someone is being very explicitly racist then don’t assume it…
针不刺到自己的肉当然不疼,何况你自己的世界观是由那几个男人决定的? 前NFL Colts 运动员Cato June 的儿子也在投球的时候遭遇一摸一样的歧视: https://theshadowleague.com/monkey-chants-while-he-was-on-the-mound-former-colts-player-cato-june-says-his-son-got-racist-chants-while-playing-youth-baseball-game/
看一下这个学区的女子篮球队比赛有人喊monkey, 处理的结果是:剩下的比赛,学校男女球队被禁赛,学区观众被禁去观看主、客场的比赛,直到学年结束。 看 “As part of the sanctions, Connell’s boys and girls basketball teams will be banned from postseason play, and fans will be banned from both home and away games for the rest of the school year.” https://nypost.com/2021/05/27/high-school-sanctioned-after-racist-monkey-chants-break-out-at-basketball-game/
Silong06 发表于 2024-07-02 13:09 看一下这个学区的女子篮球队比赛有人喊monkey, 处理的结果是:剩下的比赛,学校男女球队被禁赛,学区观众被禁去观看主、客场的比赛,直到学年结束。 看 “As part of the sanctions, Connell’s boys and girls basketball teams will be banned from postseason play, and fans will be banned from both home and away games for the rest of the school year.” https://nypost.com/2021/05/27/high-school-sanctioned-after-racist-monkey-chants-break-out-at-basketball-game/
前NFL Colts 运动员Cato June 的儿子也在投球的时候遭遇一摸一样的歧视:
”前NFL Colts 运动员Cato June 的儿子也在投球的时候遭遇一摸一样的歧视: