老大打棒球,在南加地区打的不错,今年all star season,第一次听到如此种族歧视的chanting。 队伍里面难得有我们家亚裔一名,非裔一名。比赛处于艰难中,于是老大被换上pitching,这位非裔队友catching,教练给了strategy,于是这位catcher给了手势提醒队友。这时候对方全对居然对我们喊出了“watch the monkey,watch the monkey” 我们全队吃惊了!这是在南加啊,这是2024啊,居然还有这种事情,我们马上抗议,对方教练居然defense,说他们这个赛季都这样喊。 以下是比赛这个片段的节选,全对都非常生气,发了youtuble视频,现在全对都在商量该如何采取行动,我们打了快三年baseball了,第一次遇到这种事情,求tip。 系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/BaWtGOLw4-M
Silong06 发表于 2024-07-02 13:09 看一下这个学区的女子篮球队比赛有人喊monkey, 处理的结果是:剩下的比赛,学校男女球队被禁赛,学区观众被禁去观看主、客场的比赛,直到学年结束。 看 “As part of the sanctions, Connell’s boys and girls basketball teams will be banned from postseason play, and fans will be banned from both home and away games for the rest of the school year.” https://nypost.com/2021/05/27/high-school-sanctioned-after-racist-monkey-chants-break-out-at-basketball-game/
ChatGPT: This is a deeply troubling experience, and it’s important to address it appropriately. Here are some steps you and your team can take: 1. Document the Incident: Make sure you have all relevant information documented, including the date, time, location, and any witnesses. The video you mentioned is crucial evidence. 2. Report to League Officials: Report the incident to the officials of your local Little League or the overseeing body. Provide them with the video and any other evidence. Demand a formal investigation and appropriate action against the offending team. 3. Engage the School or Community: If your team is affiliated with a school or a community organization, inform them about the incident. They might offer support and add pressure for a resolution. 4. Contact Media and Social Media: Share the incident with local media outlets if the league’s response is inadequate. Social media can also be a powerful tool to raise awareness and garner support. 5. Seek Legal Advice: If the incident isn’t adequately addressed, consider seeking legal advice. Discrimination and hate speech can have legal repercussions. 6. Support for Affected Players: Ensure that your son and his teammates, especially those directly targeted, receive emotional support. This could involve counseling or discussions to help them process the event. 7. Advocate for Policy Changes: Push for policy changes within the league to prevent future incidents. This might include mandatory diversity training and stricter penalties for discriminatory behavior. It’s important to stay united as a team and community in addressing this issue. Discrimination and racism have no place in sports or anywhere else.
这种非学校的队,学区不会管这种事的,会把自己摘的很干净。 肯定要找little league world series的组织机构投诉,投诉那队既没有体育精神也严重种族歧视,投诉对方教练不仅不制止,还鼓励这种行为。 还有舆论很重要,找当地报纸去投稿,让记者来写。 视频放网上,传得越广越好。 舆论,舆论最重要。 这种种族歧视的,就仗着在自己的小圈圈里胡作非为没后果,要把他们爆出来他们才会收敛。
hickory123 发表于 2024-06-30 21:59 老大打棒球,在南加地区打的不错,今年all star season,第一次听到如此种族歧视的chanting。 队伍里面难得有我们家亚裔一名,非裔一名。比赛处于艰难中,于是老大被换上pitching,这位非裔队友catching,教练给了strategy,于是这位catcher给了手势提醒队友。这时候对方全对居然对我们喊出了“watch the monkey,watch the monkey” 我们全队吃惊了!这是在南加啊,这是2024啊,居然还有这种事情,我们马上抗议,对方教练居然defense,说他们这个赛季都这样喊。 以下是比赛这个片段的节选,全对都非常生气,发了youtuble视频,现在全对都在商量该如何采取行动,我们打了快三年baseball了,第一次遇到这种事情,求tip。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaWtGOLw4-M
iheartglass 发表于 2024-06-30 22:34 Pro sports streaming喊monkey的挺多的。。。 甚至有点褒义词的节奏 传到孩子耳朵里一点不稀奇 只要不是专门喊黑孩子就没事吧?
刚才问了几个男的 黑白黄人都有 都说不是racist… 短信paste给你看: If that’s the only person they were saying it about it could be (racist). If they were saying it about multiple people then no. Or maybe that team just calls all catchers monkeys. It really depends on a lot of things. I don’t think assuming racism is the way to go. Unless someone is being very explicitly racist then don’t assume it…
这个是针对非裔的 居然这么大剌剌就喊出来了 chatgpt The phrase "watch the monkey" could potentially have racial connotations, especially if it was directed at a player of color. Using animal imagery, particularly "monkey," has historically been used in a derogatory and racist manner to demean and dehumanize people of African descent and other racial minorities.
把视频发给当地媒体,报纸电视台那些。如果 on to something, 记者比你都积极,会联系你做调查做节目。当然你或者你们队的发言人要准备被采访。名字也会被公开。有高中体育比赛,网上两校学生争吵起来,一个叫另一个学校黑人运动员回家摘棉花去。就这句惊动了两校校长,各校全校通报,严肃处理涉事者,对黑人学生和家长正式道歉等等。
iheartglass 发表于 2024-06-30 22:43 刚才问了几个男的 黑白黄人都有 都说不是racist… 短信paste给你看: If that’s the only person they were saying it about it could be (racist). If they were saying it about multiple people then no. Or maybe that team just calls all catchers monkeys. It really depends on a lot of things. I don’t think assuming racism is the way to go. Unless someone is being very explicitly racist then don’t assume it…
搜索GPT给的答案,“Baseball does not have a widely recognized slang or expression involving the phrase "watch the monkey." The phrase is not a standard part of baseball terminology or lingo. If an opposing team''''''''''''''''s coach used this phrase, it would likely be considered inappropriate and disrespectful rather than a neutral or common expression within the sport. In baseball, like in other sports, maintaining respect and sportsmanship is essential. Any comments that could be interpreted as derogatory or demeaning should be addressed appropriately to ensure a positive and respectful environment for all players.” 楼主不管是不是亚裔还是黑人,应该和自己孩子的教练沟通这件事情,说“对方教练这种叫法非常不舒服,又欠考虑”。从教练到教练层面进行沟通,比你这个家长有效、而且更加有经验。另外,我家自身经历,玩过baseball就一个season,各个年龄段的孩子都有,从来没有听到过教练喊过“watch the monkey”。
感觉对方教练没骗人,还真可能整个赛季都这么喊。非说watch the monkey是racist,是都没看过棒球比赛吗?我也看得少,但棒球里面monkey一词用得特别多,baseball uniform就叫monkey suit. 小孩子玩棒球经常用的一个游戏就是Monkey in the Middle,小孩站成一圈,中间扔球的小孩就是monkey。所以楼主说的情景,对方队伍大喊watch the monkey, 就是喊大家集中注意力盯着对手player的动作,根本不是什么racist。
catgoose 发表于 2024-07-01 16:21 搜索GPT给的答案,“Baseball does not have a widely recognized slang or expression involving the phrase "watch the monkey." The phrase is not a standard part of baseball terminology or lingo. If an opposing team''''''''''''''''s coach used this phrase, it would likely be considered inappropriate and disrespectful rather than a neutral or common expression within the sport. In baseball, like in other sports, maintaining respect and sportsmanship is essential. Any comments that could be interpreted as derogatory or demeaning should be addressed appropriately to ensure a positive and respectful environment for all players.” 楼主不管是不是亚裔还是黑人,应该和自己孩子的教练沟通这件事情,说“对方教练这种叫法非常不舒服,又欠考虑”。从教练到教练层面进行沟通,比你这个家长有效、而且更加有经验。另外,我家自身经历,玩过baseball就一个season,各个年龄段的孩子都有,从来没有听到过教练喊过“watch the monkey”。
也查了一个解释 "Watch the monkey" is a phrase sometimes used in baseball commentary, particularly in Japan. It refers to an intriguing or unexpected play or event in the game that captures the audience's attention. It's akin to telling viewers to "keep an eye on" a specific part of the game. 不知道有没有专业人士帮忙解释一下
回复 73楼 [email protected] 的帖子 我查了27个含有monkey的俗语。非常多的还是贬义的,比如monkey see, monkey do. (an expression used to describe someone who has imitated another person usually without thinking. It often results in the person looking foolish.),再比如 monkey talk (unintelligible speech) 27 Monkey Idioms And Phrases (Meaning & Examples) (englishbyday.com) 如果一个社会的语言,包括俚语,一个词的表达在不同的场景很多是贬义的意思,或多或少能够说明问题。
回复 83楼 springwaterhot 的帖子 这个发言真的挺无语的,我问了周围的人,在baseball里打了不少年的人,从来没有听说过“watch the monkey”。楼主发个贴上来问一下,你怎么就把别人说什么“假高尚的人”了,也挺无语的。什么叫做“存在差异性”?为啥对方教练没有对别的孩子叫“watch the monkey”。实事求是的说,你家孩子被别人如果做了“眯眯眼”的那种模仿动作,你还觉得是“存在差异性”吗?
No offense, asked ChatGPT and here is the reply "Watch the monkey" in baseball refers to a trick play where the runner on first base (the "monkey") attempts to steal second base to draw a throw from the catcher, allowing the runner on third base to score. This play relies on distracting the defensive team and creating an opportunity for the team to score a run. The success of this play depends on the timing and the reaction of the defensive players.
pieapple 发表于 2024-07-01 19:49 No offense, asked ChatGPT and here is the reply "Watch the monkey" in baseball refers to a trick play where the runner on first base (the "monkey") attempts to steal second base to draw a throw from the catcher, allowing the runner on third base to score. This play relies on distracting the defensive team and creating an opportunity for the team to score a run. The success of this play depends on the timing and the reaction of the defensive players.
🔥 最新回帖
”前NFL Colts 运动员Cato June 的儿子也在投球的时候遭遇一摸一样的歧视:
🛋️ 沙发板凳
可以向那个球队所在School board投诉
1. Document the Incident: Make sure you have all relevant information documented, including the date, time, location, and any witnesses. The video you mentioned is crucial evidence. 2. Report to League Officials: Report the incident to the officials of your local Little League or the overseeing body. Provide them with the video and any other evidence. Demand a formal investigation and appropriate action against the offending team. 3. Engage the School or Community: If your team is affiliated with a school or a community organization, inform them about the incident. They might offer support and add pressure for a resolution. 4. Contact Media and Social Media: Share the incident with local media outlets if the league’s response is inadequate. Social media can also be a powerful tool to raise awareness and garner support. 5. Seek Legal Advice: If the incident isn’t adequately addressed, consider seeking legal advice. Discrimination and hate speech can have legal repercussions. 6. Support for Affected Players: Ensure that your son and his teammates, especially those directly targeted, receive emotional support. This could involve counseling or discussions to help them process the event. 7. Advocate for Policy Changes: Push for policy changes within the league to prevent future incidents. This might include mandatory diversity training and stricter penalties for discriminatory behavior.
It’s important to stay united as a team and community in addressing this issue. Discrimination and racism have no place in sports or anywhere else.
找参议院,Congress, 当地新闻机构等等
刚才问了几个男的 黑白黄人都有 都说不是racist…
短信paste给你看: If that’s the only person they were saying it about it could be (racist). If they were saying it about multiple people then no. Or maybe that team just calls all catchers monkeys. It really depends on a lot of things. I don’t think assuming racism is the way to go. Unless someone is being very explicitly racist then don’t assume it…
你这个态度很有问题啊。你没玩过可以去学啊。敢情您这是上来煽动同胞帮你出头呢。 ——— 看完发现好像是正常的词。
但我也确实搞不懂楼主说自己不会用twitter,facebook很久没登录的托词。华人网友再生气也不会有您这个当事人生气吧。您都不想花时间精力去弄弄social media,别人怎么会费心帮您传播呢?
The phrase "watch the monkey" could potentially have racial connotations, especially if it was directed at a player of color. Using animal imagery, particularly "monkey," has historically been used in a derogatory and racist manner to demean and dehumanize people of African descent and other racial minorities.
那好吧,你们一家都是 monkey.
视频里有两个不同声音都说这是inappropriate,还有别的小孩说‘what?’,其中一个把裁判叫过来说了一下,那个裁判又去跟另一个人说了一下。 所有的人都知道是怎么回事,这里的人还tm狡辩。 话又说回来,这就是这里的生态环境,你是没有办法改变的。你只能学着怎么在这个环境里thrive。
小布什当总统的时候经常有人拿他的照片和猩猩放一起取笑。 换了奥黑就是严重错误。
听听你自己。被喊猴子都能笑笑走开。怪不得可以笑纳移民poisoning 白大人高贵的血液呢。
可惜十几年前不是这样的,2006年共和党incumbent 参议员就因为喊了一个美籍印人一句Macaca、非洲俚语猴子的意思, 就输掉本来稳赢的选举。现在已经不可能了、因为跪着的人太多。
你娃能容忍别人叫他眯眯眼是他的事儿,人家不能容忍被叫Monkey 是人家的事儿, 难道你觉得被叫眯眯眼不是歧视? 这件事发生在一群小孩子身上所以才要追究到底, 否则这群孩子长大了就不只是叫Monkey 了,能叫别人monkey的也会叫别人眯眯眼。。。。
首先你的让人可以comment这个video, 才能把这个video顶到youtube上去。要不没法comment,还能怎样?
谁小时候没有互相骂过人?没必要和小孩计较。我家娃自己都知道和浑人计较没啥意思。 娃的观念也不是一成不变的,昨天可能还是enemy,过两天就有可能互为好友。 有些娃嘲笑过我娃,后来主动和我娃玩,但他坚决不再搭理。大人言语不当,大人上阵;小孩纠纷,自己应该鼓励娃解决。 楼主有闲钱 自己资助老黑couple打官司去。跑来华人大妈 来讨论 黑人被歧视的问题 不是搞笑?!
你这种言论 不被你自己小孩 鄙视嘛?
大概率 黄川粉
这么说吧,你家孩子当着你的面骂其他的小朋友,你会不会阻止,还是你一笑而过让孩子自己解决。 这个录像里几个孩子大声的叫,教练家长跟没听见似的,而且在被指出来的时候还狡辩,你不认为有问题? 这个难道算是跟小孩儿计较?
这就得问问 你们这些有钱有闲的家长 为啥教育出这么多rude的小朋友?我家娃 和家门口中下层白娃黑娃劳模娃踢球时为啥大家都很有礼貌,很少爆粗口。再说monkey 这个词在华人眼里是个 褒义词。到大妈网为有钱有闲的老黑 抱不平 这不是搞笑吗?!
对,只要别只对一个人喊,watch the monkey在棒球里面不是歧视。
没有这回事。 如果这个队习惯喊catcher Chink 是不是也可以接受? 是不是appropriate 要接受方决定,不是intentions 决定。 还有appearance of appropriateness. 如果对方向场地扔香蕉说他们每场都这么做难道也能接受?
这些rude的娃不是我们教育出来的啊,我们看到他们的爸妈不知道怎么教育孩子影响到我们的孩子,才愿意花时间教育rude 的家长。 你家门口的娃都有礼貌还叫你娃眯眯眼?你是怎么定义礼貌的?
真是有闲的大妈。有的娃背后悄悄称呼chink是无聊 或者无知或者显示存在感;大多数是在学校里面发生的。 黑娃之间互骂 黑奴 那是每天都发生。劳模娃互相打闹时 也经常有脏话。华裔娃之间无聊时候斗嘴 ,哭的男娃也不少。但是门口娃踢球时 家长都在旁边看着;娃忙着踢球,哪有空爆粗;又不用分胜负;组成两只对抗队伍 很不容易,开心还来不及。 左臂动不动上纲上线 制造紧张对立的气氛,何必呢。楼主这么上串下跳 想干啥? monkey king不知道?至少在华人语气里面像个猴子一样 没啥不好。黑大妈觉得不好,是她个人的事情;她觉得冒犯 她自己找律师出马
MLB world series,现场观众人手一个rally monkey,紧张时刻满场monkey chants
所以你是知道当面爆粗口是不对不礼貌的? 你看了视频的话就知道当面指出来的也不是楼主一个人。按照你的逻辑、碰到不公平的待遇是个人自己的事情,外人没必要插手,或者要按肤色决定是不是插手。那只能祝你和你的家人好运了。 顺便说一下,张口闭口叫人家大妈的,就别自己吹嘘自己会教育孩子了。
你他妈的才是鸡吧! 你这是妥妥的脏嘴加歧视有鸡吧的人!
也查了一个解释 "Watch the monkey" is a phrase sometimes used in baseball commentary, particularly in Japan. It refers to an intriguing or unexpected play or event in the game that captures the audience's attention. It's akin to telling viewers to "keep an eye on" a specific part of the game.
hi monkey!
我查了27个含有monkey的俗语。非常多的还是贬义的,比如monkey see, monkey do. (an expression used to describe someone who has imitated another person usually without thinking. It often results in the person looking foolish.),再比如 monkey talk (unintelligible speech) 27 Monkey Idioms And Phrases (Meaning & Examples) (englishbyday.com) 如果一个社会的语言,包括俚语,一个词的表达在不同的场景很多是贬义的意思,或多或少能够说明问题。
错!本来我也以为是孩子们叫着玩,比如“pitcher pitcher look at me, I’m a monkey in a tree.” 我儿子这些说唱一堆一堆,但他听了楼主的视频,说是对方相当的rude
楼主自以为自己有点小钱,就把自己当高尚的人啦。这个世界 又不是只围着 “假高尚的人”转动。有讲礼貌的就有不讲礼貌的;总要允许差异性存在。比赛场上的冲突,就用娃自己实力解决。楼主有这 “高尚”的精神,为啥不关注一下 巴勒斯坦无辜被炸死的儿童妇女。老黑哭就哭了,她有为每一位被黑人流浪汉推落在地铁上的华裔妇女痛哭吗?有为世界上莫名其妙被炸死的无辜儿童痛哭吗? 有钱有闲阶层 少为一个中性词 跑来浪费社会资源;故意增加 社会各人种对立情绪。
这个发言真的挺无语的,我问了周围的人,在baseball里打了不少年的人,从来没有听说过“watch the monkey”。楼主发个贴上来问一下,你怎么就把别人说什么“假高尚的人”了,也挺无语的。什么叫做“存在差异性”?为啥对方教练没有对别的孩子叫“watch the monkey”。实事求是的说,你家孩子被别人如果做了“眯眯眼”的那种模仿动作,你还觉得是“存在差异性”吗?
bingo, exactly what happened in the video.
另外,楼主有没有为每一位无辜被推下地铁的丧命华人妇女和儿童 而不平;如果没有 ,少来瞎BB。我就纳闷下中产黑白墨娃踢球 都很开心, 咋你们这些“高尚人” 就碰到 这么粗鲁的体育娃呢?
请问 小黄人可以0团购,不被抓吗?
叫你儿子几声monkey算啥,trump后面可是要让所有China virus 进焚尸炉的
看着写了一堆 一读就是一堆💩
lgbt和blm和你china virus一样是maga口诛笔伐肉体消灭的群体
素质低下的来了? 一个monkey就哭了; 你这里骂人,不更是素质低下,该大大的开批判大会。 社会上该哭的东西多了,我就问 黒妈和你这“高尚”人 有没有天天为无辜被炸死的儿童哭泣?! 矫情 玻璃心 脱离群众的一群寄生虫!