张口就来。 他祖父母是谁?是哪个高官? 建议大家读一读她的自传,The worlds I see 做为一个15岁搬来美国,度过了极度贫困的少年时期,加上母亲的心脏疾病进进出出er的孩子,她哪里还有时间去“为了进Princeton去西藏”。 这里有书的节选: https://hao.cnyes.com/post/85688
普林斯顿大学设有一个叫“马丁·戴尔1953”的奖学金,鼓励学生自己独立设计一个研究项目。当时有1200名学生申请,最终李飞飞凭借课题“藏医药学和西医学上的医理比较”拿到了奖学金。之后,她独自一人前往西藏,在那里呆了一年时间。她深入藏民生活,探寻神秘古老的藏医药文化,用一个独特的视角探寻东西方哲学的本源。这顿经历给了李飞飞极为重要的影响。 www.forwardpathway.com/78737 The Martin A. Dale ''53 Summer Awards provide financial support to enable a small number of Princeton University sophomores to pursue worthy projects that provide important opportunities for personal growth, foster independence, creativity, and leadership skills, and broaden or deepen some area of special interest. The project must be undertaken for at least eight weeks. oip.princeton.edu/our-programs/fellowship-advising/search-fellowships/martin-dale-’53-summer-award#:~:text=Description-,The%20Martin%20A.,some%20area%20of%20special%20interest. The Martin A. Dale ''53 awards carry a stipend of $6,000. Students receiving Princeton grant aid who win the award will have their expected summer earnings replaced. (Please note: The $6,000 stipend is treated as taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service.) The Dale award must be the only Princeton-sponsored program in which the student participates in the summer for which the award is granted. Students accepting the Dale award are required to withdraw from any and all other Princeton programs. Potential conflicts should be addressed in the application for funding. https://dale.princeton.edu/summer-award#:~:text=The%20Dale%20award%20must%20be,and%20all%20other%20Princeton%20programs
她来的早,竞争没那么激烈,我同事说他当年 SAT 1350就属于很好的成绩了,现在不考到1580之上都不好意思提
她还是很牛的,她是最早明确指出来深度学习得靠大数据的人,给整个行业的无头苍蝇们指引了一个平均年薪几十万的方向 现在有些人觉得这有啥难的?难在无头苍蝇们真的沿着这个方向冲了,其中还有很多奥赛金牌
张口就来。 他祖父母是谁?是哪个高官?
建议大家读一读她的自传,The worlds I see 做为一个15岁搬来美国,度过了极度贫困的少年时期,加上母亲的心脏疾病进进出出er的孩子,她哪里还有时间去“为了进Princeton去西藏”。
这里有书的节选: https://hao.cnyes.com/post/85688
第一,开头就粗口,没法跟你这种人说话 第二,美国学校的“班”,是“class of xx年”,是一整个年级 第三,轮不到她也轮不到你或者你的娃。你嫉妒得飙脏话也不是你的。 第四,她不需要你仔细看也是世界闻名的ai奠基人之一
普林斯顿大学设有一个叫“马丁·戴尔1953”的奖学金,鼓励学生自己独立设计一个研究项目。当时有1200名学生申请,最终李飞飞凭借课题“藏医药学和西医学上的医理比较”拿到了奖学金。之后,她独自一人前往西藏,在那里呆了一年时间。她深入藏民生活,探寻神秘古老的藏医药文化,用一个独特的视角探寻东西方哲学的本源。这顿经历给了李飞飞极为重要的影响。 www.forwardpathway.com/78737
The Martin A. Dale ''53 Summer Awards provide financial support to enable a small number of Princeton University sophomores to pursue worthy projects that provide important opportunities for personal growth, foster independence, creativity, and leadership skills, and broaden or deepen some area of special interest. The project must be undertaken for at least eight weeks.
The Martin A. Dale ''53 awards carry a stipend of $6,000. Students receiving Princeton grant aid who win the award will have their expected summer earnings replaced. (Please note: The $6,000 stipend is treated as taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service.) The Dale award must be the only Princeton-sponsored program in which the student participates in the summer for which the award is granted. Students accepting the Dale award are required to withdraw from any and all other Princeton programs. Potential conflicts should be addressed in the application for funding. https://dale.princeton.edu/summer-award#:~:text=The%20Dale%20award%20must%20be,and%20all%20other%20Princeton%20programs
我还以为是Jeff Dean的主意呢