
楼主 (北美华人网)
Quora: How do the Taiwanese Aborigines feel about the Taiwan/China political environment? Profile photo for Yugan Talovich Yugan Talovich Live in Taiwan, teach Chinese lit and history.Upvoted by Lin Han-shih, Used to work at Taipei Economic and Cultural Center Office. Updated 4y
Obviously, I can’t speak for all aborigines. However, I have friends in 12 of the 16 officially recognized tribes (and some in unrecognized tribes) and have lived in an aboriginal village for over twenty years, so I do hear things.
Overall, the Aborigines support the KMT, the Kuomintang, or Nationalist Party. This may be because the tribes suffered decades of atrocities at the hands of the Japanese. Then the KMT came, and tried to make them members of mainstream society. Of course this entailed diluting traditional culture (no more headhunting, folks), but in my experience I have never heard of government officials banning tribal ceremonies. Children were required to speak Mandarin in school, but spoke their own languages at home and outside the schoolroom. It was the missionaries, especially the Protestants, who told the Aborigines they would go to hell if they sang traditional songs, go to hell if they wore traditional clothes, go to hell if they held traditional ceremonies. (For instance, one Tsou man wanted to hold a ceremony; members of his church congregation tried to murder him for that, and he had to hide in the mountains until tempers cooled off.)
Recall that the KMT had undergone years of brutal war with the Japanese, and then war with the communists. The Japanese tried their best to ruin the economy of Taiwan when they left, so when the KMT arrived, they faced shambles and chaos. Even under these conditions, they reserved seats in legislative bodies for Aborigines, helped them through school, made sure they were fed and clothed, provided as much medical assistance as feasible, and treated them fairly in the police and military. Something that surprised me when I came to Taiwan in 1971 was that in tribal villages, most of the police were from the same tribe, could speak the languages, and knew the customs. Generally the aboriginal police handled tribal matters in their own way, according to local custom. Compare that to the situation in the US, where I had never heard of anything similar, or <Australia at the same time, when their aborigines were dealt with under the Flora and Fauna Act, not even considered human>. (Peter Webb has pointed out that this Flora and Fauna Act is not factual. However, there is no denying the extreme prejudice the native Australians have endured.)
Without going on in too much detail, my point is that the Aborigines felt that the KMT treated them well. If you treat an aborigine well, he will repay you threefold.
Compare this to the Taiwan Independence movement and the DPP (of the current President Tsai). Again, I haven’t spoken to everybody in the Independence movement, but by and large, they hold the aborigines in contempt; several have told me that the best thing to do with the aborigines would be to kill them all, because they are useless. Such attitudes do not inspire trust.
I recall a Bunun village where they had a problem with a Minnan Han businessman diverting their water into his trout pounds. For almost twenty years, the problem was at an impasse; they couldn’t close down his ponds, and he couldn’t get his ponds legalized. Then that county elected a DPP County Chief. The day the new Chief took office, the ponds were legalized. A delegation of Bunun elders went to the Chief’s office, where they knelt and pleaded with him. He pounded the table, shouted at them, insulted them, and had them thrown out of his office. Such attitudes do not inspire trust.
A singer from the Amis tribe, Panai, trusted President Tsai when she was running for office and worked indefatigably to help her. Tsai promised to apologize to the aborigines. Panai sang at Tsai’s inauguration. Tsai gave Panai her phone number and said, Phone me any time you have a problem. Tribal leaders were commanded to come to Tsai’s office to accept their apology, which amounted to blaming everything on the KMT. Within ten days, bulldozers were going through tribal villages, with official approval. When Tsai refused to answer Panai’s call for help or even to meet her, Panai and other aborigines took to the street outside the President’s Office for a nonstop protest. After a few months, there was a terrible downpour, with flooding in many parts of the Taipei area, so police and rescue personnel were sorely needed. Two hundred police were dispatched to remove the protesting aborigines. They moved to the entrance of a nearby subway station and continued their protest. Taipei Mayor Ko has no use for aborigines, so after he won reelection, he removed them from the subway station entrance. The nonstop protest continues to this day in the park there; it’s about day 860 and counting. The protestors sit on chairs, under umbrellas in pouring rain or blazing sunshine, but they don’t leave. The aborigines feel their backs are against the wall and they cannot back down any more.
So you see the situation is complicated. Mostly, the aborigines wish that the Chinese (anybody who doesn’t speak an Austronesian tribal language or take part in tribal ceremonies) would just go back to the mainland and leave them alone.
As to recent events in Hong Kong, overall response in Taiwan has been tepid. People don’t care very much. So far on local tribal social media, the only mention about it was on our traditional archery team’s group (I’m a member of our village archery team, albeit not extremely accurate; I’m the only non-aborigine.) One of the archers posted a clip of a young man calling for Hong Kong independence; a man rushed up and decked him with one solid punch, saying, “You’re Chinese, what kind of independence are you talking about?”
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