男子吐口水+咖啡泼脸 辣妹店员怒抄榔头砸爆他车窗…

楼主 (北美华人网)
NEW: Bikini barista takes out a hammer on a customer's car after he threw his drinks on her in South Seattle.

The incident happened at Taste of Heaven Espresso in Seattle which is owned by 23-year-old Emma Lee.

The argument happened after the man started complaining about… pic.twitter.com/uSMqw8nkOE — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 15, 2024

南西雅图(South Seattle)一名男子前往咖啡店得来速点餐,竟只因为不满价格太贵,当场吐口水,还把冰咖啡泼到员工脸上。面对这些无礼举动,23岁的艾玛(Emma Lee)不甘示弱,立刻抄起榔头,怒砸奥客的汽车挡风玻璃,冲突过程都被监视器拍下。