
楼主 (北美华人网)
偷盗 $40 - $750 就是:third-degree felony,惩罚如下:最多可判入狱5年,罚款 5000.
According to the Florida Statutes, the maximum sentence for a third-degree felony conviction is five years in prison. The judge can also give you a $5,000 fine and put you on probation for five years. This is true even if you are facing a third-degree felony in Florida first offense.
Thieves now will face a third-degree felony if they steal between $40 and $750. That's down from $100 to $750, according to the Legislature. The law creates new offenses, including a third-degree felony for stealing $750 or more of property.Apr 9, 2024

除了你说的,我记得佛州有stand your ground law。加州自卫可能会被起诉。这个区别大了。店家可以自卫。