
楼主 (北美华人网)
人事经理 工作地点:Santa Clara 【职位信息】:  1、负责当地员工的招聘  2、负责当地员工社保薪酬、福利计算,维护相应的人事数据等;  3、负责制定和优化当地人力资源制度,形成标准化操作规范,并推进、监督有效实施,降低用工风险;  4、负责员工关系管理问题,对各种用工风险进行评估并给出意见和建议;  5、及时向总部人力资源部门汇报并承接总部相应的人力资源政策。 
【任职要求】:  1、工作经验:5-10年人事工作经验,半导体相关行业背景优先考虑 2、专业能力素质:优秀的沟通和谈判能力、应变能力;熟悉海外用工、个税、社保相关知识 3、综合能力:跨部门协作、跨文化交流沟通能力和项目管理能力 4、学历背景:本科及以上学历,法学、人力资源等相关专业优先;英语能作为工作语言,熟练的书面与口头英语沟通能力;
HR Manager Work location: Santa Clara [Job Information]: 1. Responsible for recruiting local employees 2. Responsible for calculating social security salaries and benefits for local employees, maintaining corresponding personnel data, etc; 3. Responsible for formulating and optimizing local human resources systems, forming standardized operating norms, and promoting and supervising effective implementation to reduce employment risks; 4. Responsible for employee relationship management issues, evaluating various employment risks and providing opinions and suggestions; 5. Timely report to the human resources department of the headquarters and undertake the corresponding human resources policies of the headquarters.
[Job Requirements]: 1. Work experience: 5-10 years of personnel work experience, background in semiconductor related industry is preferable。 2. Professional competence and quality: excellent communication and negotiation skills, adaptability; Familiar with the local employment policy 3. Comprehensive abilities: cross departmental collaboration, cross-cultural communication skills, and project management skills 4. Education background: Bachelor's degree or above, with priority given to relevant majors such as law and human resources; Ability to use English as a working language, proficient in written and oral English communication skills;