假如美国在2024-2025 进入Recession,预测一下什么时候就业市场会恢复

楼主 (北美华人网)
美国历史上的Recession大概有13次,平均来说持续3.4-4年。 所以如果2025进入Recession,最好的情况在2029年,工作市场会恢复正常, 最差的情况,比如美元失去统治地位,那么大家做好10年抗战的准备。
The United States has experienced several significant economic crises throughout its history. Here are some key examples and their durations: Panic of 1819: Lasted about 2 years, characterized by widespread bank failures and economic downturn. Panic of 1837: This crisis led to a depression lasting approximately 7 years. Panic of 1857: The recession lasted about 2 years. Long Depression (1873-1879): Lasted around 6 years, the longest recession until the Great Depression. Panic of 1893: Resulted in a depression that lasted about 4 years. Panic of 1907: The recession lasted about 1 year. Great Depression (1929-1939): Lasted about 10 years, the most severe economic downturn in U.S. history. Recession of 1953: Lasted 10 months. 1973-1975 Recession: Lasted 1.5 years. Early 1980s Recession: Lasted around 2 years. Early 1990s Recession: Lasted about 8 months. Dot-com Bubble (2000-2001): Lasted around 8 months. Great Recession (2007-2009): Lasted about 1.5 years. Regarding job market recovery in relation to recessions, it often varies: During Recessions: Job losses typically increase as companies cut back on labor costs to manage declining revenues. After Recessions: The job market usually starts to recover post-recession as economic growth resumes. However, the recovery can be slow, as seen after the Great Recession, where unemployment remained high for years despite the recession officially ending in mid-2009.