
楼主 (北美华人网)
博士学位没了. https://retractionwatch.com/2024/04/26/psychology-researcher-loses-phd-after-allegedly-using-husband-in-study-and-making-up-data/ "Dong’s research concerned how moral violations and unethical behavior, such as tax evasion or adultery, influence consumer choices.. According to the university’s report, her thesis had an “improbable level of duplication” in the answers research participants gave to open-ended questions. Dong also allegedly confessed to a former supervisor that her husband impersonated participants in her studies and that she had failed to properly randomize the results" 研究偷税偷腥对消费的选择, 自己丈夫参加消费者. 这丈夫是不是可以名正言顺的搞几个女人? 要是被抓住会说:"I did this for you and for the great good of society."