看了个San Diego 房价一飞冲天的帖子,给大家泼泼冷水

楼主 (北美华人网)
看了房价一飞冲天贴的:“没有其他地方可以保持SD的增长速度 300万的房子都是现金抢还要加30万 有钱人可不傻用脚投票" 有感。
下面文字摘自USGS, 2016年的文章,The San Andreas Fault。 摘要: San Andreas fault 在过去1500间 大约每150年发生一次大地震, 对上一次是发生在1857年。 大地震前几年通常有大约5级的foreshocks, 科学家有多种方法检测大地震发生。。。
When Could the Next Large Earthquake Occur Along the San Andreas Fault?
Along the Earth's plate boundaries, such as the San Andreas fault, segments exist where no large earthquakes have occurred for long intervals of time. Scientists term these segments "seismic gaps" and, in general, have been successful in forecasting the time when some of the seismic gaps will produce large earthquakes. Geologic studies show that over the past 1,400 to 1,500 years large earthquakes have occurred at about 150-year intervals on the southern San Andreas fault. As the last large earthquake on the southern San Andreas occurred in 1857, that section of the fault is considered a likely location for an earthquake within the next few decades. The San Francisco Bay area has a slightly lower potential for a great earthquake, as less than 100 years have passed since the great 1906 earthquake; however, moderate-sized, potentially damaging earthquakes could occur in this area at any time.
great earthquake very possibly will not occur unannounced. Such an earthquake may be preceded by an increase in seismicity for several years, possibly including several foreshocks of about magnitude 5 along the fault. Before the next large earthquake, seismologists also expect to record changes in the Earth's surface, such as a shortening of survey lines across the fault, changes in elevation, and effects on strainmeters in wells. A key area for research on methods of earthquake prediction is the section of the San Andreas fault near Parkfield in central California, where a moderate-size earthquake has occurred on the average of every 20-22 years for about the last 100 years. Since the last sizeable earthquake occurred in 1966, Parkfield has a high probability for a magnitude 5-6 earthquake before the end of this century and possibly one may occur within a few years of 1988. The U.S. Geological Survey has placed an array of instruments in the Parkfield area and is carefully studying the data being collected, attempting to learn what changes might precede an earthquake of about that size.

freshonion 发表于 2024-03-28 19:50

回复 1楼 梦到内河 的帖子
面对现实吧,大姐。刚跟 agent 聊了一下,说都是中国过来拿现金砸的。十个里个大概一个是弯曲的,也被中国土豪砸晕了。