
楼主 (北美华人网)
Update:谢谢大家解读,我给韩国使馆打电话问,对方接电话的英文不太好,说我需要C39签证。但是使馆的这个链接应该是正确的。 关于为什么不买联程:因为分开买要便宜一些;而且带个小娃,在韩国呆一晚可能不那么累 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
我有美国绿卡,要在韩国转机 然后飞中国,(可能呆一晚,即使不呆一晚也要取行李再进关飞中国) 我在韩国旧金山使馆找到这个信息。 https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/us-sanfrancisco-en/brd/m_24317/view.do?seq=24&page=1 不知道是自己英文不好,还是韩国英语不清楚,我还是不能100%确定我不需要签证,请哪位大神解读一下吧,谢谢! Visa Free Entry for Third Country Transit/Transfer Passengers  (Resuming on April 30, 2023)
󰊱 Eligibility   - Nationals of countries that need a visa to enter Korea, and meets either ① or ② of the below   ① hold a visa (including permanent residency, re-entry permit) to enter either the U. S. (including Guam and Saipan), Canada, Australia, or New Zealand and △ transit through Korea to enter one of the abovementioned 4 countries or △ has stayed in and departed from one of the abovementioned 4 countries and transit through Korea bound for the country of origin or a third country   ② hold a visa (including permanent residency) to enter at least one of the 32 European countries and △ transit through Korea to enter one of the 32 European countries, or, △ departed from one of the 32 European countries and transit through Korea bound for the country of origin or a third country     ** Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Rumania, Luxemburg, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Malta, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Iceland, Ireland, Estonia, United Kingdom, Austria, Italy, Czech, Croatia, Portugal, Poland, France, Finland, Hungary 

󰊱 Conditions for Visa Free Entry    1) Hold a confirmed onward flight ticket for departure within 30 days after entering Korea, in addition to having no record of criminal offense such as illegal stay in the countries mentioned above    2) Has not been denied entry into Korea in the past 3 years preceding the date of entry   3) Has not been fined more than 5 million KRW or received an exit or deportation order for violation of law such as illegal stay   4) Stayed no longer than 3 days in the country of transit or stopover before entering Korea       ※ Excluding cases of returning to the previous departure point (country of transit or stopover)    5) Details for visa confirmation       - (U. S, Canada, New Zealand, 32 European countries) Accepted only when the visa sticker is affixed to the passport and is able to confirm validity     - (Australia) Accepted only when the validity of visa can be confirmed via the Visa Entitlement Verification Online system of the Australian government (VEVO, online.immi.gov.au)

󰊱 Visa Status and Period of Stay    - Tourist/Transit (B-2), 30 days

󰊱 Examples of the possible cases (Based on the United States)  *Non-U.S citizens like China, Philippines, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam, etc. who hold a U.S. permanent residency or visa   1) Departing from the United States (A) going to the Home country (C) or the third country (D) via Korea (B), or vice versa.    e.g.  USA (A) → Korea (B) → Home Country (C) / [Possible]         Home Country (C) → Korea (B) → USA (A) / [Possible]         USA (A) → Korea (B) → Third Country (D) / [Possible]         Third country (D) → Korea (B) → USA (A) / [Possible] ​   2) Departing from the United States (A) going to the Home country (C) via Korea (B) and the third country (D), or vice versa.     *You must stay within 3 days in a country that transits before entering Korea, and if you stay more than that, you cannot enter Korea.      e.g.   USA (A) → Korea (B) → Third Country (D) → Home Country (C) / [Possible]               Home Country (C) → Third country (D, stay within 3 days) → Korea (B) → USA (A) / [Possible]               USA (A) → Third country (D, stay within 3 days) → Korea (B) → Home Country (C) / [Possible]               Home Country (C) → Korea (B) → Third Country (D) → USA (A) / [Possible] ​  󰊱 Examples of the impossible cases (Based on the United States)   *Non-U.S citizens like China, Philippines, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam, etc. who hold a U.S. permanent residency or visa   1) Departing from the United States (A) passing through Korea (B), returning to the United States (A), and then returning to the Home country (C) or a third country (D), or vice versa.    e.g.   USA (A) → Korea (B) → USA (A) → Home Country (C) / [Impossible]               Home Country (C) → Korea (B) → Home Country (C) → USA (A) / [Impossible]               USA (A) → Korea (B) → USA (A) → Third Country (D) / [Impossible]               Home Country (C) → Korea (B) → Home Country (C) → Third Country (D) / [Impossible]               USA (A) → Home Country (C) → Korea (B) → Home Country (C) / [Impossible]
  2) Not possible if you stay for more than 3 days in a country that transit before entering Korea      e.g.   Europe (E) → Third country (D, stay more than 3 days) → Korea (B) → USA (A) / [Impossible]              Europe (E) → Third country (D, stay more than 3 days) → Korea (B) → Third country (D) / [Impossible]
怎么知道要不要拿行李? 同一家公司的航班, 也会要去行李吗?
Visa Free Entry for Third Country Transit/Transfer Passengers  (Resuming on April 30, 2023)
󰊱 Eligibility   - Nationals of countries that need a visa to enter Korea, and meets either ① or ② of the below   ① hold a visa (including permanent residency, re-entry permit) to enter either the U. S. (including Guam and Saipan), Canada, Australia, or New Zealand and △ transit through Korea to enter one of the abovementioned 4 countries or △ has stayed in and departed from one of the abovementioned 4 countries and transit through Korea bound for the country of origin or a third country 
󰊱 Conditions for Visa Free Entry    1) Hold a confirmed onward flight ticket for departure within 30 days after entering Korea, in addition to having no record of criminal offense such as illegal stay in the countries mentioned above 
 e.g.  USA (A) → Korea (B) → Home Country (C) / [Possible]
回复 5楼 rabbit66 的帖子
如果机票联程,在第一程就把票都给你了,就不需要提行李。 我当时是买的是Korean Air的联程票,第一程operate by AA. AA柜台不给我第二程的票,说不是一个公司。