以下是引用thermallc在2007-4-3 12:33:00的发言: Great sharing! 你的WB设置是什么? 还是后期调的?
For all the picture except the last one, WB is automatic set. When SB800 is fired, WB is 5400. But for the last picture, WB 5400 does not work because of the two different light sources. So I click the bowl as a white point to adjust the WB. However, it is either not good :( The background is pink, but it turned out to be purple in the last one. I think the light sources confused the WB. I have no idea how to adjust it, but just list it as an example for other friends :)
以下是引用iCminor在2007-4-3 13:14:00的发言: 谢谢mm的分享 很惭愧 灯买了都快一年 现在静物拍得还不好 对于这个问题 SB800自带了两片白平衡滤色片 分别是白炽灯和荧光灯的 mm下次可以试一试 Thanks a lot for sharing the tips! I have not noticed that there are such filters with SB800! I am so silly
以下是引用radish在2007-4-3 13:49:00的发言: For all the picture except the last one, WB is automatic set. When SB800 is fired, WB is 5400. But for the last picture, WB 5400 does not work because of the two different light sources. So I click the bowl as a white point to adjust the WB. However, it is either not good :( The background is pink, but it turned out to be purple in the last one. I think the light sources confused the WB. I have no idea how to adjust it, but just list it as an example for other friends :) mm有空的时候能讲讲这是怎么做到的吗?(click the bowl as a white point to adjust the WB) Nikon Capture里面好像只能选择灰点来做到 不知道你是如何处理的 白平衡看来是挺重要的一个步骤
以下是引用iCminor在2007-4-3 14:16:00的发言: mm有空的时候能讲讲这是怎么做到的吗?(click the bowl as a white point to adjust the WB) Nikon Capture里面好像只能选择灰点来做到 不知道你是如何处理的 白平衡看来是挺重要的一个步骤 Yes, I used the 选择灰点. I normally treat white as 灰点 when I adjust WB. Although not very accurate, it is helpful for most cases and very simple :P [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 14:23:26编辑过]
For me, select white point in PS is more effective and easier.
or take a 18% grey card and shot a sample picture, then use this sample image to make a WB setting for pictures shot under the same lighting. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 14:42:54编辑过]
以下是引用xqroy在2007-4-3 17:37:00的发言: Thanks for sharing. Great post. 一个小细节问题,用机顶的闪灯trigger外闪,那就是2盏灯拉,机顶的那个你怎么处理,就直接对着?难道说这还是 i-TTL 的功劳?
Two methods: 1). In the menu, you select the flash mode as "command mode", then you are able to enter its sub-menu: set the in-camera flash from TTL->Manual->---, the last option means the in camera flash does not contribute to the exposure. 2). Take 2-3 nakin, and wrap the in-camera flash. voila! Or duct tape.
thanks for sharing the experience...my place of shooting is very similar to yours...though i always choose 9'oclock and 4-5'oclock positions...without givng a reason at all...it is a great idea to compare different lighting setups using the same object...i am gonna try to do that~
媽媽味part 5裏面的角度是window還是9點方向,但是camera在4點方向,所以對於相機來説,逆側入光就多了些
媽媽味part 6就完全是逆光加閃光,也就是camera在3點方向。我覺得逆光加閃光的食物顔色最好看,但是背景容易over exposure,所以我必須把閃光燈放在相機後面再往天花板打燈
你的WB设置是什么? 还是后期调的?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 12:37:36编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 13:16:56编辑过]
Great sharing!
你的WB设置是什么? 还是后期调的?
For all the picture except the last one, WB is automatic set. When SB800 is fired, WB is 5400. But for the last picture, WB 5400 does not work because of the two different light sources. So I click the bowl as a white point to adjust the WB. However, it is either not good :( The background is pink, but it turned out to be purple in the last one. I think the light sources confused the WB. I have no idea how to adjust it, but just list it as an example for other friends :)
谢谢mm的分享 很惭愧 灯买了都快一年 现在静物拍得还不好 对于这个问题 SB800自带了两片白平衡滤色片 分别是白炽灯和荧光灯的 mm下次可以试一试
Thanks a lot for sharing the tips! I have not noticed that there are such filters with SB800! I am so silly
For all the picture except the last one, WB is automatic set. When SB800 is fired, WB is 5400. But for the last picture, WB 5400 does not work because of the two different light sources. So I click the bowl as a white point to adjust the WB. However, it is either not good :( The background is pink, but it turned out to be purple in the last one. I think the light sources confused the WB. I have no idea how to adjust it, but just list it as an example for other friends :) mm有空的时候能讲讲这是怎么做到的吗?(click the bowl as a white point to adjust the WB) Nikon Capture里面好像只能选择灰点来做到 不知道你是如何处理的 白平衡看来是挺重要的一个步骤
mm有空的时候能讲讲这是怎么做到的吗?(click the bowl as a white point to adjust the WB) Nikon Capture里面好像只能选择灰点来做到 不知道你是如何处理的 白平衡看来是挺重要的一个步骤 Yes, I used the 选择灰点. I normally treat white as 灰点 when I adjust WB. Although not very accurate, it is helpful for most cases and very simple :P
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 14:23:26编辑过]
or take a 18% grey card and shot a sample picture, then use this sample image to make a WB setting for pictures shot under the same lighting.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 14:42:54编辑过]
一个小细节问题,用机顶的闪灯trigger外闪,那就是2盏灯拉,机顶的那个你怎么处理,就直接对着?难道说这还是 i-TTL 的功劳?
Thanks for sharing. Great post.
一个小细节问题,用机顶的闪灯trigger外闪,那就是2盏灯拉,机顶的那个你怎么处理,就直接对着?难道说这还是 i-TTL 的功劳?
Two methods:
1). In the menu, you select the flash mode as "command mode", then you are able to enter its sub-menu: set the in-camera flash from TTL->Manual->---, the last option means the in camera flash does not contribute to the exposure.
2). Take 2-3 nakin, and wrap the in-camera flash. voila! Or duct tape.