轻轻捏着宝宝的脚趾头(最好让宝宝坐着,能看到自己的脚), 从大脚趾开始, 说一句然后捏下一个趾头. 这个好像又不同的版本,我知道的是: This piggie went to market, This piggie stayed home, This piggie had hamburger, This piggie had nothing, This piggie, wee-wee, cries all the way home. 念最后一句的时候, 开始从脚趾头开始咯吱到腋下. 这个游戏可以教宝宝认识自己身体的一部分. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SastgHJ2gQA [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 12:01:23编辑过]
这个可以玩出好多version来。好像最初的是用手挡在脸前面问宝宝,"Where's Mommy?",然后一下把手拿开说"Peek-a-Poo". 换diaper的时候,宝宝容易不耐烦,我有时候就用她的小脚Y挡在我的脸前面这样玩儿。我有时候也把脸埋在宝宝肚肚上跟他玩. 也可以用个小手绢啊,丝巾之类的盖在头上问,“宝宝在哪里呀?”,然后一下子揭开说“peek-a-poo". 这招可以在给宝宝换衣服的时候用, 宝宝就不会因为脸被挡住看不见东西而着急了. 这个游戏可以教宝宝,看不到的东西不等已没有了,可能在那里只是被挡住了。当然更重要的事逗宝宝开心. 好像宝宝们都挺喜欢的. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kg6yYt6VNY 补充一点网上找的: Babies do not learn object permanence, the awareness that something still exists even though they cannot see it, until about 9 months of age. Peek-a-boo makes a game out of learning the skills necessary to understand object permanence. At a time when babies are lighting up the room with their newfound smiles, peek-a-boo can be a wonderfully enjoyable game to play. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 21:13:33编辑过]
补充一点网上找的: Babies do not learn object permanence, the awareness that something still exists even though they cannot see it, until about 9 months of age. Peek-a-boo makes a game out of learning the skills necessary to understand object permanence. At a time when babies are lighting up the room with their newfound smiles, peek-a-boo can be a wonderfully enjoyable game to play. 最近和宝宝在玩这个,宝宝很喜欢。
这是很流行的一个可以做游戏的儿歌, 调子是重复的, 歌词如下, 不过还有好多个版本, 也可以自己创新. 开始的时候, 把宝宝放在膝盖上坐着,一边唱一边动作. 每一段有不同的动作. 可以你做给宝宝看,也可以拉着宝宝的手做。 The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town. 上面这段就是两只手臂在胸前那样轮(Roll hands over each other) - 汗,不会讲中文了。 The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish" The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish" All through the town. 唱这段的时候,手就在面前像雨刷那样挥挥。 The doors on the bus go open and shut Open and shut, open and shut The doors on the bus go open and shut All through the town. 唱这段的时候,shut就是用手盖在眼睛上,open 就把手拿开。 The baby on the bus says, "Wah, wah, wah! Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!" The baby on the bus says, "Wah, wah, wah!" All through the town. 唱这段,就学宝宝哭的样子,假假的用手揉眼。 The people on the bus say, "Shh, shh, shh, Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh" The people on the bus say, "Shh, shh, shh" All through the town. 这段估计我不说你们也知道了。 The mommy on the bus says, "I love you, I love you, I love you" The daddy on the bus says, "I love you, too" All through the town. 这段自己发挥吧。。。 我记得以前再Gymboree听他们唱还有类似 The kids on the bus go up and down Up and down, up and down The kids on the bus go up and down All through the town. 如果宝宝是坐在你膝头上的, 就可以把腿伸缩一下, 宝宝就会跟着上下动了.
这个儿歌没有调调, 有节奏的念出来就好了, 很上口的. 你可以坐在地上, 让宝宝站在你两条腿之间.一边念的时候, 就一边做动作。每一段差不多,动作也一样。 Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. - 扶着宝宝在那儿跳 One fell off and bumped his head. - 把宝宝歪一下, 动作可以大点, 但是小心别摔着宝宝了 Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, - 手做打电话状 "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." - 板着脸, 竖着食指在前面晃晃, 做no-no状 Four little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Three little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Two little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." One little monkey jumping on the bed. He fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." No little monkeys jumping on the bed. None fell off and bumped their heads. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "Put those monkeys right to bed." 这个游戏对大点的宝宝也很好,可以让他们熟悉数字。
这个是在Gymboree学的。做几次以后还挺累的,妈妈们也当锻炼了吧 这个也是需要妈妈坐在地上的,两只手扶着宝宝站在两条腿之间。 Tic tac, tic tac, - 随着节奏把宝宝左右晃来晃去,让宝宝左脚站,右脚站 I am little coo-coo clock. - 接着晃 Tic tac, tic tac, - 接着晃 I am stiking one o'clock. - 准备 Coo-Coo! - 把宝宝举过头顶 (蕊蕊每次都会咯咯的笑) Tic tac, tic tac, I am little coo-coo clock. Tic tac, tic tac, I am stiking one o'clock. Coo-Coo! Coo-Coo! Tic tac, tic tac, I am little coo-coo clock. Tic tac, tic tac, I am stiking one o'clock. Coo-Coo! Coo-Coo! Coo-Coo! 看出区别来了吧?每次就在最后一句后面加个coo-coo,知道你累扒下为止 要想锻炼2头肌,3头肌,什么背肌,胸肌的妈妈可以多做几个 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-5 13:29:38编辑过]
宝宝们对吹泡泡总是很着迷。可以自己做肥皂水,也可以买配好的。现在天热了,什么店里都有卖的。不过要买那种non-toxic的。可以在室外玩,也可以在洗澡的时候玩。 在Gymboree德play class, 每次都有bubble time. 阿姨还唱一首歌,好像是: There are bubbles in the air, in the air, There are bubbles in the air, in the air, There are bubbles in the air, there are bubbles everywhere, There are bubbles in the air, in the air. There are bubbles way up high, way up high, There are bubbles way up high, way up high, There are bubbles way up high, there are bubbles everywhere, There are bubbles way up high, way up high. Video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9119202184393737005&q=gymboree+bubble+song&hl=en [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-5 22:32:19编辑过]
宝宝每天都要洗澡的, 有的宝宝喜欢洗澡,有的宝宝害怕洗澡。害怕的就更要想办法让他们enjoy了。玩具是吸引宝宝的一个手段之一, 不光是bathtime的玩具,其实只要是能泡水,好清洁的我都那给他们玩。有些东西本来不是玩具的,我们家那两个玩儿的也挺上瘾,象浴液的盖子呀。 Stories: To Bathe A Boa (By C. Imbior Kudrna) Hello Toes! Hello Feet! (By Ann Whitford Paul) We Eat Dinner In The Bathtub (By Angela Shelf Medearis) Squeaky Clean (By Simon Puttock) Have You Ever Seen A Moose Taking A Bath? (By Jamie McClaine) Tub Toys(By Terry Miller Shannon) Rhythms – Rhymes – Fingerplays: Washing Your Hands (用Row, Row, Row, Your Boat的调子唱) Wash, wash, wash your hands Play our hand game. Rub and scrub, and scrub and rub. Germs go down the drain. HEY! Wash, wash, wash your hands Play our hand game. Rub and scrub, and scrub and rub. Dirt goes down the drain. HEY! 别忘了,洗澡的时候也是玩bubbles的好时机啊。 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-7 20:45:24编辑过]
这是很传统的finger play游戏了。 The itsy bitsy spider Crawled up the water spout (这个该怎么说呀 就是先一只手的大拇指和中指相对,然后转到另外一个大拇指和中指相对,然后交替往上走,象征着蜘蛛往上爬) Down came the rain And washed the spider out (两只手从中间下来,然后往两边一分,就像雨水留下来) Out came the sun And dried up all the rain(两只手慢慢得往上爬,然后摊开手掌晃一晃) And the itsy bitsy spider Crawled up the spout again.(重复前面的动作) Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQJpjGaous4 (这个跟传统的有点不一样,不过有妈妈跟宝宝的互动,我觉的是个很好的version) [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-7 21:07:48编辑过]
以下是引用momof2在2007-4-4 22:40:00的发言: 这个儿歌没有调调, 有节奏的念出来就好了, 很上口的. 你可以坐在地上, 让宝宝站在你两条腿之间.一边念的时候, 就一边做动作。每一段差不多,动作也一样。 Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. - 扶着宝宝在那儿跳 One fell off and bumped his head. - 把宝宝歪一下, 动作可以大点, 但是小心别摔着宝宝了 Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, - 手做打电话状 "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." - 板着脸, 竖着食指在前面晃晃, 做no-no状 Four little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Three little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Two little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." One little monkey jumping on the bed. He fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." No little monkeys jumping on the bed. None fell off and bumped their heads. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "Put those monkeys right to bed." 这个游戏对大点的宝宝也很好,可以让他们熟悉数字。 MM加油写! 偶等着给你加精呢! 这个FIVE LITTLE MONKEY, 有调的, 是小苹果的最爱之一呢.
以下是引用latin在2007-4-5 1:50:00的发言: MM加油写! 偶等着给你加精呢! 这个FIVE LITTLE MONKEY, 有调的, 是小苹果的最爱之一呢. i love this one. hokey pokey 也很可爱 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-6 15:59:24编辑过]
以下是引用yilan在2007-4-5 16:20:00的发言: i love this one. hocky pokey 也很可爱 来了 You put your right foot in You put your right foot out You put your right foot in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey-Pokey And you turn yourself around That's what it's all about! You put your left foot in You put your left foot out You put your left foot in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey-Pokey And you turn yourself around That's what it's all about! You put your right hand in You put your right hand out You put your right hand in And you shake it all about You do the Hokey-Pokey And you turn yourself around That's what it's all about! You put your left hand in, You put your left hand out; You put your left hand in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey-Pokey, And you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about! You put your right side in, You put your right side out; You put your right side in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey-Pokey, And you turn yourself around That's what it's all about! You put your left side in You put your left side out You put your left side in And you shake it all about You do the Hokey-Pokey And you turn yourself around That's what it's all about! You put your nose in You put your nose out You put your nose in And you shake it all about You do the Hokey-Pokey And you turn yourself around That's what it's all about! You put your head in You put your head out You put your head in And you shake it all about You do the Hokey-Pokey And you turn yourself around That's what it's all about! You put your whole self in You put your whole self out You put your whole self in And you shake it all about You do the Hokey-Pokey And you turn yourself around That's what it's all about! Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB5AQ6X_UvA 大点的孩子很喜欢这个
以下是引用momof2在2007-4-6 15:53:00的发言: Did you receive the email I forwarded? yes, that was awesome! perfect fit for me. I already sent it over thanks much!
1. Gymboree Gymboree在很多地方都有教室。从New born到5岁都有不同程度的课。一般有音乐课,活动课,美术课。收费比较高,但是对于在家带的宝宝还是值得去跟别的小朋友玩玩,玩一下家里没有的玩具。一般免费可以试上一次课 (preview a class),然后学费还可以有减免。上完一个session后,还有GymBucks可以拿。 2. County Recreation & Parks 具体要查查每个county的网页。我只知道Howard County的在http://www.co.ho.md.us/RAP/RAP_HomePage.htm可以找到。每个月也有brochure寄到家里的。也是有不同年龄的课。价钱比Gymboree要便宜些。有些课是专门给全职在家的妈妈的. Howard County有Mommy and Me的课,很不错。 3. Public Library Library除了有书以外,还有好多活动可以参加。最大的好处是免费。几乎每天都会有不同的课,如果是平时白天的课,都可以不用register。以前我常带kevin去,一般是先讲讲故事,然后做做游戏,跳跳舞,最后做点小手工。宝宝的课还没有去过,因为都在白天,只有全职妈妈才有空。 先写到这里了,以后想起来再补充。谢谢。
2. Peek-a-poo(3楼)
3. Wheels on the bus (29楼)
4. Five little monkeys(30楼)
5. Coo-coo clock(31楼)
6. 开灯关灯(32楼)
7. Bubbles Fun(33楼)
8. Splish Splash(34楼)
9. Itsy Butsy Spider(35楼) Resources: 1. (转载)玩耍的重要性 (38楼)
2. Play Classes(50楼)
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-9 12:37:27编辑过]
This piggie stayed home,
This piggie had hamburger,
This piggie had nothing,
This piggie, wee-wee, cries all the way home. 念最后一句的时候, 开始从脚趾头开始咯吱到腋下. 这个游戏可以教宝宝认识自己身体的一部分. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SastgHJ2gQA
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 12:01:23编辑过]
Babies do not learn object permanence, the awareness that something still exists even though they cannot see it, until about 9 months of age. Peek-a-boo makes a game out of learning the skills necessary to understand object permanence. At a time when babies are lighting up the room with their newfound smiles, peek-a-boo can be a wonderfully enjoyable game to play.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 21:13:33编辑过]
这个帖子好。 上次带娃去gymboree上课,一堆妈妈都跟老师一起唱歌,我跟木头一样待着——实在是不知道那些美国儿歌啊。
gymboree德play class值得去上一个season,其实每次的东西都差不多,上几次后就学会了,然后自己在家就可以跟宝宝玩了。
这个贴好,学习!mm的游戏都是用英文玩的? 汗,应该在家用中文的,不过这些游戏什么的都是在美国学的,有些还不大好翻成中文。我们家在国内没有这么小的baby,不知道别人都是怎么玩的。有哪个mm知道的给补充一下。
这个可以玩出好多version来。好像最初的是用手挡在脸前面问宝宝,"Where's Mommy?",然后一下把手拿开说"Peek-a-Poo". 换diaper的时候,宝宝容易不耐烦,我有时候就用她的小脚Y挡在我的脸前面这样玩儿。我有时候也把脸埋在宝宝肚肚上跟他玩. 也可以用个小手绢啊,丝巾之类的盖在头上问,“宝宝在哪里呀?”,然后一下子揭开说“peek-a-poo". 这招可以在给宝宝换衣服的时候用, 宝宝就不会因为脸被挡住看不见东西而着急了. 这个游戏可以教宝宝,看不到的东西不等已没有了,可能在那里只是被挡住了。当然更重要的事逗宝宝开心. 好像宝宝们都挺喜欢的. Video:
Babies do not learn object permanence, the awareness that something still exists even though they cannot see it, until about 9 months of age. Peek-a-boo makes a game out of learning the skills necessary to understand object permanence. At a time when babies are lighting up the room with their newfound smiles, peek-a-boo can be a wonderfully enjoyable game to play.
round and round,
round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town. 上面这段就是两只手臂在胸前那样轮(Roll hands over each other) - 汗,不会讲中文了。
Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish"
The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish"
All through the town. 唱这段的时候,手就在面前像雨刷那样挥挥。 The doors on the bus go open and shut
Open and shut, open and shut
The doors on the bus go open and shut
All through the town. 唱这段的时候,shut就是用手盖在眼睛上,open 就把手拿开。 The baby on the bus says, "Wah, wah, wah!
Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!"
The baby on the bus says, "Wah, wah, wah!"
All through the town. 唱这段,就学宝宝哭的样子,假假的用手揉眼。 The people on the bus say, "Shh, shh, shh,
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh"
The people on the bus say, "Shh, shh, shh"
All through the town. 这段估计我不说你们也知道了。
I love you, I love you"
The daddy on the bus says, "I love you, too"
All through the town. 这段自己发挥吧。。。
Up and down, up and down
The kids on the bus go up and down
All through the town. 如果宝宝是坐在你膝头上的, 就可以把腿伸缩一下, 宝宝就会跟着上下动了.
One fell off and bumped his head. - 把宝宝歪一下, 动作可以大点, 但是小心别摔着宝宝了
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, - 手做打电话状
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." - 板着脸, 竖着食指在前面晃晃, 做no-no状 Four little monkeys jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Three little monkeys jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Two little monkeys jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." One little monkey jumping on the bed.
He fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." No little monkeys jumping on the bed.
None fell off and bumped their heads.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"Put those monkeys right to bed." 这个游戏对大点的宝宝也很好,可以让他们熟悉数字。
I am little coo-coo clock. - 接着晃
Tic tac, tic tac, - 接着晃
I am stiking one o'clock. - 准备
Coo-Coo! - 把宝宝举过头顶 (蕊蕊每次都会咯咯的笑) Tic tac, tic tac,
I am little coo-coo clock.
Tic tac, tic tac,
I am stiking one o'clock.
Coo-Coo! Coo-Coo! Tic tac, tic tac,
I am little coo-coo clock.
Tic tac, tic tac,
I am stiking one o'clock.
Coo-Coo! Coo-Coo! Coo-Coo! 看出区别来了吧?每次就在最后一句后面加个coo-coo,知道你累扒下为止
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-5 13:29:38编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-5 21:44:03编辑过]
There are bubbles in the air, in the air,
There are bubbles in the air, there are bubbles everywhere,
There are bubbles in the air, in the air. There are bubbles way up high, way up high,
There are bubbles way up high, way up high,
There are bubbles way up high, there are bubbles everywhere,
There are bubbles way up high, way up high. Video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9119202184393737005&q=gymboree+bubble+song&hl=en
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-5 22:32:19编辑过]
To Bathe A Boa (By C. Imbior Kudrna)
Hello Toes! Hello Feet! (By Ann Whitford Paul)
We Eat Dinner In The Bathtub (By Angela Shelf Medearis)
Squeaky Clean (By Simon Puttock)
Have You Ever Seen A Moose Taking A Bath? (By Jamie McClaine)
Tub Toys(By Terry Miller Shannon) Rhythms – Rhymes – Fingerplays: Washing Your Hands
(用Row, Row, Row, Your Boat的调子唱)
Wash, wash, wash your hands
Play our hand game.
Rub and scrub, and scrub and rub.
Germs go down the drain. HEY! Wash, wash, wash your hands
Play our hand game.
Rub and scrub, and scrub and rub.
Dirt goes down the drain. HEY! 别忘了,洗澡的时候也是玩bubbles的好时机啊。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-7 20:45:24编辑过]
Crawled up the water spout (这个该怎么说呀
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out (两只手从中间下来,然后往两边一分,就像雨水留下来)
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain(两只手慢慢得往上爬,然后摊开手掌晃一晃)
And the itsy bitsy spider
Crawled up the spout again.(重复前面的动作) Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQJpjGaous4 (这个跟传统的有点不一样,不过有妈妈跟宝宝的互动,我觉的是个很好的version)
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-7 21:07:48编辑过]
这个儿歌没有调调, 有节奏的念出来就好了, 很上口的. 你可以坐在地上, 让宝宝站在你两条腿之间.一边念的时候, 就一边做动作。每一段差不多,动作也一样。 Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. - 扶着宝宝在那儿跳
One fell off and bumped his head. - 把宝宝歪一下, 动作可以大点, 但是小心别摔着宝宝了
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, - 手做打电话状
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." - 板着脸, 竖着食指在前面晃晃, 做no-no状 Four little monkeys jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Three little monkeys jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Two little monkeys jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." One little monkey jumping on the bed.
He fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." No little monkeys jumping on the bed.
None fell off and bumped their heads.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"Put those monkeys right to bed." 这个游戏对大点的宝宝也很好,可以让他们熟悉数字。 MM加油写! 偶等着给你加精呢!
MM加油写! 偶等着给你加精呢!
MM加油写! 偶等着给你加精呢!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-6 15:59:24编辑过]
i love this one. hocky pokey 也很可爱 来了 You put your right foot in
You put your right foot out
You put your right foot in
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about! You put your left foot in
You put your left foot out
You put your left foot in
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about! You put your right hand in
You put your right hand out
You put your right hand in
And you shake it all about
You do the Hokey-Pokey
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about! You put your left hand in,
You put your left hand out;
You put your left hand in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about! You put your right side in,
You put your right side out;
You put your right side in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about! You put your left side in
You put your left side out
You put your left side in
And you shake it all about
You do the Hokey-Pokey
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about! You put your nose in
You put your nose out
You put your nose in
And you shake it all about
You do the Hokey-Pokey
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about! You put your head in
You put your head out
You put your head in
And you shake it all about
You do the Hokey-Pokey
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about! You put your whole self in
You put your whole self out
You put your whole self in
And you shake it all about
You do the Hokey-Pokey
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about! Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB5AQ6X_UvA 大点的孩子很喜欢这个
Did you receive the email I forwarded? yes, that was awesome! perfect fit for me. I already sent it over
WOW!你真有耐心啊!严重表扬! 这么好的帖偶虽然没有耐心看,可顶以哈还是不费啥事的么!
Gymboree在很多地方都有教室。从New born到5岁都有不同程度的课。一般有音乐课,活动课,美术课。收费比较高,但是对于在家带的宝宝还是值得去跟别的小朋友玩玩,玩一下家里没有的玩具。一般免费可以试上一次课 (preview a class),然后学费还可以有减免。上完一个session后,还有GymBucks可以拿。 2. County Recreation & Parks
具体要查查每个county的网页。我只知道Howard County的在http://www.co.ho.md.us/RAP/RAP_HomePage.htm可以找到。每个月也有brochure寄到家里的。也是有不同年龄的课。价钱比Gymboree要便宜些。有些课是专门给全职在家的妈妈的. Howard County有Mommy and Me的课,很不错。 3. Public Library
Library除了有书以外,还有好多活动可以参加。最大的好处是免费。几乎每天都会有不同的课,如果是平时白天的课,都可以不用register。以前我常带kevin去,一般是先讲讲故事,然后做做游戏,跳跳舞,最后做点小手工。宝宝的课还没有去过,因为都在白天,只有全职妈妈才有空。 先写到这里了,以后想起来再补充。谢谢。
蕊蕊妈辛苦了,谢谢啊! 总算有时间灌灌水,干点家务了