
楼主 (北美华人网)
Qinxuan Pan 和Kevin Jiang那个, 坚持了两年多自己清白,没杀人后,刚刚认罪了!
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/29/nyregion/qinxuan-pan-mit-yale-killing.html Former M.I.T. Student Pleads Guilty in 2021 Killing of Yale Student Qinxuan Pan, 32, evaded law enforcement for three months before his arrest. He could face 35 years in prison for the killing of Kevin Jiang.
A former graduate student at M.I.T. has pleaded guilty to killing a Yale graduate student in January 2021 in a gruesome shooting that shocked people on both university campuses.
The defendant, Qinxuan Pan, 32, narrowly escaped arrest just minutes after the murder. He spent the next three months hiding from law enforcement, and the following two years maintaining his innocence. That changed on Thursday, when Mr. Pan pleaded guilty, possibly bringing an end to a case that had caused some Connecticut residents to question the competence of local police.
Mr. Pan faces a single charge of murder, according to a statement by John P. Doyle Jr., the state’s attorney in New Haven. As part of his plea agreement, Mr. Pan could face 35 years in prison. He is scheduled to be sentenced on April 25.
The prosecutor’s office made no mention of Mr. Pan’s possible motives for the attack. In a 96-page warrant filed in state court in February 2021, a New Haven police detective described Mr. Pan’s actions as follows:
In 2019, when he was a doctoral student in M.I.T. ’s department of electrical engineering and computer science, Mr. Pan met Zion Perry, an undergraduate student at M.I.T., and they became friends. The two remained in contact through Facebook, where Ms. Perry posted an announcement celebrating her engagement on Jan. 30, 2021, to Kevin Jiang, a 26-year-old graduate student in environmental science at Yale.
A week later, on Feb. 6, 2021, Mr. Pan allegedly stole a dark blue S.U.V. from a dealership in Massachusetts, according to a criminal complaint filed by the police department in Mansfield, outside Boston. He drove to Ms. Perry’s neighborhood in New Haven, near the campus of Yale, where she was a doctoral student in biochemistry and biophysics.
Mr. Jiang and Ms. Perry had spent much of the day together. They went ice-fishing and cooked dinner at her apartment. He left a few minutes after 8 p.m., and climbed into his Toyota Prius. He had driven only a few blocks before Mr. Pan rammed him with the stolen S.U.V., according to the warrant. Mr. Jiang got out of his car, and Mr. Pan fired eight bullets at him, including multiple shots to his face.
A surveillance camera captured the crash. A neighbor witnessed the shooting, and multiple people saw the shooter get back into his S.U.V. and drive away, according to the police.
About 30 minutes after the shooting, police in the nearby town of North Haven received a call from a local scrapyard, where a driver had gotten his S.U.V. stuck on some railroad tracks. Police officers responded to find Mr. Pan behind the wheel of the dark blue GMC. He was wearing a gray knit hat printed with a “MetroPCS” logo, the detective noticed.
Mr. Pan told the officers he had become lost looking for the highway back to Massachusetts. The officers discovered that the vehicle’s license plate had been reported lost or stolen. In a statement to The New Haven Independent, a local news website, North Haven Police Chief Kevin Glenn said the officers did not know at the time that the vehicle had been stolen.
The officers did not take Mr. Pan into custody. Instead, they arranged for a tow truck, which retrieved the S.U.V. from the tracks, and brought Mr. Pan to a nearby motel.
Ninety minutes later, the New Haven Police Department issued an alert for a dark-colored S.U.V. In the alert, a dispatcher erroneously said the vehicle may have been driven by two people, possibly including a Black man. None of the witnesses to the shooting had reported a second assailant, and none had described the shooter as Black, according to the warrant.
The next morning, the same police officer who had discovered Mr. Pan stranded in the scrapyard was called to an Arby’s restaurant next door to the motel, according to the warrant. A worker had called because a bag had been discovered near the restaurant’s dumpster. It contained items including a Ruger semiautomatic pistol, seven firearm magazines and several boxes of ammunition.
The bag also contained a gray knit hat with a “MetroPCS” logo. Police requested a warrant for Mr. Pan’s arrest on Feb. 26, 2021.
A multistate manhunt ensued. Eventually, Mr. Pan was tracked to Alabama, where he had rented an apartment under an assumed name. After a three-month search, he was arrested in Alabama and extradited to Connecticut, Mr. Doyle said on Thursday.
During Mr. Pan’s prolonged flight, some residents in the New Haven area accused the police of having botched the case, according to The New Haven Independent. The fact that Mr. Pan was discovered stuck on railroad tracks should have prompted the officers to ask more questions, some residents said.
In a statement to The Independent, Chief Glenn said, “The officers involved in this investigation did their job properly.”
babybaby 发表于 2024-03-01 15:25

Vinky 发表于 2024-03-01 15:23

都是相关的品质啊 超固执的意念 超强的执行力
小豆 发表于 2024-03-01 15:26

回复 5楼 的帖子
凶手Qinxuan Pa是IMO金牌钢琴大牛MIT学霸。
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-03-01 15:13
Qinxuan Pan 和Kevin Jiang那个, 坚持了两年多自己清白,没杀人后,刚刚认罪了!
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/29/nyregion/qinxuan-pan-mit-yale-killing.html Former M.I.T. Student Pleads Guilty in 2021 Killing of Yale Student Qinxuan Pan, 32, evaded law enforcement for three months before his arrest. He could face 35 years in prison for the killing of Kevin Jiang.

小豆 发表于 2024-03-01 15:26

Vinky 发表于 2024-03-01 15:23

都是同一类的性格属性。意志坚强,不达目的不罢休。 不罢休自己,不罢休别人。
yainju 发表于 2024-03-01 17:47

你啥记性 潘勤轩(小中男,好像是上海人,mit cs博士,因为嫉妒文科硕士abc男kevin jiang和他喜欢的小白女zion perry订婚,就把这个abc男杀了) 你们什么破记性当时热度很高的新闻都不记得了
Vinky 发表于 2024-03-01 15:23

国内长大的小中男普遍缺乏感情经历,挫折教育 特别是这种理科生,很容易钻牛角尖
大概没钱了,只能老老实实 plea-bargaining。
ImAbendrot 发表于 2024-03-01 18:39
大概没钱了,只能老老实实 plea-bargaining。

是的,他把律师换成了公诉的免费律师 大概没钱了
记得,Kevin Jiang和女友,很漂亮阳光的一对恋人,可惜了。那个潘,阴险猥琐的长相,没有一点会弹琴高知的气质
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-03-01 15:15
A former graduate student at M.I.T. has pleaded guilty to killing a Yale graduate student in January 2021 in a gruesome shooting that shocked people on both university campuses.
The defendant, Qinxuan Pan, 32, narrowly escaped arrest just minutes after the murder. He spent the next three months hiding from law enforcement, and the following two years maintaining his innocence. That changed on Thursday, when Mr. Pan pleaded guilty, possibly bringing an end to a case that had caused some Connecticut residents to question the competence of local police.
Mr. Pan faces a single charge of murder, according to a statement by John P. Doyle Jr., the state’s attorney in New Haven. As part of his plea agreement, Mr. Pan could face 35 years in prison. He is scheduled to be sentenced on April 25.
The prosecutor’s office made no mention of Mr. Pan’s possible motives for the attack. In a 96-page warrant filed in state court in February 2021, a New Haven police detective described Mr. Pan’s actions as follows:
In 2019, when he was a doctoral student in M.I.T. ’s department of electrical engineering and computer science, Mr. Pan met Zion Perry, an undergraduate student at M.I.T., and they became friends. The two remained in contact through Facebook, where Ms. Perry posted an announcement celebrating her engagement on Jan. 30, 2021, to Kevin Jiang, a 26-year-old graduate student in environmental science at Yale.
A week later, on Feb. 6, 2021, Mr. Pan allegedly stole a dark blue S.U.V. from a dealership in Massachusetts, according to a criminal complaint filed by the police department in Mansfield, outside Boston. He drove to Ms. Perry’s neighborhood in New Haven, near the campus of Yale, where she was a doctoral student in biochemistry and biophysics.
Mr. Jiang and Ms. Perry had spent much of the day together. They went ice-fishing and cooked dinner at her apartment. He left a few minutes after 8 p.m., and climbed into his Toyota Prius. He had driven only a few blocks before Mr. Pan rammed him with the stolen S.U.V., according to the warrant. Mr. Jiang got out of his car, and Mr. Pan fired eight bullets at him, including multiple shots to his face.
A surveillance camera captured the crash. A neighbor witnessed the shooting, and multiple people saw the shooter get back into his S.U.V. and drive away, according to the police.
About 30 minutes after the shooting, police in the nearby town of North Haven received a call from a local scrapyard, where a driver had gotten his S.U.V. stuck on some railroad tracks. Police officers responded to find Mr. Pan behind the wheel of the dark blue GMC. He was wearing a gray knit hat printed with a “MetroPCS” logo, the detective noticed.
Mr. Pan told the officers he had become lost looking for the highway back to Massachusetts. The officers discovered that the vehicle’s license plate had been reported lost or stolen. In a statement to The New Haven Independent, a local news website, North Haven Police Chief Kevin Glenn said the officers did not know at the time that the vehicle had been stolen.
The officers did not take Mr. Pan into custody. Instead, they arranged for a tow truck, which retrieved the S.U.V. from the tracks, and brought Mr. Pan to a nearby motel.
Ninety minutes later, the New Haven Police Department issued an alert for a dark-colored S.U.V. In the alert, a dispatcher erroneously said the vehicle may have been driven by two people, possibly including a Black man. None of the witnesses to the shooting had reported a second assailant, and none had described the shooter as Black, according to the warrant.
The next morning, the same police officer who had discovered Mr. Pan stranded in the scrapyard was called to an Arby’s restaurant next door to the motel, according to the warrant. A worker had called because a bag had been discovered near the restaurant’s dumpster. It contained items including a Ruger semiautomatic pistol, seven firearm magazines and several boxes of ammunition.
The bag also contained a gray knit hat with a “MetroPCS” logo. Police requested a warrant for Mr. Pan’s arrest on Feb. 26, 2021.
A multistate manhunt ensued. Eventually, Mr. Pan was tracked to Alabama, where he had rented an apartment under an assumed name. After a three-month search, he was arrested in Alabama and extradited to Connecticut, Mr. Doyle said on Thursday.
During Mr. Pan’s prolonged flight, some residents in the New Haven area accused the police of having botched the case, according to The New Haven Independent. The fact that Mr. Pan was discovered stuck on railroad tracks should have prompted the officers to ask more questions, some residents said.
In a statement to The Independent, Chief Glenn said, “The officers involved in this investigation did their job properly.”

天啊, 都那么久了还没入狱啊!这 效率
回复 16楼 wielkacytryna 的帖子
two people in the car…黑人莫名躺枪
回复 3楼 Vinky 的帖子
江是单亲家庭的,妈妈太惨了,失去儿子,还培养的那么好。 潘是中学到美国来的,估计是智商高,情商低的傻子, 他在某次会议上,看上了江的女朋友,人家根本和他没关系。没有任何感情纠葛。 但是他发现江居然求婚成功了,就跑去把人家杀了。关键人家这女的和他没关系啊,你杀了男的也不是说女的就和你好。
bunnybear 发表于 2024-03-02 11:42
江是单亲家庭的,妈妈太惨了,失去儿子,还培养的那么好。 潘是中学到美国来的,估计是智商高,情商低的傻子, 他在某次会议上,看上了江的女朋友,人家根本和他没关系。没有任何感情纠葛。 但是他发现江居然求婚成功了,就跑去把人家杀了。关键人家这女的和他没关系啊,你杀了男的也不是说女的就和你好。
