Actually, I didn't use PS on those pictures. But use Nikon Capture 1.0 to convert raw to jpeg.
I use Nikon Micro 105mm/F2.8 VR for all those pictures. This lense is perfect (for me :P) for color and sharpness, so there is no need to do post processing :) Normally, I trust on my lenses instead of ps. But more frankly, I don't know how to ps even if I want :(
For the Gaussian distortion, I have no idea. Because it is turned out by the lense itself.
For the WB, I used camera automatic WB. Because I used Nikon SB800 flash on most pictures above, the automatic WB is 5400 on Nikon Capture 1.0 software. :)
以下是引用radish在2007-4-2 15:22:00的发言: thank you all for your kind comments.
Actually, I didn't use PS on those pictures. But use Nikon Capture 1.0 to convert raw to jpeg.
I use Nikon Micro 105mm/F2.8 VR for all those pictures. This lense is perfect (for me :P) for color and sharpness, so there is no need to do post processing :) Normally, I trust on my lenses instead of ps. But more frankly, I don't know how to ps even if I want :(
For the Gaussian distortion, I have no idea. Because it is turned out by the lense itself. 谢谢mm进来好好学习一下 单灯的打得真漂亮 mm可以分享一下布光的心得吗? 还有,那张水珠的能说说拍摄的过程吗?
Actually, I didn't use PS on those pictures. But use Nikon Capture 1.0 to convert raw to jpeg.
I use Nikon Micro 105mm/F2.8 VR for all those pictures. This lense is perfect (for me :P) for color and sharpness, so there is no need to do post processing :) Normally, I trust on my lenses instead of ps. But more frankly, I don't know how to ps even if I want :(
For the Gaussian distortion, I have no idea. Because it is turned out by the lense itself.
For the WB, I used camera automatic WB. Because I used Nikon SB800 flash on most pictures above, the automatic WB is 5400 on Nikon Capture 1.0 software. :)
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-2 16:59:00编辑过]
thank you all for your kind comments.
Actually, I didn't use PS on those pictures. But use Nikon Capture 1.0 to convert raw to jpeg.
I use Nikon Micro 105mm/F2.8 VR for all those pictures. This lense is perfect (for me :P) for color and sharpness, so there is no need to do post processing :) Normally, I trust on my lenses instead of ps. But more frankly, I don't know how to ps even if I want :(
For the Gaussian distortion, I have no idea. Because it is turned out by the lense itself.
谢谢mm进来好好学习一下 单灯的打得真漂亮 mm可以分享一下布光的心得吗? 还有,那张水珠的能说说拍摄的过程吗?
hi there~~ 我也有NC,一直没怎么用。可能就是你用灯的原因,颜色真的好正啊! 一盏灯就能有这么好的效果,赞啊!
SB-800的功率很大, 加上mm是用微距头拍摄的, 视场比较小, 所以光就显得比较均匀.
SB-800的功率很大, 加上mm是用微距头拍摄的, 视场比较小, 所以光就显得比较均匀.
我不觉得是SB800的功劳,距离近,指数再小也够了(除非用bouncer,不像) 而且太近的话,好像还不好用flash,离机闪? 我觉得还是lz的对光线和色彩的控制起了绝大部分的作用,所以才那么pp。 我猜水珠那张没用flash。 也想听听mm的是如何用光的。
谢谢大家到nice comments 我一般是用SB800离机被D70的buildin flash触发外闪。然后闪光灯打向天花板,利用光线反射,这样可以比较均匀而且不容易有影子 另一个重要因素是来自窗外的自然光。也就是说自然光光源在9点的方向,我相机在4-5点的方向,闪光灯外闪。这样的布光就比较均匀而且光亮充沛 雨滴那张确实没有闪光:)就是利用窗外的自然光。手动对焦,不然相机自动对焦不容易找到雨滴 SB800确实很强大,所以要刻意离照相物体远一点儿再外闪,比如位于相机后面一点儿(对不起,我找不到准确的量化),不然容易过曝。当然,刻意减少曝光1/3-1/2stop也不错 谢谢mm的分享 收藏学习了 下面有空也来实践一下 胖妹儿 下面肯定要上SB800了吧
只能全手动 的说。