回复 37楼changheruhailiu的帖子 Cops Said Indian Murdered Wife And Daughter In US, Then Killed Himself (ndtv.com) 颜值很高。
Cops Say Indian Murdered Wife And Daughter In US, Then Killed Himself Rakesh Kamal, his wife Teena Kamal, and their college-going daughter Arianna Kamal were found dead in their USD 5 million mansion in Dover, Massachusetts on December 28, 2023. Diaspora Press Trust of India Updated: January 03, 2024 11:13 am IST Rakesh Kamal, his daughter and wife were found dead in their mansion.
New York: The deaths of a wealthy Indian-origin couple and their daughter in the US state of Massachusetts last week have been ruled a murder-suicide by medical authorities after autopsy.Rakesh Kamal, 57, his wife Teena Kamal, 54 and their college-going daughter Arianna Kamal, 18 were found dead in their USD 5 million mansion in Dover, Massachusetts on December 28, 2023. A firearm was found near Rakesh Kamal. A press release issued by the office of Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey on Tuesday said that autopsy results issued by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner confirm that Teena and her daughter Arianna were victims of homicide by gunshot. Rakesh died from a “gunshot wound consistent with being self-inflicted”. The final autopsy report is likely to be completed in the coming weeks. The release further said that while full forensic and ballistics testing of the gun has not been finalised, the firearm found with Rakesh is consistent with a .40 calibre Glock 22. However, the firearm was not registered in Rakesh's name and “he was not licensed to possess it,” the release added. Massachusetts State Police have contacted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives for assistance in determining the origin of the firearm. The incident remains under investigation by Dover and Massachusetts State Police. Last week, Morrissey said that the initial investigation indicated the incident was a case of domestic violence and did not initially indicate the involvement of outside parties. Dover Police received a 911 call requesting a response to the Kamal residence at approximately 7:24 p.m. on December 28 by a family member who had stopped by to check on the family. The police found the Kamal family dead when it arrived on the scene. Investigators had worked the crime scene through much of the night. Dover is about 32 kilometres southwest of downtown Boston, the capital of Massachusetts. Morrissey has said that there had been no prior police reports or domestic incidents tied to the home. The family's sprawling mansion, estimated to be worth USD 5.45 million, went into foreclosure a year ago and was sold for USD 3 million, according to a report in The New York Post.
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🛋️ 沙发板凳
可能码农里面的高智商人群太多了 里面又有一部分精神有问题的 像尼采就是从小聪慧,40来岁就疯了。 但之前干完别人几辈子干不完的事。
我读了新闻,孩子身上没有trauma, 可能是smoke或者lethol doze of drug
是真的。以前都说硅谷卷我还觉得瞎扯。去年送娃去外州上大学呆了一个星期,才感觉到硅谷真的太累太卷。 人家走路的节奏都和俺们完全不一样。以最简单的走路来说。四平八稳的走回去。轻轻的把门打开那种。我原来觉得我自己正常的走路速度至少是人家2倍。感觉在当地🉐叫赶路,问题是我觉得我在硅谷算最不卷的了
俺们硅谷真是🤣🤣 连过年party都安排得紧紧张张的。一部分同学来也匆匆去也匆匆。下面还要赶第二个场😂
自己不想活了就去死好了 非要拉着老婆和孩子给垫背
感觉这行业的不少人心态失衡,心理健康问题严重,totally out of touch,和现实生活脱节严重。
最近这些惨案。。。。。实在是离我们太近了。这家印度人就像是印度版的身边任何一家幸福平淡的华人家庭。双码高知,美丽的太太,狗和meta家的码农,幸福聪明可爱的小孩,父母从印度来带孩子。 陈立人那个也是,那不就是十年前的我们自己。 我们总觉得自己幸福平淡,拥有生活里所有的blessing,小小的烦恼无伤大雅的点缀着让我们的幸福生活。居然身边也有这么多惨痛的过不去的人。 放下执念。。。。放下压力。。好好活着。 sigh
这俩夫妻和我都是LinkedIn 上secondary degree contacts (男主meta/google, 女主 zillow)。兔死狐悲 物伤其类啊。
当个码农也不用多高的智商吧,又不是rocket science. 还登月碰瓷尼采。
不晓得这事加了google/meta tag在印度社区里有没有热度,我觉得对陈立人那事讨论点放清华和Google身上有点偏
如果中国人杀自己人,印度人杀别人你就会说: 佩服印度人,冤有头债有主,死了也要拉垫背的,中国人只会杀自己人,太窝囊。
高工资骗你来, 高价接盘房子, 然后解雇了你。 不但你人自杀死了, 你的首付最后还是被银行家拿走。房子又还给了白人。 很多中印移民干了活,丢了命, 全家清空!
Cops Said Indian Murdered Wife And Daughter In US, Then Killed Himself (ndtv.com)
Cops Say Indian Murdered Wife And Daughter In US, Then Killed Himself Rakesh Kamal, his wife Teena Kamal, and their college-going daughter Arianna Kamal were found dead in their USD 5 million mansion in Dover, Massachusetts on December 28, 2023. Diaspora Press Trust of India Updated: January 03, 2024 11:13 am IST Rakesh Kamal, his daughter and wife were found dead in their mansion.
New York: The deaths of a wealthy Indian-origin couple and their daughter in the US state of Massachusetts last week have been ruled a murder-suicide by medical authorities after autopsy. Rakesh Kamal, 57, his wife Teena Kamal, 54 and their college-going daughter Arianna Kamal, 18 were found dead in their USD 5 million mansion in Dover, Massachusetts on December 28, 2023. A firearm was found near Rakesh Kamal. A press release issued by the office of Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey on Tuesday said that autopsy results issued by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner confirm that Teena and her daughter Arianna were victims of homicide by gunshot. Rakesh died from a “gunshot wound consistent with being self-inflicted”. The final autopsy report is likely to be completed in the coming weeks. The release further said that while full forensic and ballistics testing of the gun has not been finalised, the firearm found with Rakesh is consistent with a .40 calibre Glock 22. However, the firearm was not registered in Rakesh's name and “he was not licensed to possess it,” the release added. Massachusetts State Police have contacted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives for assistance in determining the origin of the firearm. The incident remains under investigation by Dover and Massachusetts State Police. Last week, Morrissey said that the initial investigation indicated the incident was a case of domestic violence and did not initially indicate the involvement of outside parties. Dover Police received a 911 call requesting a response to the Kamal residence at approximately 7:24 p.m. on December 28 by a family member who had stopped by to check on the family. The police found the Kamal family dead when it arrived on the scene. Investigators had worked the crime scene through much of the night. Dover is about 32 kilometres southwest of downtown Boston, the capital of Massachusetts. Morrissey has said that there had been no prior police reports or domestic incidents tied to the home. The family's sprawling mansion, estimated to be worth USD 5.45 million, went into foreclosure a year ago and was sold for USD 3 million, according to a report in The New York Post.
记得女儿是Middlebury college,很好的一个LAC,才大一放假回家,哎....
哪里有说smoke? 新闻里说可能是被闷死、勒死,或者毒死的
Google Minaj sarkar.
孤注一掷 的还有 北卡河南中国学生杀中国导师的那位。也是目标太高 咬牙硬上,最后给旁人和自己带来悲剧。
尼采的疯 是因为 当时他走在街上 看见一个喝醉的马夫 凶猛地抽打一匹又瘦又困的老马 尼采抱着马 痛哭 然后就疯了 因为他从老马身上 看到了每个人从出生到死亡的悲惨 而且无法回避
尼采说的 我们的人生本来就是很苦的 只有靠艺术来平衡 尼采说的 上帝已经死了 只是愤恨人世间的恶 如果上帝还存在 怎么允许那么多让人心痛的事情发生
尼采是信神的 从他一系列作品 读德文原版 都是一个个音乐节奏
所以 不要说尼采的疯 只是 我们不懂他的世界
尼采的原名里 有一个国王的名字 这个国王已经被后人遗忘 可是 尼采 一直被人记着
斯坦福出了多少科技融资骗子啊 有兴趣的 自己查查呀
码工除了写CODE 其实 精神生活根本没有 更谈不出个所以然 很可怜
不要看不起人文 关键的时候 可以救命
自古大师 都是文理皆通的 这个通 是指有自己的见解 人生阅历
因为男人的世界 竞争是更加残酷 残忍 和动物世界 有的一比
看看雄狮 平日懒洋洋 关键的时候 是以命相搏
大姐大妈 体谅点你家那位
正解 所以 得自己做公司 就是个小卖部 名片上 也是你自己的名字
人生都有低谷 甚至劫难 不要问 一直埋头走 走过去 就好了 不要想那么多 相信我
真希望再读一遍 活着 许三观卖血记
赞成 我知道不少有钱人 家里是不允许孩子用电子产品的 但是 人家有很多其他的娱乐方式 这个世界 就是那么XX
你这个劝告 我觉得 太幽默了 太郭德纲了呀 哈哈
记得前一阵子一个帖子,老婆来问她老公是不是永远也找不到工作了 那个老公是一个director ,VP 那种吧,在裁员大潮中被裁掉,3,5个月没有找到工作,老婆就急着问老公是不是永远再也找不到工作没有收入了 可以想象那个老公的心理压力
印度人谋杀率比华人高多了,只不过你只关注华人而已,随便找找就有这样的新闻 Indian student charged with family members’ triple murder in US
可是这个老婆也是zillow的manager 不至于揭不开锅