哪位JM有The Contented Little Baby Book的能不能帮一下忙

楼主 (北美华人网)
哪位JM有The Contented Little Baby Book的能不能帮一下忙
前几天在一个贴子里看到3-4个月的schedule, 觉得很受启发.
AMAZON上这本书要3-5周才能寄到. :((((((((((((((
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nobody can help me? :(((((((((((((((((((
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http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&replyid=1525657&id=298571&page=2&skin=0&Star=10 这个帖子里面有我抄的3-4个月宝宝大概的表(7pm-7am),等晚上我再给你update一下2个月宝宝的表。 7AM起, feed from both breasts or a full bottle, should stay awake for two hours 8am, should be encourage to kick on his play mat for 20-30 minuts 9am, settle the drowsy baby, in the dar with the door shut no later than 9am.  needs a sleep of no longer than 45 minuts. 11am, a feeding from both breasts or a full bottle.  do not feed after 11:30 am, as it will put him off his next feeding 11:50am: close the curtains and seetle the drowsy baby, put in the dark with the door shut, no later than 12:00 noon. 12:00--2:00-2:15pm: baby needs a nap of no longer than 2 1/4 hours from the time he went down 2:15pm: feed no later than 2:30 pm. do not feed him after 3:15 pm, as it will put him off his next feeding. 6:15pm: feed no later than 6:15pm.  dim the lights and sit him in his char for ten minutes while you tidy up. 7pm: settle the drowsy baby. 10:30pm: give him most of his breast-feed or a 6oz bottle.  This feed should take no longer than 30 minutes. If your baby continues to sleep through to 7am, once his waking time at 10:30pm has been reduced to 30 minuts, start reducing the amount he is drinking at 10:00-10:30pm.  Only continue with this if he is sleeping well until 7am.  Once he is taking 2oz at the last feed and sleeps through to 7am, consecuritively for several nights, drop this feed.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-30 22:22:04编辑过]
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原来这个是从The Contented Little Baby Book来的?我还以为是no cry baby solution呢。baby book值得买吗?
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以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-30 22:50:00的发言:
原来这个是从The Contented Little Baby Book来的?我还以为是no cry baby solution呢。baby book值得买吗? 购物狂mm,10刀多的书,你就不要犹豫了
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Routine for a breast-feeding baby at eight to twelve weeks (这是按照7pm-7am的,mm可以根据自己家情况调整,我家就改成了8-8) 7AM,should be awake, diaper changed and feeding no later than 7am. Do not feed after 7:45am, as it will put him off his next feeding. He can stay awake for up to two hours. 8:50am, check his diaper and bedding and close the curtains. 9am, settle the drowsy baby, half swaddled and in the dark with the door shut no later than 9am.  needs a sleep of no longer than 45 minuts. 9:45am, open the curtains and unswaddle baby so that he can wake up naturally. 10am, baby must be fully awake now regardless of how long he slept. Encourage him to kick under his play gym. 10:45-11:00am, should be given 20 minutes from the breast he last fed on, then offered 10-15 minutes from the second breast while you have a large glass of water. Do not feed after 11:30am, as it will put him off his next feed. 11:55am, regardless of what he has done earlier he should now be taken to his room. Check the sheet and change his diaper. Close the curtains and settle baby, half swaddled and in the dark with door shut, no later than 12:00 noon. 12:00noon to 2:00-2:15pm, baby needs a nap of no longer than 2 1/4 hours from the time he went down. 2:00-2:15pm: baby must be awake 2 1/4hours from the time he went down, regardless of how he has slept, and he must be feeding on later than 2:30pm. open the curtains, unswaddle him and allow him to wake up naturally.  Change his diaper. given 20 minutes from the breast he last fed on, then offered 10-15 minutes from the second breast while you have a large glass of water.Do not feed after 3:15 pm, as it will put him off his next feeding. It is very important that he is fully awake now until 4:45pm, so that he goes down well at 7:00pm. 4:15pm, change his diaper, he may have a short nap between 4:45pm and 5:00pm. 5:00pm, Baby must be fully awake if you want him to sleep at 7pm. He should be happy to wait until after the bath for his feeding. 5:30pm, allow him to play without his diaper while preparing things needed for his bath and bedtime. 5:45pm, He must be start his bath no later than 5:45pm, and be massaged and dressed by 6:15pm. 6:15pm: feed no later than 6:15pm, and this should be down in the nursery with dim lights and no talking or eye contact.
        It is very important that he is in bed two hours from when he last awoke. 7:00pm, settle the drowsy baby, half swaddled and in the dark with the door shut, no later than 7:00pm. 8:00pm, it is very important that you have a really good meal and a rest before the next feeding or expressing. 10:00-10:30pm, turn on the lights fully and unswaddle baby so that he can wake up naturally.  Allow at least ten minutes before feeding to ensure that he is fully awake, so that he can feed well.  Lay out things for the diaper change, plus a spare sheet, burp cloth and swaddle blanket in case they are needed in the middle of the night. Give him 20 minutes on the first breast or most of his bottle, change his diaper and reswaddle him. Dim the lights and with no talking or eye contact give him 20 minutes on the second breast or the remainder of the bottle.  This feeding should take no longer than one hour. In the night: If your baby is feeding before 5:00am, feeding well and losing interest in his 7am feed, it would be wise to try setting him with some cool boiled water.  Remember, the aim is to get him to take all his daily requirements betwen 7am and 11pm. As long as he is gaining 6oz a week, he can be encouraged to go through to 5am without a milk feed. If he wakes up at 5am, give him the first breast, and if needed five to ten minutes on the second breast. If he wakes up at 6am, give him the first breast, then the second at 7:30am. Avoid nighttime stimulation, only change his diaper if necessary.  
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yilan真是好斑竹啊。 我就是退了,只要你还当斑竹,我还会哈哈哈的带着我的心得来家小。
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以下是引用amychen106在2007-3-30 23:53:00的发言:
yilan真是好斑竹啊。 我就是退了,只要你还当斑竹,我还会哈哈哈的带着我的心得来家小。 ft,冲着其他那么多姐妹,还有你亲家,你也得天天来才行  
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以下是引用yilan在2007-3-30 23:29:00的发言:
购物狂mm,10刀多的书,你就不要犹豫了 我下午大概真是昏了,去amazon看了一下,才发现我也已经买了这本书了,只是一直还没寄出。我本来以为你们说的是happiest baby on the block呢。
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以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-31 0:38:00的发言:
我下午大概真是昏了,去amazon看了一下,才发现我也已经买了这本书了,只是一直还没寄出。我本来以为你们说的是happiest baby on the block呢。 这就是购物狂的通病,经常忘了自己都买了啥, happiest baby on the block看看书和dvd就行了,也就前三个月有用。我lg就是按照那个dvd学的包裹
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yilan type辛苦了。我这就打印出来,礼拜天开始试着做一下。如果想8-8是不是就是把所有你列的时间都加1就可以了? 我不太明白的是,这么rigorously follow一个schedule真的work吗?比如9am那觉不可以睡超过45分钟?
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以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-31 0:44:00的发言:
yilan type辛苦了。我这就打印出来,礼拜天开始试着做一下。如果想8-8是不是就是把所有你列的时间都加1就可以了? 我不太明白的是,这么rigorously follow一个schedule真的work吗?比如9am那觉不可以睡超过45分钟? 也不是全部都加1。小宝宝我没有经验,但是从5个月以后我调整宁宁来看,时间是符合生物钟规律的,在那个时间段放下去,宝宝就容易入睡,睡得好,醒来也高兴。虽然宁宁8点起,但是10点再放就晚,9点20左右效果就比较好。 等你开始调整以后,你就会发现这些时间不是僵硬的,而是一个规律性的问题。孩子是秩序性顺序性很强的。9点钟那觉不超过45分钟,是因为如果宝宝能够好好睡,他就足够了,到点起来该吃就吃该玩就玩。如果这觉时间太长,后面的规律就又要被打破了。那个时间表也没有规定到分钟,而是留有半个小时的量。但是有些需要注意的地方,比如最好不要晚于什么时候吃,什么时候就不要再睡了,还是很有道理,那是经验之谈。 虽然每个宝宝都是不同的,但是如果往这个routine引导,宝宝会找到他的规律,不会和大人乱闹,更不会出现overtired的表现。他不排斥到了睡觉的时候就睡,还会在该醒的时候自然醒来,睡到了30-45分钟,醒来高高兴兴,大人也就好带了。 根据这个routine来的还有一个好处是,它是循序渐进的,以后加solid food,睡整觉,取消早觉等等,会很顺应得下去,有预见性,不会觉得突然有什么重大改变,宝宝也会很自然的过渡各个生长阶段。 当然,我也不想说,所有宝宝都要按照这个routine来做。但是至少4-5个月大的宝宝,如果晚上睡得不好,不妨参考这些routine调整,帮助宝宝更好的吃饭睡觉。
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yilan MM, you are so nice!!!! Thanks a lot!!!!
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以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-31 0:44:00的发言:
yilan type辛苦了。我这就打印出来,礼拜天开始试着做一下。如果想8-8是不是就是把所有你列的时间都加1就可以了? 我不太明白的是,这么rigorously follow一个schedule真的work吗?比如9am那觉不可以睡超过45分钟? of course we parents need to be open minded and understand that all babies are different. But I read all the reviews on Amazon and out of 100+ ppl only one person has some real negative things to say about the book, all other negative reviews are from ppl who never really tried. so I think the uccess rate is very high and a lot of ppl think the plan actually follows baby's natural biological clock. 
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yilan MM辛苦了。收藏啦
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以下是引用fe在2008-4-6 0:41:00的发言:
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yilan斑斑,不好意思想问你一下7个月的宝宝作息时间和3个月的有何主要不同?因为7个月的宝宝已经开始加solid food了,不知道书上有没有提到加solid food的时间?原先喂奶的时间书上是说不要超过30(45)分钟,那现在加辅食是加在原先喂奶的时间还是另外的时间?你们的宝宝到了睡觉的时间放下去不会哭吗?我们家的吃和睡不分家,如果到了睡觉的时间不给吃就号啕大哭,还有把宝宝放下以后大人就离开吗?那岂不是会哭得更凶?晚上什么时间关灯合适呢?如果把灯关了,大人又离开,简直不敢想象。谢谢!
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以下是引用pastor在2008-4-6 23:12:00的发言:
yilan斑斑,不好意思想问你一下7个月的宝宝作息时间和3个月的有何主要不同?因为7个月的宝宝已经开始加solid food了,不知道书上有没有提到加solid food的时间?原先喂奶的时间书上是说不要超过30(45)分钟,那现在加辅食是加在原先喂奶的时间还是另外的时间?你们的宝宝到了睡觉的时间放下去不会哭吗?我们家的吃和睡不分家,如果到了睡觉的时间不给吃就号啕大哭,还有把宝宝放下以后大人就离开吗?那岂不是会哭得更凶?晚上什么时间关灯合适呢?如果把灯关了,大人又离开,简直不敢想象。谢谢!
3个月和七个月还是有不少不同的。毕竟4-5个月以后都有加辅食的时间了,更重要的是,加辅食以后,孩子基本上变成了一日三餐,当中还有两次snack或者吃奶时间。书上很全面,毕竟是孩子的作息,所以定然是提到了solid food的时间的。
至于孩子到了睡觉的时候放下去是什么样子,这在最初阶段,多多少少有些protest crying。如果克服这些,我在我的帖子里面已经把我知道的写了。我儿子早就不哭了。他被放进crib的时候,根本还没有睡着,都是靠自己在小床上慢慢睡着的。我把所有一些程序都做完,然后亲他,和他说晚安就走了。
书上提到的很重要的一点是,吃饭和睡觉最好是分开。虽然不完全反对nurse to sleep,但是自己能够入睡对吃饭和睡觉来说,都是更有利于健康的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-7 0:31:12编辑过]
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Routine for a breast-feeding baby at eight to twelve weeks例行为母乳喂食的婴儿在八至十二周
(这是按照7pm-7am的,mm可以根据自己家情况调整,我家就改成了8-8) (这是按照7日下午7点左右的,美眉可以根据自己家情况调整,我家就改成了8-8 )
7AM,should be awake, diaper changed and feeding no later than 7am. Do not feed after 7:45am, as it will put him off his next feeding. He can stay awake for up to two hours.早晨7时,应觉醒,换尿布和喂食不晚于早上七时,不要上午07时45分后喂食,因为这将是延迟他的下次喂食,他可以保持清醒长达两个小时。
8:50am, check his diaper and bedding and close the curtains.上午8时50分,检查他的尿布和被褥和关闭窗帘。
9am, settle the drowsy baby, half swaddled and in the dark with the door shut no later than 9am. needs a sleep of no longer than 45 minuts.上午9点, 放好昏昏欲睡的婴儿,其中一半裹着 ,并在黑暗中与门关闭不晚于上午九时需要的睡眠不超过45分钟。
9:45am, open the curtains and unswaddle baby so that he can wake up naturally.上午9时45分,打开窗帘和松开宝宝,让他能够自然唤醒。
10am, baby must be fully awake now regardless of how long he slept.上午十时,婴儿必须完全清醒,现在不管他睡了多长时间。 Encourage him to kick under his play gym.鼓励他踢在他的健身房。
10:45-11:00am, should be given 20 minutes from the breast he last fed on, then offered 10-15 minutes from the second breast while you have a large glass of water. Do not feed after 11:30am, as it will put him off his next feed. 10:45-11:00时,应给予20分钟,从他的乳房上取食,然后在10-15分钟,从第二届乳房,而你有一个大的一杯水,不要喂食后,上午11时30分,因为它将延误他在下次喂食。
11:55am, regardless of what he has done earlier he should now be taken to his room. Check the sheet and change his diaper.上午11点55分,不管他的所作所为,此前,他现在应该采取自己的房间。检查表和改变他的尿布。 Close the curtains and settle baby, half swaddled and in the dark with door shut, no later than 12:00 noon.关闭窗帘和定居的婴儿,其中一半裹着 ,并在黑暗中,与门关闭,最迟不晚于中午12时结束。
12:00noon to 2:00-2:15pm, baby needs a nap of no longer than 2 1/4 hours from the time he went down.中午12:00至下午2:00-2:15 ,宝宝需要午睡不长于2 1 / 4个小时的时间,他去了。
2:00-2:15pm: baby must be awake 2 1/4hours from the time he went down, regardless of how he has slept, and he must be feeding on later than 2:30pm. open the curtains, unswaddle him and allow him to wake up naturally.  Change his diaper.下午2:00-2:15 : 婴儿必须清醒二小时。从时间到,不论如何,他已睡,而且他必须喂食对不迟于下午2时30分打开窗帘, 松开他,并让他自然唤醒改变他的尿布。 given 20 minutes from the breast he last fed on, then offered 10-15 minutes from the second breast while you have a large glass of water. Do not feed after 3:15 pm, as it will put him off his next feeding.鉴于20分钟,从他的乳房上取食,然后在10-15分钟,从第二届乳房,而你有一个大的一杯水,不要喂食后,下午3时15分,因为这将是延迟他的下次喂食。
It is very important that he is fully awake now until 4:45pm, so that he goes down well at 7:00pm. 这是非常重要的是,他是完全清醒,现在,直到下午4点45分,让他的花名册上,以及在下午7:00 。
4:15pm, change his diaper, he may have a short nap between 4:45pm and 5:00pm.下午4时15分,改变他的尿布,他可能会产生短暂午睡间下午4时45分和下午5时结束。
5:00pm, Baby must be fully awake if you want him to sleep at 7pm .下午5时, 婴儿必须完全清醒,如果你不想让他睡在晚上7点 。 He should be happy to wait until after the bath for his feeding.他应该很乐意等到洗澡,他喂食。
5:30pm, allow him to play without his diaper while preparing things needed for his bath and bedtime.下午5时30分,让他没有发挥他的尿布,而准备的东西,需要为他洗澡睡觉了。
5:45pm, He must be start his bath no later than 5:45pm, and be massaged and dressed by 6:15pm.下午5时45分,他必须开始他洗澡不晚于下午5时45分,并予以按摩,穿着由下午6时15分。
6:15pm: feed no later than 6:15pm, and this should be down in the nursery with dim lights and no talking or eye contact. It is very important that he is in bed two hours from when he last awoke. 下午6时15分:喂食不得迟于下午6时15分,这应该是在托儿所与暗淡的灯,并没有说话,还是眼神接触,这是非常重要的是,他是在床上两个小时,从他当上醒来。
7:00pm, settle the drowsy baby, half swaddled and in the dark with the door shut, no later than 7:00pm.下午7:00 ,放好昏昏欲睡的婴儿,其中一半裹着 ,并在黑暗中与门关闭,最迟不晚于下午七时。
8:00pm, it is very important that you have a really good meal and a rest before the next feeding or expressing.下午8点,这是非常重要的是你有一个真正好的膳食和休息,然后下次喂食或表达。
10:00-10:30pm, turn on the lights fully and unswaddle baby so that he can wake up naturally.  Allow at least ten minutes before feeding to ensure that he is fully awake, so that he can feed well.  Lay out things for the diaper change, plus a spare sheet, burp cloth and swaddle blanket in case they are needed in the middle of the night. 10:00-10:30时,打开灯光,充分松开宝宝,让他能够自然唤醒,让至少10分钟,然后喂食,以确保他是完全清醒,让他能养活好。铺陈事换尿布,再加上一块备用表,打嗝布和襁褓毯情况下,他们还需要在半夜时分。 Give him 20 minutes on the first breast or most of his bottle, change his diaper and reswaddle him.给他20分钟就第一个乳房或他的大部分瓶,改变他的尿布和reswaddle他。 Dim the lights and with no talking or eye contact give him 20 minutes on the second breast or the remainder of the bottle.  This feeding should take no longer than one hour. 暗淡的灯光,并没有说话,还是目光接触,给他20分钟的第二个乳房或在余下的一瓶,这应喂食时间不超过一小时。
In the night : If your baby is feeding before 5:00am, feeding well and losing interest in his 7am feed, it would be wise to try setting him with some cool boiled water.  Remember, the aim is to get him to take all his daily requirements betwen 7am and 11pm. 在晚间 :如果你的宝宝是喂食前,上午05点,喂食以及失去兴趣,他早晨7时喂食,将是明智的尝试设置他与一些很酷的白开水。记住,我们的目标是让他吃,他的所有每日需要量介乎上午7:00至晚上11时。 As long as he is gaining 6oz a week, he can be encouraged to go through to 5am without a milk feed.只要他抬头6盎司,他每周可以鼓励经过5点,以无奶的喂食。 If he wakes up at 5am, give him the first breast, and if needed five to ten minutes on the second breast.如果他醒来,在5点,让他第一次母乳,而且如果需要的9时55分钟,第二个乳房。 If he wakes up at 6am, give him the first breast, then the second at 7:30am.如果他醒来,在清晨6时,给他的第一个乳房,然后第二次在上午07时30分。 Avoid nighttime stimulation, only change his diaper if necessary.避免夜间刺激,只有改变他的尿布,如果必要的。

这个帖子里面有我抄的3-4个月宝宝大概的表( 7时至下午7点左右) ,等晚上我再给你更新一下第2个月宝宝的表。
7AM起, feed from both breasts or a full bottle, should stay awake for two hours早晨7时起,喂食,从乳房或满的酒瓶,应保持清醒,为两小时
8am, should be encourage to kick on his play mat for 20-30 minuts上午8时,应当鼓励发动,对他的发挥垫为20-30分钟
9am, settle the drowsy baby, in the dar with the door shut no later than 9am.  needs a sleep of no longer than 45 minuts.上午9点,放好昏昏欲睡的婴儿,在达累斯萨拉姆与门关闭不晚于上午九时需要的睡眠不超过45分钟。
11am, a feeding from both breasts or a full bottle.  do not feed after 11:30 am, as it will put him off his next feeding上午11时,就用两个乳房或满的酒瓶,不要喂食后,上午11时30分,因为这将是延迟他的下次喂食
11:50am: close the curtains and seetle the drowsy baby, put in the dark with the door shut, no later than 12:00 noon.上午11时50分:关闭窗帘和seetle了昏昏欲睡的婴儿,在黑暗中与门关闭,最迟不晚于中午12时结束。
12:00--2:00-2:15pm: baby needs a nap of no longer than 2 1/4 hours from the time he went down 12:00 -2 : 00- 2 :点1 5分:宝宝需要午睡不长于2 1 / 4个小时的时间,他则下跌
2:15pm: feed no later than 2:30 pm.下午2时15分:喂食不迟于下午2时30分。 do not feed him after 3:15 pm, as it will put him off his next feeding.不,他的喂食后,下午3时15分,因为这将是延迟他的下次喂食。
6:15pm: feed no later than 6:15pm.  dim the lights and sit him in his char for ten minutes while you tidy up.下午6时15分:喂食不得迟于下午6点15分。暗淡的灯光,仰卧起坐,感谢他在出任煤焦为10分钟,而你整理。
7pm: settle the drowsy baby.晚上7:00 :放好昏昏欲睡的婴儿。
10:30pm: give him most of his breast-feed or a 6oz bottle.  This feed should take no longer than 30 minutes.下午10点30 :给他他的大部分哺乳或6盎司瓶,这喂食应时间不超过30分钟。
If your baby continues to sleep through to 7am, once his waking time at 10:30pm has been reduced to 30 minuts, start reducing the amount he is drinking at 10:00-10:30pm.  Only continue with this if he is sleeping well until 7am.  Once he is taking 2oz at the last feed and sleeps through to 7am, consecuritively for several nights, drop this feed.如果你的宝宝继续睡觉,直到早上七时,一旦他醒来的时间在下午10时30分已减少到30分钟,开始量减少,他是在喝酒10:00-10:30时,只有继续这样做,如果他是昏睡好直到早晨7时,当他正在2盎司在上次喂食和睡至早晨7时, consecuritively几昼夜,放弃这一喂食。