一直以来,都挺注意饮食方面的。写写我给宝宝吃的organic food吧。 1。 Jar food a. Earth's Best Baby food. You can find this from Whole food market. b。 Beech-nut baby food. You can find this from Safeway, or Albertson. c。Gerber Tender Harvest organic food, this can be found from most supermarket.
以下是引用almond2004在2007-3-30 8:57:00的发言: 自从EARTH BEST 出事以后, 我再也不迷信ORGANIC了 不过还是谢谢楼主分享。 yep, u don't know if it's real good or just marketing strategy. I'm never into organic stuff anyway
those USDA certified organic products are not selling well because of the marketing strategy, the production processes are closely monitored and the final products are certified with strict regulatory standards. Yet, to be a smart shopper, you need to choose what to buy for organic and what to buy for regular products. For dairy and meat, it will be smart buy cuz the animals are raised without hormone or antibiotic added into the feed. Also it's wise to buy organic fruits like strawberry, raspberry,and cherry, you do not need to worry about pesticide residues while eating the whole fruits. For some fruits like banana, you will waste your money, after you peel of the outer layer,how much pesticide residues will be left? The last not the least, for seafood, there is no organic seafood on the market cuz USDA has not initiated any standard regulation for that. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-2 15:03:32编辑过]
以下是引用liujlliujl在2007-3-31 11:58:00的发言: 同问酸奶时间? 我家宝宝马上8个月了,刚上蛋黄四天,准备再过两天就上酸奶了,不知道会不会太快了? 在babycenter.com上抄下来的。 As long as your baby hasn't been diagnosed with a milk allergy or milk intolerance, you can offer him yogurt as young as 8 months Choose whole-milk products (not reduced-fat or fat-free) that are either plain or naturally sweetened so your baby gets enough calories. "Avoid low-fat products and ones that are artificially sweetened,"
1。 Jar food
a. Earth's Best Baby food. You can find this from Whole food market.
b。 Beech-nut baby food. You can find this from Safeway, or Albertson.
c。Gerber Tender Harvest organic food, this can be found from most supermarket.
cereal 方面,这几个牌子都有出,所以就不多写了。
因为我家宝宝不太喜欢吃Jar food,所以也没有什么可以评价。不过个人觉得,这些organic的jar food,比其他的贵不了多少,所以情愿挑organic.
Horizon organic whole milk
Stonyfield的酸奶 Yobaby 有两款,一款是喝的,一款是用勺子吃的。有比较多的口味可以选择,还有一些是加了cereal的。在Whold food和trader joes买最便宜, $2.99,其他店一般都买3.99.
说到organic,大家都会想到Whole food,我以前一直以为Whole food里面买的都是organic食品。后来仔细观察过后才发现它家买的水果有conventional和organic之分。所以后来去买,都会仔细看看牌子上写什么,再买,因为觉得没必要花一倍的价钱在Whole food里买其他店都可以买到的水果。
大了以后,可以把红萝卜粒,玉米粒,peas用来炒饭,或者煮oak meal,炒鸡蛋,蒸肉饼。味道很清,宝宝很喜欢。
一般买这个牌子Cascadian Farm
现在只到Whole food买,3。99一磅,肉感吃起来很嫩,要多少给称多少。
以前一直都喝这个8th continent soy milk
现在只喝silk soymilk,因为它是organic而且是没加糖的
horizon low fat milk
自从EARTH BEST 出事以后, 我再也不迷信ORGANIC了
yep, u don't know if it's real good or just marketing strategy. I'm never into organic stuff anyway
经验贴,顶! 小声说,我觉得外面卖的ground pork,都不如自己家用food processor做得好 嗯,我知道,但是家里的counter space实在是不足够,一直都没下到决心买。
recall说实话,任何牌子的都难免万一。 organic最大的问题是品种太少。如果要stick to organic,很多东西都不能吃,营养全面和口味丰富比较难保障。 对,包装食品上品种是不太多。但是蔬菜水果方面就基本上都有,就看个人的preference,和钱包问题了。
其实Jar food来说,小朋友最多最多不就吃上个8,9个月?而且要保持质量,一定会加些防腐剂什么的。吃多了还是不好。 我以前认识一个妈妈,她帮gerber做过一个食品实验。她说塑料盒包装的要比玻璃瓶包装的要好,虽然储存期比较短,但防腐剂什么的也加得少。 不是说JAR FOOD没有防腐剂的吗? 小声说一句,我记得AMY的那辅食添加里还强调了这一点的,难道不对吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-2 15:03:32编辑过]
6个月大的宝宝可以吃酸奶了吗? 同问酸奶时间? 我家宝宝马上8个月了,刚上蛋黄四天,准备再过两天就上酸奶了,不知道会不会太快了?
同问酸奶时间? 我家宝宝马上8个月了,刚上蛋黄四天,准备再过两天就上酸奶了,不知道会不会太快了? 6-8months就可以加了。而且对孩子肠胃发育非常好
同问酸奶时间? 我家宝宝马上8个月了,刚上蛋黄四天,准备再过两天就上酸奶了,不知道会不会太快了? 在babycenter.com上抄下来的。 As long as your baby hasn't been diagnosed with a milk allergy or milk intolerance, you can offer him yogurt as young as 8 months Choose whole-milk products (not reduced-fat or fat-free) that are either plain or naturally sweetened so your baby gets enough calories. "Avoid low-fat products and ones that are artificially sweetened,"