I think "美国的司法" is among the best systems. One would understand it and appreciate it better when people she/he cares for is the one on the bench for trial
Sharp force injuries (stabbing) - these injuries are caused by an object with a relatively small surface area, such as an ice pick or a knife. Less blood is deposited on the instrument, resulting in a smaller, more linear pattern of stains. Blunt force injuries (hitting or beating) - objects inflicting this type of injury are usually larger, such as a bat or hammer. If the object impacts liquid blood, the larger surface area will collect more blood, producing drops of varying sizes. Gunshot injuries - mist-like spatter caused by bullets entering and exiting the body.
The amount of energy involved in the force will determine the size of the blood spatters. More specifically, smaller patterns indicate that a greater amount of force was used. Typically, impacted blood spatter can be classified as medium- or high-force impact spatters. Medium-force impact spatters, which are often the result of blunt or sharp force trauma, will typically exhibit blood drops that are much smaller than those seen in passive bloodstain patterns. Comparatively, high-force impact spatters, which have a mist-like appearance, are often the result of firearms, but can also occur when explosions or high-speed collisions occur. 麻烦你解释一下
ChatGpt While intense beating can potentially lead to arterial rupture, it is considered relatively rare compared to other types of injuries resulting from intense physical trauma. There are a few reasons for this: 1. Arteries are well-protected: Arteries are located deep within the body and are surrounded by layers of tissue, muscle, and bone, providing them with some degree of protection. This anatomical positioning helps to reduce the likelihood of direct damage to the arteries during physical altercations. 2. Arterial walls are resilient: Arteries have thick and elastic walls that are designed to withstand the pressure generated by the heart's pumping action. They are more resistant to rupture compared to smaller blood vessels such as veins or capillaries. 3. Other types of injuries are more common: During intense beatings or physical altercations, other types of injuries, such as bruises, lacerations, fractures, or internal organ damage, are more frequently observed. These injuries tend to occur before arterial rupture. However, it's important to note that while arterial rupture may be relatively rare, it can still occur in cases of severe and prolonged beatings or when the individual is subjected to repeated strikes in vulnerable areas. The severity of the beating, the location and vulnerability of the arteries, and the overall health and condition of the individual involved can all influence the likelihood of arterial rupture.
google: Medium-velocity blood spatter can be caused by intense beating. When a person is subjected to a forceful and repetitive beating, it can result in blood being propelled from injuries or wounds onto surrounding surfaces. This can lead to the creation of medium-velocity blood spatter patterns. The specific characteristics of the blood spatter, such as the size, shape, and distribution of the droplets, can provide forensic investigators with valuable information about the incident. The angle and direction of the strikes, as well as the location and severity of the injuries, will influence the pattern and distribution of the blood spatter. It's important to note that the interpretation of blood spatter patterns requires expertise in forensic science. Forensic experts analyze the spatter patterns along with other evidence to reconstruct the events that occurred at a crime scene or to determine the nature of an incident.
ChatGpt While intense beating can potentially lead to arterial rupture, it is considered relatively rare compared to other types of injuries resulting from intense physical trauma. There are a few reasons for this: 1. Arteries are well-protected: Arteries are located deep within the body and are surrounded by layers of tissue, muscle, and bone, providing them with some degree of protection. This anatomical positioning helps to reduce the likelihood of direct damage to the arteries during physical altercations. 2. Arterial walls are resilient: Arteries have thick and elastic walls that are designed to withstand the pressure generated by the heart's pumping action. They are more resistant to rupture compared to smaller blood vessels such as veins or capillaries. 3. Other types of injuries are more common: During intense beatings or physical altercations, other types of injuries, such as bruises, lacerations, fractures, or internal organ damage, are more frequently observed. These injuries tend to occur before arterial rupture. However, it's important to note that while arterial rupture may be relatively rare, it can still occur in cases of severe and prolonged beatings or when the individual is subjected to repeated strikes in vulnerable areas. The severity of the beating, the location and vulnerability of the arteries, and the overall health and condition of the individual involved can all influence the likelihood of arterial rupture.
BubbleBee 发表于 2024-01-24 06:58
Arterial rupture resulting from intense beatings or repeated strikes can occur in specific cases where there is a combination of factors that increase the vulnerability of the arteries and the severity of the trauma. Here are some situations where arterial rupture may be more likely: 1. Severe and prolonged beatings: If an individual experiences a prolonged and severe beating, where they are subjected to repeated blows over an extended period, the cumulative trauma can increase the risk of arterial rupture. The continuous application of force to the body can eventually lead to arterial damage and potential rupture. 2. Vulnerable areas: Certain areas of the body are more susceptible to arterial rupture due to their anatomical characteristics. For example, the head, neck, and torso may have major arteries located closer to the surface or in positions where they are more exposed and less protected by surrounding tissues. Strikes or blows to these vulnerable areas can directly impact the arteries, increasing the likelihood of rupture. 3. Underlying health conditions: The overall health and condition of an individual can influence their susceptibility to arterial rupture. Pre-existing medical conditions that affect the integrity or elasticity of the arterial walls, such as aneurysms, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), or connective tissue disorders, can make the arteries more prone to rupture even with less forceful impacts. 4. Weapons or objects used: If weapons or objects are involved in the beating, such as blunt instruments or sharp objects, they can significantly increase the likelihood of arterial rupture. The concentrated force or penetrating nature of these weapons can directly damage the arteries, leading to rupture and severe bleeding.
First Degree Murder 一级谋杀:这一般是指事先有预谋的杀人案件,量刑25年以上监禁。比较熟知的案件包括13年UIUC博士次永飞谋杀前女友案。犯案前次永飞谋划许久,且准备过程中留下了诸多证据。最终次永飞被定罪一级谋杀,获刑46年。有一点很重要,一级谋杀案看重嫌犯是否预谋的证据。加州历史上Thomas杀妻案,男方怀疑妻子出轨,突然回家后发生冲突,之后拿枪追着妻子满街跑。女方即便多次求饶,最后男方还是连开五枪将其杀害。虽然这个案情非常清楚,但最终还是因为预谋部分证据不足,Thomas只被定罪为二级谋杀。此次谷歌惨案,想必地里最希望看到男方被定罪一级谋杀。但最终结果还需要看是否有足够强的证据。
Second Degree Murder 二级谋杀:量刑十五年以上监禁。和一级谋杀最大的区别就是嫌犯是否有预谋。请大家注意焦点是预谋,即便是下手前有杀意,但不是提前几天计划好的,就难以定罪一级谋杀。一个代表案件是16年ASU留学生江玥,遇上交通事故之后被对方车主枪击杀害。即便对方杀意明显,但是因为没有预谋,所以最后定罪二级谋杀,获刑25年。回到此次谷歌惨案,如果不能证明男方事前预谋,那定罪二级谋杀的可能性较大。
Voluntary Manslaughter 故意杀人:量刑十一年以下监禁。和二级谋杀最大的区别是杀人前是否有经历过“provocation”,也可以说杀人是否是“一时冲动”。在婚姻关系中,provocation包括得知对方出轨。换言之,假设夫妻一方突然得知对方不忠,即刻在冲动中将对方杀害,那最常见的判决就是故意杀人,而不是二级谋杀。此次谷歌案件中传言女方当天计划和男方协商离婚。如果事实如此,但争论的一个焦点可能就是这能否被认作是“provocation”。另外传言当晚有二人的朋友和他们吃饭,注意到男方言行反常,那这位朋友的证词可能会极为重要,因为他会帮陪审团判断男方是否当时已经开始预谋。
Involuntary Manslaughter 过失杀人:一般三年以下监禁。和故意杀人相比,最大的不同就是嫌犯有无明确杀人动机。一个代表案例是17年的Michelle Carter案,女方发短信逼男友自杀,最终获刑两年半。之前tech圈轰动一时的翟欣欣逼丈夫苏享茂自杀一案,如在美国发生应该也属于此类犯罪。至于本次案件,个人认为男方能逃罪至此的可能性很低,须成功证明拳打女方到满屋是血其实毫无杀意。
最后希望加州法庭能给出一个华人群体可以接受的答案,为受害人讨回公道 🙏🙏🙏
🔥 最新回帖
我也覺得有這個可能性 有的人生氣會打牆自殘 之前JD在Amber Heard刺激辱罵他時 他也打璧櫃打牆 所以血不見得都是那一個人的
我就是故意来说些语不惊人死不休的话在这里一石激起千层浪,在我看来天天在这里喃喃自语人云亦云打发时间浪费人生的大妈们是挺可怜的,如果没人我这种人来提供娱乐话题,就更无聊 不过更可怜的是那些忍受不了现实生活中没有吵架对手的寂寞,只能上网站找人掐架大妈们 其实这个网站存在的意义只有两个: 给街道委员会里大妈们每天有几个无聊的话题去聊聊过过瘾 给喜欢天天和人吵架的大妈们一个发泄的场所
I think "美国的司法" is among the best systems. One would understand it and appreciate it better when people she/he cares for is the one on the bench for trial
🛋️ 沙发板凳
吃饭时神经已经不正常了,然后杀人后手指空中眼神发呆,明显的not guilty by reason of temporary insanity
关键证据是为什么现场有那么多血迹 要知道用拳打人头致死,原因是击中了中脑控制人呼吸的机制或者造成了大量脑内大出血,这些血只在脑部内,不会出来满地都是 为什了满地那么多的血,那只有一个答案,女方用凶器攻击男方的身体,导致南方外部身体出血
赤手打死人绝对不会有那么多满地是血,看过拳击比赛的都知道 除非对手用一把刀在你身上砍来砍去
你说的是一种可能性,而且是可能性比较高的一种。 另一种可能性是计划朋友走了之后杀人,吃饭发呆是因为处于极度兴奋恐惧的状态。这种可能性也不能完全排除。到底是怎样得看庭审
你怎么这么自信我不是法医? 人大脑受到攻击致死的原因都是一个,就是中脑和脑干受到严重打击。因为这是控制人体生存和呼吸的中心 一般来讲,大脑受损伤会导致脑颅内大出血,脑压升高,压迫脑干brain stem导致呼吸停止死亡 这是脑内大出血,最多血会流出鼻子耳朵,不会满地都是血
拳头打击是blunt force trauma,导致体内出血不会大幅外出血 如果满地是血,首先必须是利器刺破皮肤,然后刺破血管,静脉出血会随手臂挥舞成一定图案 如果刺破动脉,那血才会飞溅很远 你不懂只能用没有看到现场照片这个解释来掩饰
blunt force如果打在接近皮肤的动脉上就可能造成动脉破裂鲜血飞溅,根本不需要利器。这是常识不需要你故弄玄虚
呵呵blunt force打在动脉上不会血溅死飞,因为动脉血管有3层,打破一层只会造成内出血 我跟你这种职业吵架手耗下去没什么意思 如果你这种女人不整天找着男人掐架负面发泄,那也根本不会激怒那么优秀的硅谷男让他丧失理智
Sharp force injuries (stabbing) - these injuries are caused by an object with a relatively small surface area, such as an ice pick or a knife. Less blood is deposited on the instrument, resulting in a smaller, more linear pattern of stains. Blunt force injuries (hitting or beating) - objects inflicting this type of injury are usually larger, such as a bat or hammer. If the object impacts liquid blood, the larger surface area will collect more blood, producing drops of varying sizes. Gunshot injuries - mist-like spatter caused by bullets entering and exiting the body.
The amount of energy involved in the force will determine the size of the blood spatters. More specifically, smaller patterns indicate that a greater amount of force was used. Typically, impacted blood spatter can be classified as medium- or high-force impact spatters. Medium-force impact spatters, which are often the result of blunt or sharp force trauma, will typically exhibit blood drops that are much smaller than those seen in passive bloodstain patterns.
Comparatively, high-force impact spatters, which have a mist-like appearance, are often the result of firearms, but can also occur when explosions or high-speed collisions occur.
While intense beating can potentially lead to arterial rupture, it is considered relatively rare compared to other types of injuries resulting from intense physical trauma. There are a few reasons for this:
1. Arteries are well-protected: Arteries are located deep within the body and are surrounded by layers of tissue, muscle, and bone, providing them with some degree of protection. This anatomical positioning helps to reduce the likelihood of direct damage to the arteries during physical altercations.
2. Arterial walls are resilient: Arteries have thick and elastic walls that are designed to withstand the pressure generated by the heart's pumping action. They are more resistant to rupture compared to smaller blood vessels such as veins or capillaries.
3. Other types of injuries are more common: During intense beatings or physical altercations, other types of injuries, such as bruises, lacerations, fractures, or internal organ damage, are more frequently observed. These injuries tend to occur before arterial rupture.
However, it's important to note that while arterial rupture may be relatively rare, it can still occur in cases of severe and prolonged beatings or when the individual is subjected to repeated strikes in vulnerable areas. The severity of the beating, the location and vulnerability of the arteries, and the overall health and condition of the individual involved can all influence the likelihood of arterial rupture.
Medium-velocity blood spatter can be caused by intense beating. When a person is subjected to a forceful and repetitive beating, it can result in blood being propelled from injuries or wounds onto surrounding surfaces. This can lead to the creation of medium-velocity blood spatter patterns.
The specific characteristics of the blood spatter, such as the size, shape, and distribution of the droplets, can provide forensic investigators with valuable information about the incident. The angle and direction of the strikes, as well as the location and severity of the injuries, will influence the pattern and distribution of the blood spatter.
It's important to note that the interpretation of blood spatter patterns requires expertise in forensic science. Forensic experts analyze the spatter patterns along with other evidence to reconstruct the events that occurred at a crime scene or to determine the nature of an incident.
Arterial rupture resulting from intense beatings or repeated strikes can occur in specific cases where there is a combination of factors that increase the vulnerability of the arteries and the severity of the trauma. Here are some situations where arterial rupture may be more likely:
1. Severe and prolonged beatings: If an individual experiences a prolonged and severe beating, where they are subjected to repeated blows over an extended period, the cumulative trauma can increase the risk of arterial rupture. The continuous application of force to the body can eventually lead to arterial damage and potential rupture.
2. Vulnerable areas: Certain areas of the body are more susceptible to arterial rupture due to their anatomical characteristics. For example, the head, neck, and torso may have major arteries located closer to the surface or in positions where they are more exposed and less protected by surrounding tissues. Strikes or blows to these vulnerable areas can directly impact the arteries, increasing the likelihood of rupture.
3. Underlying health conditions: The overall health and condition of an individual can influence their susceptibility to arterial rupture. Pre-existing medical conditions that affect the integrity or elasticity of the arterial walls, such as aneurysms, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), or connective tissue disorders, can make the arteries more prone to rupture even with less forceful impacts.
4. Weapons or objects used: If weapons or objects are involved in the beating, such as blunt instruments or sharp objects, they can significantly increase the likelihood of arterial rupture. The concentrated force or penetrating nature of these weapons can directly damage the arteries, leading to rupture and severe bleeding.
美国不存在 ”罪大恶极,行为极其残忍,不杀不足以平民分” 这种 社会认知
覺得有意義阿 只是悲慘的他們成為烈士 讓我們及孩子討論去檢視到底問題在哪 如何處理應對關係處理與了解法律界線 就像看本書看個電影不用自己去親身 經歷那主角的悲歡離合 增點智慧
法醫到時會告訴你 活人難對付 屍體不說謊
即使一级谋杀也不太可能死刑,一次作案超过一个受害人的有判死刑的,也是一直拖着没执行。这个我觉得二级谋杀概率比较大。 他吃饭时反常,是预谋还是精神病发作,倒是值得辩。即使精神问题要完全脱罪也要证明案发时完全没有分辨对错的能力啊,有存在精神问题轻判倒是有可能。这么暴力的案件如果因精神问题脱罪,我希望强制性在机构治疗。
优秀的男人被女人激怒以致于杀人? 这是什么优秀男人?优秀的话难道不应该控制自己的情绪不去杀人? 女性不同意你的观点就是“掐架负面发泄”? 所有人都一定要听从你的观点然后附和你的观点吗? 当然,男人有权利不喜欢这种行为,但是没有权利杀人。 无论那个女主做了什么不可饶恕的事,那个男的都没有权利夺走她的生命,丧失理智不过是个借口,当遇到比他强大的敌人的时候,他一定是很有理智的,只不过是仗着男女身体优势,用暴力欺压弱者罢了。
你就不是forensic, 讲的话非常外行。
另外,想象一下这个男的又练攀岩,又打排球,其实臂力是非常大的, 即使不太用力都有可能会造成很大的伤害。 可是他把自己打的都手臂青紫,那得用了多大的力气呀。 实在不敢想。。。。
不排除Xuanyi Yu 在被连续的打击下,以上三处地方都破裂出血
男方应该肯定是被激怒了, 但到底发生了什么,可能只有陈一个人知道了。 不知他家有没有装室内摄像头,可能也就能够还原真相了。
Voluntary Manslaughter 故意杀人:杀人前是否有经历过“provocation”,也可以说杀人是否是“一时冲动”
谢谢LZ科普,不过这里的 provocation 是不是应该指“受到挑衅,激怒”。毕竟二级谋杀跟故意杀人都是一时冲动没有预谋的。两者的区别应该在于犯罪当时有没有到对方的挑衅 ,以致一时冲动。
当然了, 看律师和检察官,再加上陪审团,以及证据链. 如果能证明被告有外遇, 或长期家暴,都可能变成第二, 以及第一谋杀.
这个provocation大部分情况应该是从被告角度. 打个比方, 如果老婆怀疑老公外遇. 然后质问老公, 老公说没有, 你很烦,就因为你很烦, 突然让女方歇斯底里的话,也可以说是provocation. 也就是当事人突然失去理性.那么辩方律师可以从这个女人童年阴影啦, 在家带孩子很多年造成安全感缺乏啦. 总之这个provocation是一种刺激,从心理层面去解释,有的时候就是被告自己的心理问题, 从客观上来说被害人很无辜,但是也还是算被告被严重刺激失去理性了.(我个人觉得这种理由很烂, 法律应该根据行为和结果出发,而不是所谓的精神状态.)
可是朋友走后 害人者和受害人之间到底说了什么 也都只能听他的一面之辞了
可是朋友走后 害人者和受害人之间到底说了什么 也都只能听他的一面之辞了
1st degree根本没可能,这一看就是激情犯罪,至于是不是insanity, 还未知。
同意。 可惜西方司法制度对罪犯的保护远高于对受害者。美国其实都算好的了, 至少还有无期,欧洲, 澳洲更弱, 杀人就判个十多年。