Thanks for sharing. I took my baby in this past Saturday. I had a coupon for the $19.99 CD (the coupon did not specify the minimum portrait purchase requirement), I asked for that, the employee there told me I had to spent $150 on portraits to get the CD for $19.99, which was the case for my previous visit, I got the CD when my baby was 100 days old, and ended up spending over $160. If you were able to get the CD for $19.99 with only one portrait purchase I am going to ask for that when we pick up the photos in two weeks.
以下是引用Ilovelucy在2007-3-26 17:46:00的发言: Thanks for sharing. I took my baby in this past Saturday. I had a coupon for the $19.99 CD (the coupon did not specify the minimum portrait purchase requirement), I asked for that, the employee there told me I had to spent $150 on portraits to get the CD for $19.99, which was the case for my previous visit, I got the CD when my baby was 100 days old, and ended up spending over $160. If you were able to get the CD for $19.99 with only one portrait purchase I am going to ask for that when we pick up the photos in two weeks. 你试试吧,也许是我那个associate特别好?receipt上面显示的也是满150才能有这个cd的优惠。我们其实只买了4张。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-23 21:08:32编辑过]
我现在就准备弄个好镜头自己天天琢磨, studio照的太模式化, 什么东西, 变成了谋生的手段, 都有点不是味儿了.
太可爱了。我也琢磨着半岁的时候去照呢。 她家的sitting fee 怎么算的??? 不是俱乐部成员的话,周一到周五no sitting fee。 俱乐部的话,每天都不收
好可爱的胖小子, 小宝宝笑起来真像天使一样。 美妈, 宝宝眼睛长得不像你啊,我记得你是双眼皮。 从2个月开始,越来越不像我,如今已经一点都不像我了,呵呵。 没办法,他爸的基因看起来后劲比较足
从2个月开始,越来越不像我,如今已经一点都不像我了,呵呵。 没办法,他爸的基因看起来后劲比较足
不过, 男孩子单眼皮挺酷的。比如濮存昕,不就是双眼皮吗, 我挺fan他的。
不过, 男孩子单眼皮挺酷的。比如濮存昕,不就是双眼皮吗, 我挺fan他的。 nod,自从我认识lg以后,单眼皮就开始流行了,可能是韩流的缘故。 你看,这是他曾经的双眼皮,
爱笑的宝宝好, 脾气好。 小凤凰去studio 照相从来没有配合过。气死人了 今天摄影师说,她儿子1岁,已经要叫别的摄影师来拍了,因为她的儿子不听她的指挥,呵呵。 其实宁宁也不配合,企图让他摸脚丫子,就是不肯抓,也许是裤子问题。这些瞬间都是peekaboo出来的,没事就在看脚丫子,或者啃地上铺的毯子。
5。CD:今天摄影师说CD有SPECIAL,所有的ORIGINAL片子,包括摄影师自己没有挑出来的,19。99,如果加上她已经做好的所有ENHANCEMENT,29。99。我觉得这个价钱相当划算啊,这可是所有的底片了,原始大小的,自己拿回去印,便宜多了!当然这个是需要买PORTRAIT才可以买CD的,但是哪怕购买一张7.99 8X10,所有底片都拿到了,也合算啊。
Thanks for sharing. I took my baby in this past Saturday. I had a coupon for the $19.99 CD (the coupon did not specify the minimum portrait purchase requirement), I asked for that, the employee there told me I had to spent $150 on portraits to get the CD for $19.99, which was the case for my previous visit, I got the CD when my baby was 100 days old, and ended up spending over $160. If you were able to get the CD for $19.99 with only one portrait purchase I am going to ask for that when we pick up the photos in two weeks.
Thanks for sharing. I took my baby in this past Saturday. I had a coupon for the $19.99 CD (the coupon did not specify the minimum portrait purchase requirement), I asked for that, the employee there told me I had to spent $150 on portraits to get the CD for $19.99, which was the case for my previous visit, I got the CD when my baby was 100 days old, and ended up spending over $160. If you were able to get the CD for $19.99 with only one portrait purchase I am going to ask for that when we pick up the photos in two weeks.