Joerg Wuttke is Vice President and Chief Representative of BASF China, based in Beijing. Since joining BASF in 1997, Mr. Wuttke has been responsible for helping guide the company''''s investment strategies for China, negotiation of large projects and government relations. Previous to joining BASF, Mr. Wuttke worked with ABB for 11 years; in fact his first professional encounter with China was in 1988 as the Finance and Administration Manager of ABB Beijing. In 1990, he returned to Germany as Sales Manager of ABB Power Plants Division, responsible for gas turbine sales to Africa and Russia. In 1993, he became Chief Representative ABB China in Shanghai and in 1994 moved to the President''''s Office of ABB China in Beijing, where he was responsible for the development and financing of large projects. From 2001 to 2004 Mr. Wuttke was the Chairman of the German Chamber of Commerce in China. From 2007 to 2010, 2014 to 2017, and since May 2019 again he is the President of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China From 2011 to 2019, Mr. Wuttke was Chairman of the BIAC China Task Force of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC), a Paris based body of major business associations that lobbies the OECD. From 2013 to 2016, and again since 2019 Mr. Wuttke is Vice Chairman of the CPCIF International Cooperation Committee, a group representing Multinational Companies in China''''s Chemical Association. Since its establishment in 2013, Mr. Wuttke is member of the Advisory Board of Germany''''s foremost Think Tank on China, Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), in Berlin.
之前,见 瑞士德语区媒体《新苏黎世报》访问 前中欧商会主席伍德克 (是同一个人):由中国汽车制造商带动的全球汽车行业残酷价格战海啸迟早会到来
雷电超充CnEV -- 德国汽车教父:从此豪华汽车由中国定义!
广州车展 开幕,又发了几款新车。 同时,也又去了一些日本人,围着多款中国车,拿着皮尺量来量去。
反思党? 你还沉迷于这些古墓派公知言论?我看你该自己好好反思了。
近百年来,看看世界上各个种族各个国家的表现,任何哪个,无论大小,都 比中国 比华夏民族,更自大更狂妄更浮躁,更不懂得放空反思,更不懂得兼收并蓄,更不懂得务实客观,更缺乏情绪稳定。
另外,此人是前任的 中国欧盟商会主席,已经卸任,回到德国了。
伍德克(Jörg Wuttke),出生于辛斯海姆,自1982年以来长期生活工作在中国,几乎没有中断过。他曾任德国对外贸易协会主席,后来又三次担任中国欧盟商会主席。
Joerg Wuttke is Vice President and Chief Representative of BASF China, based in Beijing. Since joining BASF in 1997, Mr. Wuttke has been responsible for helping guide the company''''s investment strategies for China, negotiation of large projects and government relations.
Previous to joining BASF, Mr. Wuttke worked with ABB for 11 years; in fact his first professional encounter with China was in 1988 as the Finance and Administration Manager of ABB Beijing. In 1990, he returned to Germany as Sales Manager of ABB Power Plants Division, responsible for gas turbine sales to Africa and Russia. In 1993, he became Chief Representative ABB China in Shanghai and in 1994 moved to the President''''s Office of ABB China in Beijing, where he was responsible for the development and financing of large projects.
From 2001 to 2004 Mr. Wuttke was the Chairman of the German Chamber of Commerce in China. From 2007 to 2010, 2014 to 2017, and since May 2019 again he is the President of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
From 2011 to 2019, Mr. Wuttke was Chairman of the BIAC China Task Force of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC), a Paris based body of major business associations that lobbies the OECD.
From 2013 to 2016, and again since 2019 Mr. Wuttke is Vice Chairman of the CPCIF International Cooperation Committee, a group representing Multinational Companies in China''''s Chemical Association.
Since its establishment in 2013, Mr. Wuttke is member of the Advisory Board of Germany''''s foremost Think Tank on China, Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), in Berlin.