原来用了这么多年的微软视窗系统和办公软件的知识产权都是一家波多黎各的DVD烧制工厂的,人家厂子只有85个人。 波多黎各真是好地方,下次去度假,我也去开个DVD厂子,专门烧小黄片儿,然后告诉老板,把工资都给我打到那个厂子去。我家里还有两大罐儿空白DVD呢。够烧个几年的吧?省下的税我就回馈波多黎各人民,在Rincon 买个小别野,天天去冲浪,浪里个浪。 加一些背景知识。 https://asiatimes.com/2023/10/puerto-rico-maneuver-cost-microsoft-29-bn-tax-bill/#:~:text=Last%20week%2C%20Microsoft%20announced%20that,to%20prove%20the%20agency''''s%20effectiveness. ... In 2005, as ProPublica wrote, Microsoft “sold its most valuable possession — its intellectual property — to an 85-person factory it owned in a small Puerto Rican city.” Having struck a favorable tax deal with Puerto Rico, Microsoft then channeled its profits to the facility, which burned Windows and Office software onto CDs. ...
https://asiatimes.com/2023/10/puerto-rico-maneuver-cost-microsoft-29-bn-tax-bill/#:~:text=Last%20week%2C%20Microsoft%20announced%20that,to%20prove%20the%20agency''''s%20effectiveness. ... In 2005, as ProPublica wrote, Microsoft “sold its most valuable possession — its intellectual property — to an 85-person factory it owned in a small Puerto Rican city.” Having struck a favorable tax deal with Puerto Rico, Microsoft then channeled its profits to the facility, which burned Windows and Office software onto CDs. ...