A transaction was attempted on a locked card When a lock is in place, new purchases and cash advances won't be approved. Hi, Jane. A recent attempted transaction was declined because the Costco Anywhere card ending in 9999 was locked with Citi® Quick Lock through a customer service representative on October 17, 2023. We want to confirm whether you attempted the transaction below.
昨天我Costco 的Citi 信用卡被Adore Me 收一块,然后又减去一块,我感觉可疑 (这是在试探卡是不是有效的,后边玩大的)从没听说或见过这个名字,赶紧给信用卡打电话,寄新卡,没block.
今早查了一下,被Shopify 收$99,都是pending, 还要等到charge到帐后才能dispute.
赶紧打电话,block, 换卡号
碰到几次信用卡号码被盗,都不知道咋被盗的。 一个卡除了每个月被Amzaon收几毛钱,另外只是18个月前在某华人超市买菜时用过一次。收到Suspicious Activity Alert 才发现的。
还有一个CitiBank的卡被盗刷在冰岛住了一晚上旅馆,住的当天才订的。Dispute了一次,对方旅馆发了收据回来,Dispute不成功,重新Dispute 了一次,CitiBank才给批准了。
When a lock is in place, new purchases and cash advances won't be approved.
Hi, Jane. A recent attempted transaction was declined because the Costco Anywhere card ending in 9999 was locked with Citi® Quick Lock through a customer service representative on October 17, 2023. We want to confirm whether you attempted the transaction below.
我打了好几次电话,可能给升级了,最后一次接电话的就不是外地口音了,给关掉了卡号 (block的话会被冒充激活),并且有权限直接dispute pending的两项。历史上接电话的都说要等到post 后才能dispute, 估计她们没有权限。
謝謝提醒 我的是AE卡 立馬聯絡 說下周寄新卡 我說我不在家啊 他說 沒問題 明天傍晚加急能送到