US intelligence warned of the potential for violence days before Hamas attack
None of the American assessments offered any tactical details or indications of the overwhelming scope, scale and sheer brutality of the operation that Hamas carried out on October 7, sources say. It is unclear if any of these US assessments were shared with Israel, which provides much of the intelligence that the US bases its reports on... “The problem is that none of this is new,” said one of the sources familiar with the intelligence. “This is something that has historically been the norm between Hamas and Israel. I think what happened is everyone saw these reports and were like, ‘Yeah of course. But we know what this will look like.’” For most US and Israeli officials who were tracking the intelligence, the expectation was that there would likely be just another round of small-scale violence by Hamas — perhaps some rocket fire that Israel’s Iron Dome would intercept, one source familiar with the intelligence explained. 对阴谋论爱好者,先读完整篇报道再发动不迟
None of the American assessments offered any tactical details or indications of the overwhelming scope, scale and sheer brutality of the operation that Hamas carried out on October 7, sources say. It is unclear if any of these US assessments were shared with Israel, which provides much of the intelligence that the US bases its reports on... “The problem is that none of this is new,” said one of the sources familiar with the intelligence. “This is something that has historically been the norm between Hamas and Israel. I think what happened is everyone saw these reports and were like, ‘Yeah of course. But we know what this will look like.’” For most US and Israeli officials who were tracking the intelligence, the expectation was that there would likely be just another round of small-scale violence by Hamas — perhaps some rocket fire that Israel’s Iron Dome would intercept, one source familiar with the intelligence explained. 对阴谋论爱好者,先读完整篇报道再发动不迟 copycat 发表于 2023-10-13 20:19
US intelligence warned of the potential for violence days before Hamas attack yaeryiyi 发表于 2023-10-13 20:02
报道明明说不清楚美国有没有告诉以色列 “It is unclear if any of these US assessments were shared with Israel, which provides much of the intelligence that the US bases its reports on...”
US intelligence warned of the potential for violence days before Hamas attack yaeryiyi 发表于 2023-10-13 20:02
以前干过什么事? 不理会预警,导致死了这么多人吗?
在以色列女prime minister Golda Meir任期内发生过类似的。以色列政府被通知有情报显示对手要发起进攻,政府最后决定按兵不动,哪怕牺牲以色列民众。
“The problem is that none of this is new,” said one of the sources familiar with the intelligence. “This is something that has historically been the norm between Hamas and Israel. I think what happened is everyone saw these reports and were like, ‘Yeah of course. But we know what this will look like.’”
For most US and Israeli officials who were tracking the intelligence, the expectation was that there would likely be just another round of small-scale violence by Hamas — perhaps some rocket fire that Israel’s Iron Dome would intercept, one source familiar with the intelligence explained.
对自己人都能这么狠。 犹太人如果和土工打仗谁能赢?
以政府最起码可以警告民众最近可能有大规模袭击,不要去 "边境",可以不让嬉皮士去开趴体的。
好奇搜了一下 这位女总理言论真激烈 50年前,梅厄被以色列议会确认为首相,她因其仇外言论而闻名,尤其是牺牲巴勒斯坦人。 “没有巴勒斯坦人这种存在,”1969年6月《星期日泰晤士报》和《华盛顿邮报》援引她的话报道说。 “什么时候有过一个独立的巴勒斯坦国,巴勒斯坦人民?……这并不是巴勒斯坦的巴勒斯坦人民认为自己是巴勒斯坦人民,我们来到这里,把他们赶走了,掠夺了他们的国家。他们没有存在过”,梅尔说。
“It is unclear if any of these US assessments were shared with Israel, which provides much of the intelligence that the US bases its reports on...”
治安战跟真正的战争完全不是一回事。 土工确实没有亲自下场打一场战争,但是所有的军队建设都是以跟美军开战为标准,无论是训练强度,对高科技的应用,还是战争烈度升级的决心。比如说每次演习中的必要一项就是防核,朱日和演习中有一次扮演美军的蓝军就模拟扔了一颗核弹。 以色列国防军有点类似在阿富汗的美军,不可谓装备不精良,但是长期面对低水平的对手,就像一直跟臭棋篓子下棋的棋手,很难称得上高明。
50年前,梅厄被以色列议会确认为首相,她因其仇外言论而闻名,尤其是牺牲巴勒斯坦人。 “没有巴勒斯坦人这种存在,”1969年6月《星期日泰晤士报》和《华盛顿邮报》援引她的话报道说。 “什么时候有过一个独立的巴勒斯坦国,巴勒斯坦人民?……这并不是巴勒斯坦的巴勒斯坦人民认为自己是巴勒斯坦人民,我们来到这里,把他们赶走了,掠夺了他们的国家。他们没有存在过”,梅尔说。