题目叫 Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes by Tamin Ansary。这本书是英文的,但它的作者是一位阿富汗历史学家。作者写作的初衷在于,英文读者所能接触到的穆斯林世界历史的书籍,包括美国公立学校系统的学生所了解的穆斯林世界的历史,都是出自西方(欧洲)本位的视角。在他看来,这样的历史观对于全面深刻地了解穆斯林世界,特别是在后911时代,有其天然的不足之处。因此他用英语写了这本从穆斯林世界的角度看待世界过去一千多年的历史的书。 书里从阿拉伯游牧部落在先知穆罕默德之前的原始宗教讲起,到七世纪穆罕默德创立伊斯兰教,到四大哈里发时期伊斯兰教义的完善和穆斯林世界的迅速发展壮大,再到之后几个帝国王朝的兴盛更迭,再到十三世纪世界第一大帝国奥斯曼帝国的兴起直至二十世纪初的分崩离析。最后部分谈及欧洲殖民时期所规划的我们现在知道的中东地区的国家地域权力划分与其为之后一百年间不断的地区冲突所埋下的隐患。 我之前对伊斯兰教和穆斯林世界完全没有了解,这本书对我来讲是一本引人入胜的扫盲书。书里讲了很多故事,比如先知穆罕默德的一生大概是怎样度过的,比如苏尼派和什叶派的分裂是怎么开始的,比如穆斯林世界与十字军和蒙古人的碰撞是怎样的。书里还讲到穆斯林世界的文化、科学成就在很长时间里都是世界上最先进的,穆斯林女性的地位曾经很高,可以参与政事,领兵打仗。还有一些小故事,比如四大哈里发,都有着不同的性格和才能,而他们的成就和命运似乎与之息息相关。比如assassin一词的出处,一个专行恐怖暗杀之事的秘密团体,其领袖是个波斯人。还有一个王文武双全,但是同时是个多愁善感的同性恋。还比如,讲到西方列强(此处有阿拉伯的劳伦斯出场)如何谋划肢解奥斯曼帝国这头将死巨兽之时,穆斯林世界的有识之士对于如何跟上时代的脚步,实现穆斯林世界的现代化(modernization)提出了各种理念方案,比如主张全盘向西方学习的,比如主张去其糟粕取其精华的,比如主张原教旨主义回到本初的,等等,不禁联想起晚清民国的文人志士们走过的心路历程。在介绍原教旨主义者的渊源的时候,作者特别讲解了jihad(圣战)一词的在古兰经经文里的意思。(此处推荐柴静的纪录片《陌生人》,她通过自己的调查采访,了解到活跃于欧洲的穆斯林恐怖主义者是如何在以jihad的名义实施恐怖袭击的。) 看(听)完这本书,似乎也不能让我对当前的巴以冲突有什么更深刻的看法,毕竟这只是一本扫盲书而已。只是想借这个机会把这本我个人很喜欢的书推荐给有心人,希望能有人接触到它。
很有趣的故事,原谅我的无知,不知道倚天屠龙记里有这么一段(金庸迷不要砸我,我只看过金庸的半部射雕)。我刚刚快速搜了书里的原文,以下是现学现卖,与你探讨。 此暗杀领袖名为Hasan-i Sabbah,wiki有专门词条。想来霍山就是Hasan的音译?这本书里没有提到他的师从,“结党据山”倒是相符,书里写得也很生动:In Persia, Sabbah developed his own power base. He took control of a fortress called Alamut ("the eagle''''s nest"), situated high in the Elburz mountains of northern Iran. No one could touch him there because the only approach to the fortress was a footpath too narrow to accommodate an army. How Sabbah conquered it, no one knows. Some legends say trickery was involved, some that he used supernatural means, some that he converted the staff of the fortress and then simply bought the place from its master for a small sum. 书中提到他的手下人杀了很多个重要的穆斯林政治领袖,以至于使得穆斯林世界在十字军外患之下缺乏统一战线。本着敌人的敌人即是朋友的逻辑,霍山和十字军、欧洲人是事实上的盟友。原文是:”By the time the Crusades began, virtually everyone who wasn''''t an Assassin hated the Assassins. Every power in the land was trying to hunt them down. The Assassins'''' enemies included the Shi''''i, the Sunnis, the Seljuk Turks, the Fatimid Egyptians, and the Abbasid khalifate. As it happened, the Crusaders were making war against the same gallery — the Shi''''i, the Sunnis, the Seljuk Turks, the Fatimid Egyptians, and the Abbasid khalifate. The Assassins and Crusaders had the same set of enemies so, inevitably, they became de facto allies. “这样来说,霍山刺杀英王似乎不太说得通? 彩蛋:这个暗杀组织在霍山死后还存在了很长时间,连赫赫有名的阿拉伯民族英雄萨拉丁也对他们的恐吓服软了。那最后是谁灭了他们的?是一百多年后的蒙古人。下面提到的Hulagu是成吉思汗之孙,忽必烈之弟。 ”A curious footnote to the Mongol holocaust occurred in 653 AH (1256 CE), when Hulagu was passing through Persia. A Muslim jurist near Alamut complained to the Mongol khan that he had to wear armor under his clothes all the time for fear of the Assassins headquartered nearby. A short time later, two Fedayeen (suicidal Assassin agents) disguised as monks tried to kill Hulagu — and failed. They might as well have tried to pluck out the mans beard. The cult that could kill anyone met the army that could kill everyone. Hulagu took time out from his westward drive to storm Alamut. He then did to the Assassins what the Mongols had done and would do to many others: he destroyed them physically; he destroyed their stronghold; he destroyed their records, libraries, and papers — in that moment, the menace of the Assassins came to an end. “
忘了提assassin的出处,作者在书里列举了两种可能: Did his cult adopt this name because they were devoted to political murder? Quite the opposite: political murder is now called assassination because it was a tactic practiced by this cult. Centuries later, Marco Polo would claim that Sabbah''s agents smoked hashish in order to hop them- selves up for murder and were thus called hashishin, from which derived the word assassin. I doubt this etymology, and I''ll tell you why. Sabbah was the archetypal pro to terrorist, using murder largely for its propaganda value. Since he lacked the resources and troops to fight battles or conquer cities, he sent individuals, or at most small groups, to assassi- nate carefully targeted figures chosen for the shock their death would spark. The Assassins plotted their killings for months or even years, some- times contriving to make friends with the victim or enter his service and work their way up to a position of trust. Where in this long process was the hashish smoking supposed to take place? It doesn''t add up. The Lebanese writer Amin Malouf suggests that actually the word assassin probably derives from the Persian word assets, which means "foundation."
有意思了,我记得倚天屠龙记里面有提到,英语assasin这个词的出处是来自波斯,应该就是下面这段, 可是我刚才查了一下,下文里面没找到。。。这又奇怪了,所以,是哪儿写着的呢?
此暗杀领袖名为Hasan-i Sabbah,wiki有专门词条。想来霍山就是Hasan的音译?这本书里没有提到他的师从,“结党据山”倒是相符,书里写得也很生动:In Persia, Sabbah developed his own power base. He took control of a fortress called Alamut ("the eagle''''s nest"), situated high in the Elburz mountains of northern Iran. No one could touch him there because the only approach to the fortress was a footpath too narrow to accommodate an army. How Sabbah conquered it, no one knows. Some legends say trickery was involved, some that he used supernatural means, some that he converted the staff of the fortress and then simply bought the place from its master for a small sum.
书中提到他的手下人杀了很多个重要的穆斯林政治领袖,以至于使得穆斯林世界在十字军外患之下缺乏统一战线。本着敌人的敌人即是朋友的逻辑,霍山和十字军、欧洲人是事实上的盟友。原文是:”By the time the Crusades began, virtually everyone who wasn''''t an Assassin hated the Assassins. Every power in the land was trying to hunt them down. The Assassins'''' enemies included the Shi''''i, the Sunnis, the Seljuk Turks, the Fatimid Egyptians, and the Abbasid khalifate. As it happened, the Crusaders were making war against the same gallery — the Shi''''i, the Sunnis, the Seljuk Turks, the Fatimid Egyptians, and the Abbasid khalifate. The Assassins and Crusaders had the same set of enemies so, inevitably, they became de facto allies. “这样来说,霍山刺杀英王似乎不太说得通?
”A curious footnote to the Mongol holocaust occurred in 653 AH (1256 CE), when Hulagu was passing through Persia. A Muslim jurist near Alamut complained to the Mongol khan that he had to wear armor under his clothes all the time for fear of the Assassins headquartered nearby. A short time later, two Fedayeen (suicidal Assassin agents) disguised as monks tried to kill Hulagu — and failed. They might as well have tried to pluck out the mans beard. The cult that could kill anyone met the army that could kill everyone. Hulagu took time out from his westward drive to storm Alamut. He then did to the Assassins what the Mongols had done and would do to many others: he destroyed them physically; he destroyed their stronghold; he destroyed their records, libraries, and papers — in that moment, the menace of the Assassins came to an end. “
Sabbah was the archetypal pro to terrorist, using murder largely for its propaganda value. Since he lacked the resources and troops to fight battles or conquer cities, he sent individuals, or at most small groups, to assassi- nate carefully targeted figures chosen for the shock their death would spark. The Assassins plotted their killings for months or even years, some- times contriving to make friends with the victim or enter his service and work their way up to a position of trust.
Where in this long process was the hashish smoking supposed to take place? It doesn''t add up. The Lebanese writer Amin Malouf suggests that actually the word assassin probably derives from the Persian word assets, which means "foundation."
是的。首都在巴格达的阿拔斯王朝是伊斯兰文明发展的黄金时代,天文地理医学数学文学等等方面的成就都属当时的世界前沿。蒙古人一来,王朝覆灭,大部分文明的痕迹全给毁了。按作者的说法,蒙古军的残忍程度几乎无人望其项背,所到之处绝对三光。 而蒙古人在征服之后,并无新的宗教文化理念提供给被征服者,所以到头来他们也皈依了伊斯兰教。