第一次在fb上卖东西,对方要电话号码和code,居然傻乎乎给了谷歌voice code,关键自己还没有建google voice number.结果白白给别人送了号码,还连在我的手机号上。刚刚通过谷歌Take your number back, 把自己的手机 remove from Google Voice accounts。想着清除其它链接号后自己从新申请一个google voice number,结果显示用我的手机号不能建立google voice number.难道诈骗犯还是拥有我的google voice number?姐妹们,谁懂啊,救命啊,难道必须换个电话号码?
我也不是很理解。这么简单的事情,不会google一下吗? You can delete your current Google Voice number and get a new one. If you don't have a Google Voice number, sign up for Google Voice. Important: This feature operates differently based on the type of account you have. Learn more about Google Voice account types. After you delete your current Google Voice number, you still see your call history and text messages from your previous number. However, you can only change your Google Voice number once per year and can't change your Google Voice number if you have a Google Workspace account through your job or school. You can reclaim your old number within 90 days if it's your only Google Voice phone number。
我也不是很理解。这么简单的事情,不会google一下吗? You can delete your current Google Voice number and get a new one. If you don't have a Google Voice number, sign up for Google Voice. Important: This feature operates differently based on the type of account you have. Learn more about Google Voice account types. After you delete your current Google Voice number, you still see your call history and text messages from your previous number. However, you can only change your Google Voice number once per year and can't change your Google Voice number if you have a Google Workspace account through your job or school. You can reclaim your old number within 90 days if it's your only Google Voice phone number。 fakespot 发表于 2023-10-12 15:28
亲,我google 了。但我的问题是被骗的时候,还没有自己的google voice number.但骗子拿到code后马上注册一个电话号码,占了我的名额,关键我还不知道这个google voice number 具体号码。那怎么取消骗子这个号?不知道说清楚没
我以前就是没有申请google voice number,所以不清楚被诈骗专了空子。他现在应该用了我的号
电话可以用,转接的号码是骗子申请的新号,我以前没有google voice number ,咋办?
You can delete your current Google Voice number and get a new one. If you don't have a Google Voice number, sign up for Google Voice. Important: This feature operates differently based on the type of account you have. Learn more about Google Voice account types.
After you delete your current Google Voice number, you still see your call history and text messages from your previous number. However, you can only change your Google Voice number once per year and can't change your Google Voice number if you have a Google Workspace account through your job or school.
You can reclaim your old number within 90 days if it's your only Google Voice phone number。
亲,我google 了。但我的问题是被骗的时候,还没有自己的google voice number.但骗子拿到code后马上注册一个电话号码,占了我的名额,关键我还不知道这个google voice number 具体号码。那怎么取消骗子这个号?不知道说清楚没
但你未必能再申请一个你自己的google voice number。不过你反正也不用google voice对吧。
虚拟号码 你手机下一个google voice app就行
你搜一下,可以把那个号码remove 的
没google phone number,不知道怎么处理。 感觉就是骗子占用了你申请的google #,没想到有啥副作用。
而且现在基本所有收短信验证码的,都不接受google voice的号码,所以看起来危害不大
我很久不用的Google voice号码被拿回去了,但是我可以申请新的号码。
Google voice number 有啥了不起的,再注册一个不行吗? Google号码连着手机干嘛,就是用来收垃圾电话的啊。
我lg才傻 人家问他要手机的verification code他就给人了 现在也不知掉有啥后果 谁能告诉我有啥危害 我也搞不懂为啥这他都不知道