一边是恐怖组织,一边是犯了国际战争罪的战犯 Under the provisions of the International Humanitarian Law, related to international armed conflicts[v] and non-international armed conflicts, it is prohibited “to attack, destroy, remove, or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs, agricultural areas for the production of foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations and supplies and irrigation works“. The Rome Statute[vi] of the International Criminal Court defines “intentionally starving civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of the materials indispensable to their survival” a war crime.
一边是恐怖组织,一边是犯了国际战争罪的战犯 Under the provisions of the International Humanitarian Law, related to international armed conflicts[v] and non-international armed conflicts, it is prohibited “to attack, destroy, remove, or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs, agricultural areas for the production of foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations and supplies and irrigation works“. The Rome Statute[vi] of the International Criminal Court defines “intentionally starving civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of the materials indispensable to their survival” a war crime.
这是这家律所的宣言,大家看看: At Winston & Strawn, greater diversity, equity, and inclusion is a high priority that starts at the top with our strategic business plan that guides firmwide development and operations. Our vision is to cultivate a culture where all talented contributors can have, and can see, a path to long-term success. We back this up with measurable, high-impact goals, and numerous recruitment, retention, and advancement initiatives for our women, racial/ethnic minority, and LGBTQ+ attorneys and professional staff.
昨天更多 今天明显少了很多。那个cw小姐已经没有再出现了
你太天真了 马甲车轮战
所以?因为这个能说明巴以冲突整体上(或者某个具体事件)以色列就对,巴勒斯坦就错么? 如果不能,在这个楼里说这有啥意义?
前两天第一次看到《坦图拉》视频,我靠,真是彻底颠覆我对以色列的认知。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ1TAOibLss&feature=youtu.be
排名一下根据板上帖子目前华人最讨厌的人: 1)以色列/犹太人 2)黑人 3)LGBT 4)穆斯林
我觉得华人特追求公平 - 谁被欺负了就占谁那边!
消灭以色列 顺便种族屠杀犹太人 幸好这些野蛮人太弱
给被美国“开拓先驱” 们杀死的印第安人 辩护的, 也没准备把印第安人接到自己家里去
人家印第安人原来有地方住啊, 为啥要接到“我” 家里去?
omg你看了链接了读了我说的什么了吗? 还有人点赞
秦晖 巴以问题的由来(2023-10-09) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7D89KJ_fb
Under the provisions of the International Humanitarian Law, related to international armed conflicts[v] and non-international armed conflicts, it is prohibited “to attack, destroy, remove, or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs, agricultural areas for the production of foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations and supplies and irrigation works“.
The Rome Statute[vi] of the International Criminal Court defines “intentionally starving civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of the materials indispensable to their survival” a war crime.
他还提到,包括前联合国秘书长潘基文、大主教德斯蒙德·图图、南非外长纳莱迪·潘多尔和以色列前检察长迈克尔·本·耶尔在内的主要国际人物也都将以色列的占领描述为种族隔离。 林克指出,以色列军队长期以来对巴勒斯坦人采取了一系列非人道行为,包括任意和法外杀戮、酷刑、剥夺基本权利、可怕的儿童死亡率、集体惩罚、滥用军事法庭系统以及拆毁房屋。
我在欧洲,我也一样反大部分欧,只要跟中国作对的,我就反。 我反的对象,和我人在哪里没任何关系。跟我自己的祖籍有关系,我这身黄皮永远不可能换,黄皮换不了,心就换不了,否则成了牛头马面四不像了。因为就算我换了心,白皮洋大人们也不可能把我当自己人。 至于那些人在哪里,心就在哪里的,早晚自食恶果
At Winston & Strawn, greater diversity, equity, and inclusion is a high priority that starts at the top with our strategic business plan that guides firmwide development and operations. Our vision is to cultivate a culture where all talented contributors can have, and can see, a path to long-term success. We back this up with measurable, high-impact goals, and numerous recruitment, retention, and advancement initiatives for our women, racial/ethnic minority, and LGBTQ+ attorneys and professional staff.