回复 19楼yanshuimangmang的帖子 She's not interested. When women first meet a new guy, he's usually either in the friend category or dateable category, if she has clearly indicated she just wants to be friends, you are not the type she will consider to date. Unfortunately there's not much that can be done. Also Spanish/Latin guys are some of the most charming men in the world, if she grew up around that type of guys its very hard for other guys to compete against what she is used to.
我是不是心太急了。毕竟也就认识才几天。太急切,又怕把人吓跑了,之前已经吓跑过一个小姑娘了,我已经有点上头。 下面约了一起出去爬山。 我不想只在friend zone 里面。
朋友们,有什么建议吗? 多谢多谢
谢谢建议。 倒是没骗什么,吃饭也是AA. 她也不要任何东西。
谢谢建议。 我确实不想留下这个印象。 但是在暧昧的氛围下,不做点什么感觉又有点太拘谨。
>> 第二次去她房间吃饭的时候,感觉气氛特别暧昧,我抱住她,亲了,可是她还是说只想做朋友,不想给我false hope.
我也感觉是梦境。 但是她回复我的消息也不积极。 基本上发了whatsapp消息,她都是隔好几个小时才回。 我们在同一栋楼。 有时候经过她的楼层,心里挺惆怅的,不知道她在干啥。 但是直接去敲门就太creepy了。 唉, 被影响心情了。
She's not interested. When women first meet a new guy, he's usually either in the friend category or dateable category, if she has clearly indicated she just wants to be friends, you are not the type she will consider to date. Unfortunately there's not much that can be done. Also Spanish/Latin guys are some of the most charming men in the world, if she grew up around that type of guys its very hard for other guys to compete against what she is used to.
第一,她说得很对,你不要有false hope。 第二,抱着做普通朋友的想法去爬山,交往。 第三,她不讨厌你,对你可能有一点好感,想观察一下你。 最后,你要控制你字几。
你说的有道理。 我其实不太懂dating。 看到美剧里面,date 一次就能发生亲密关系,我以为自己不主动一点女生会觉得我太拘谨。 我主动了,结果反而女生说要做朋友。 让我也有点怀疑自己。 这美剧到底靠谱不靠谱?
抬头看ID 啊 楼主这种被版主盖过“猥琐”章的,你居然还担心他被骗?