. 2011;23(4):567-98. doi: 10.3233/JAD-2010-101494. Aluminum and Alzheimer''s disease: after a century of controversy, is there a plausible link? Lucija Tomljenovic 1 Affiliations expand PMID: 21157018 DOI: 10.3233/JAD-2010-101494 Abstract The brain is a highly compartmentalized organ exceptionally susceptible to accumulation of metabolic errors. Alzheimer''s disease (AD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease of the elderly and is characterized by regional specificity of neural aberrations associated with higher cognitive functions. Aluminum (Al) is the most abundant neurotoxic metal on earth, widely bioavailable to humans and repeatedly shown to accumulate in AD-susceptible neuronal foci. In spite of this, the role of Al in AD has been heavily disputed based on the following claims: 1) bioavailable Al cannot enter the brain in sufficient amounts to cause damage, 2) excess Al is efficiently excreted from the body, and 3) Al accumulation in neurons is a consequence rather than a cause of neuronal loss. Research, however, reveals that: 1) very small amounts of Al are needed to produce neurotoxicity and this criterion is satisfied through dietary Al intake, 2) Al sequesters different transport mechanisms to actively traverse brain barriers, 3) incremental acquisition of small amounts of Al over a lifetime favors its selective accumulation in brain tissues, and 4) since 1911, experimental evidence has repeatedly demonstrated that chronic Al intoxication reproduces neuropathological hallmarks of AD. Misconceptions about Al bioavailability may have misled scientists regarding the significance of Al in the pathogenesis of AD. The hypothesis that Al significantly contributes to AD is built upon very solid experimental evidence and should not be dismissed. Immediate steps should be taken to lessen human exposure to Al, which may be the single most aggravating and avoidable factor related to AD.
Review J Alzheimers Dis
. 2011;23(4):567-98. doi: 10.3233/JAD-2010-101494. Aluminum and Alzheimer''s disease: after a century of controversy, is there a plausible link? Lucija Tomljenovic 1 Affiliations expand PMID: 21157018 DOI: 10.3233/JAD-2010-101494 Abstract The brain is a highly compartmentalized organ exceptionally susceptible to accumulation of metabolic errors. Alzheimer''s disease (AD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease of the elderly and is characterized by regional specificity of neural aberrations associated with higher cognitive functions. Aluminum (Al) is the most abundant neurotoxic metal on earth, widely bioavailable to humans and repeatedly shown to accumulate in AD-susceptible neuronal foci. In spite of this, the role of Al in AD has been heavily disputed based on the following claims: 1) bioavailable Al cannot enter the brain in sufficient amounts to cause damage, 2) excess Al is efficiently excreted from the body, and 3) Al accumulation in neurons is a consequence rather than a cause of neuronal loss. Research, however, reveals that: 1) very small amounts of Al are needed to produce neurotoxicity and this criterion is satisfied through dietary Al intake, 2) Al sequesters different transport mechanisms to actively traverse brain barriers, 3) incremental acquisition of small amounts of Al over a lifetime favors its selective accumulation in brain tissues, and 4) since 1911, experimental evidence has repeatedly demonstrated that chronic Al intoxication reproduces neuropathological hallmarks of AD. Misconceptions about Al bioavailability may have misled scientists regarding the significance of Al in the pathogenesis of AD. The hypothesis that Al significantly contributes to AD is built upon very solid experimental evidence and should not be dismissed. Immediate steps should be taken to lessen human exposure to Al, which may be the single most aggravating and avoidable factor related to AD.
超市里卖的面包都是解冻的。曾经在trader joe找面包找不到,工作人员去后面库房抱出来好几包,都是还没化冻的。我经常分装冷冻,完全没有口感上的区别
工业面包 冷链运输都是 冻上的
我家吃得少,再小包装都必须冷冻一部分,不解冻直接烤。我在whole foods一次就看到工作人员上架面包,冻着的直接上架,商家运输保存大都要冷冻的。
是的。我们都去trader joe啥的。小包装。也不贵。面包保质期五天也就
美国牛逼了, 这个sodium aluminum phosphate 有毒的。 怪不得老年痴呆高发 以后要好好看配料表
别的不说,就想知道你对老年痴呆症了解多少?请不要在这里误导好吗! 不过谢谢提醒配料表里的成分。建议你去告公司,财富自由不远了。
Review J Alzheimers Dis
. 2011;23(4):567-98. doi: 10.3233/JAD-2010-101494. Aluminum and Alzheimer''s disease: after a century of controversy, is there a plausible link? Lucija Tomljenovic 1 Affiliations expand PMID: 21157018 DOI: 10.3233/JAD-2010-101494 Abstract The brain is a highly compartmentalized organ exceptionally susceptible to accumulation of metabolic errors. Alzheimer''s disease (AD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease of the elderly and is characterized by regional specificity of neural aberrations associated with higher cognitive functions. Aluminum (Al) is the most abundant neurotoxic metal on earth, widely bioavailable to humans and repeatedly shown to accumulate in AD-susceptible neuronal foci. In spite of this, the role of Al in AD has been heavily disputed based on the following claims: 1) bioavailable Al cannot enter the brain in sufficient amounts to cause damage, 2) excess Al is efficiently excreted from the body, and 3) Al accumulation in neurons is a consequence rather than a cause of neuronal loss. Research, however, reveals that: 1) very small amounts of Al are needed to produce neurotoxicity and this criterion is satisfied through dietary Al intake, 2) Al sequesters different transport mechanisms to actively traverse brain barriers, 3) incremental acquisition of small amounts of Al over a lifetime favors its selective accumulation in brain tissues, and 4) since 1911, experimental evidence has repeatedly demonstrated that chronic Al intoxication reproduces neuropathological hallmarks of AD. Misconceptions about Al bioavailability may have misled scientists regarding the significance of Al in the pathogenesis of AD. The hypothesis that Al significantly contributes to AD is built upon very solid experimental evidence and should not be dismissed. Immediate steps should be taken to lessen human exposure to Al, which may be the single most aggravating and avoidable factor related to AD.
Review J Alzheimers Dis
. 2011;23(4):567-98. doi: 10.3233/JAD-2010-101494. Aluminum and Alzheimer''s disease: after a century of controversy, is there a plausible link? Lucija Tomljenovic 1 Affiliations expand PMID: 21157018 DOI: 10.3233/JAD-2010-101494 Abstract The brain is a highly compartmentalized organ exceptionally susceptible to accumulation of metabolic errors. Alzheimer''s disease (AD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease of the elderly and is characterized by regional specificity of neural aberrations associated with higher cognitive functions. Aluminum (Al) is the most abundant neurotoxic metal on earth, widely bioavailable to humans and repeatedly shown to accumulate in AD-susceptible neuronal foci. In spite of this, the role of Al in AD has been heavily disputed based on the following claims: 1) bioavailable Al cannot enter the brain in sufficient amounts to cause damage, 2) excess Al is efficiently excreted from the body, and 3) Al accumulation in neurons is a consequence rather than a cause of neuronal loss. Research, however, reveals that: 1) very small amounts of Al are needed to produce neurotoxicity and this criterion is satisfied through dietary Al intake, 2) Al sequesters different transport mechanisms to actively traverse brain barriers, 3) incremental acquisition of small amounts of Al over a lifetime favors its selective accumulation in brain tissues, and 4) since 1911, experimental evidence has repeatedly demonstrated that chronic Al intoxication reproduces neuropathological hallmarks of AD. Misconceptions about Al bioavailability may have misled scientists regarding the significance of Al in the pathogenesis of AD. The hypothesis that Al significantly contributes to AD is built upon very solid experimental evidence and should not be dismissed. Immediate steps should be taken to lessen human exposure to Al, which may be the single most aggravating and avoidable factor related to AD.
铝是现在研究最广,也是实验研究最为确定的阿尔兹海默的诱因。 铝不仅是食品添加剂,而且是广泛应用的厨具。 研究性文章几千篇了,可不是自媒体的瞎编烂造 自己google。
这个面包就是Walmart 买的。
你买的工厂做好的那种,如果买Walmart store made那种,几天就长毛。
乳化剂 - 使水和油保持混合在一起形成乳液。 磷酸铝钠(SAlP)由磷酸铝钠盐组成。酸性磷酸铝钠用作烘焙粉的酸,用于焙烤食品的化学发酵。加热后,SAlP和小苏打结合产生二氧化碳。它的大部分作用发生在烘烤温度下,而不是在室温下混合面团或面糊时。中性调味酱是一种有益的风味。碱性磷酸铝钠可用于制作奶酪。 作为一种食品添加剂,它的编号为E541。在欧盟被批准用作食品添加剂,在美国被公认为安全食品。
中国近三分之一人口摄铝过多 中国近三分之一的居民铝摄入过多,儿童健康受威胁最大。国家出台 “禁铝令”不完善,政府的铝添加剂管理压力将从大工厂转向小作坊。 English
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粮农 中国近三分之一人口摄铝过多 中国近三分之一的居民铝摄入过多,儿童健康受威胁最大。国家出台 “禁铝令”不完善,政府的铝添加剂管理压力将从大工厂转向小作坊。 EN 中文 袁端端, 李一帆 2014-07-23 一日三餐,处处“伴铝” 早上买两根油条、一个馒头,中午吃碗面条,下午茶有两根麻花、一个小面包,晚餐凉菜是海蜇。这看似普通得不能再普通的一日三餐,可能存在着巨大的铝摄入过多的风险。 2014年7月1日,三种含铝的食品添加剂(酸性磷酸铝钠、硅铝酸钠和辛烯基琥珀酸铝淀粉)将彻底退出食品业;硫酸铝钾(即明矾)也将不能在馒头、发糕等非油炸面制品中使用;膨化食品则要绝对“禁铝”。 这将使含铝添加剂使用范围大大缩小,尤其馒头、面条等主食中将杜绝明矾等铝添加剂。 中国人群膳食铝摄入过多。2014年6月16日,国家食品安全风险评估中心(下称风险评估中心)发布了中国第一份大规模的膳食铝评估报告,显示中国32.5%的个人膳食铝摄入量超过每人每周安全摄入量(PTWI),这就意味着三分之一中国人处在铝超量摄取的风险中。其中北方60%的居民铝摄入量偏多。 在6654份常见含铝添加剂的食品的铝残留量检测中,风险评估中心发现有40%超过了国家规定的100mg/kg——其中油条的超标率高达72%,馒头则为28%。按照联合国发布的每周每公斤体重2mg的安全摄入量(PTWI),如果一个体重为45公斤的人每周吃10个这样的“超标馒头”(每个按2两计算),他的铝摄入量就已经超标。 馒头油条之外,常见的面制品如油饼、麻花、炸糕都有铝超标风险。作为主食原料,面粉是超标贡献率最大的食物,贡献率为44%。其他依次是馒头(24%)、油条(10%)和面条(7%)。 海蜇则在超标率和超标量上都位于第一,最严重的超标了346倍。风险评估中心在抽检中发现,海蜇无一例外,均存在铝超标的现象,其利用明矾加工的工艺就决定了它是铝含量最高的加工食品。 除此之外,报告直指含铝食品添加剂——它贡献了食物中75%的铝。这类添加剂通常在蒸糕、蒸包和烘焙食品中用作膨胀剂,在食物混合配料粉中用作抗结剂,在有糖衣的甜点中用作染色料。 上海添加剂协会秘书长吉鹤立认为,铝的来源分为显性和隐形来源。国家标准更改可以更好地控制铝的显性来源,但是“隐形的铝无处不在,很难控制”。 儿童受“铝害”影响最大 按照年龄细分的话,儿童是“铝害”的最主要人群。 其中,4至6岁儿童过健康指导值的比例最高,达42.6%。“儿童主要来源是膨化食品。”风险评估中心副研究员马宁解释。 报告指出,70%的14岁以下儿童铝摄入过高,北方儿童更为严重,80%以上的4至6岁的儿童铝摄入量超过安全剂量。 报告指出,膨化食品是儿童铝摄入量的“罪魁祸首”。中国农业大学食品学院的一次测定也发现,常见的膨化食品中铝超量的达三分之一。 专家认为,铝摄入过多可对中枢神经造成损害,其中明确的伤害是会造成婴幼儿和儿童的神经发育受损,导致智力发育障碍。 “所有的物质都是有毒物,不存在任何非毒物质,剂量决定了一种物质是否会损害健康。”马宁说出了科学界对添加剂的理解。 目前,控制铝摄入已成共识。世界卫生组织推荐每人每周每公斤体重铝的安全摄入量为2毫克。如果消费者吃进去的铝只是偶尔超过这个量,并非持续超出该水平,也不会影响健康。 “每周少吃一个馒头、一根油条,儿童少吃一包薯片就能有效减少铝摄入。”马宁说道。 “禁铝令”难治小作坊 据风险评估中心预测,如果新标准能被严格执行,我国居民铝的平均摄入量将比修订前下降85.6%;而北方铝超量摄入的人群也将由60%降到20%。但这只是最理想的状况。 一则新标准对油条、蛋糕、面糊、裹粉并没有“禁铝”,只是规定了上限100mg/kg。“现在禁止得不彻底,油条里还是可以继续添加。”一年前,上海添加剂协会秘书长吉鹤立曾向有关部门递交了修改意见。在他看来,标准只针对有资质的企业,而超标最严重的食品都出现在街头摊点和小作坊。 全国人大代表、安琪集团酵母股份有限公司研发中心主任姚鹃在2014年两会上提交了《关于禁止含铝膨松剂在所有食品中使用的建议》。她建议,在新版《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》中,要禁止硫酸铝钾、硫酸铝铵在所有食品中添加。 “如果国家能全面监管起小作坊,那不用全面禁。但是如果不行,极有可能还是超标。”姚鹃说。 在一些专家看来,中国的大食品企业已经在铝添加剂使用方面非常克制了。很多大企业已开始用生物膨松剂来代替铝添加剂,或者根本不用膨松剂,而是通过机器的压力来实现自然膨大。 膨化食品专业委员会赵燕萍秘书长告诉记者说,“只有一些小的企业还在用”。河南工业大学粮油食品学院食品科学系主任张国治也持同样观点:“正规厂家一般不会超标。” 但是,不用铝添加剂的成本会高出许多。以姚娟所在企业为例,他们研制出的无铝膨松剂价格是6元/kg,而市售明矾价格是1元/kg。浙江省食品添加剂协会名誉会长黄仙堂担心,禁止含铝添加剂会出现禁止面粉增白剂之后同样的反弹效应。 “面粉增白剂禁掉之后的一段时期内,市场销量激增。”黄仙堂说,因为需要用替代的添加剂,大企业成本上升,而巨大的差额利润,吸引着小作坊更肆无忌惮地用起了面粉增白剂。从这个角度而言,“禁铝令”成效如何,还有待观察
碱性2个铝原子,酸性3个铝原子。 这就是你所谓的安全?
LOL, FDA批准的就安全?FDA还说廋肉精安全呢, FDA还批准用砷化物喂鸡呢
一直买回来一包冻起来,需要时候拿出来 在面包机烤下,非常好。
面包里面淀粉在-7 到20时,会快速向有序的结晶化转变,这样就会导致面包组织紧密变硬、破碎掉渣、干燥无弹性、香气消失。所以存储环境高于20度,要么低于-7度
re 我也是老吃到苦味,我倒是都自己做面包吃,但是孩子偶尔会需要弄形状标准的三明治带着。
你是放在室温还是放冰箱里(就冷藏就可以了,3~6 度摄氏)
有年我们在Safeway买了一包orowheat的面包,在某个地方放了一年忘了,还是常温。居然一点霉都没长。 从此就不买这个牌子了。其他牌子的目测还是过一段时间大概一两周会发霉的。