你说这个加州900$以下算misdemeanor的法律 你要不要去查查红的发紫的共和党州Texas对应法律额度是$2500以下不算重罪!你知道这个事实之后有什么评价呢? again 这个回复经典的显示了foxnews等纳粹媒体洗脑的强大。每次讨论petty crime小偷小摸犯罪问题,从来不去讨论root cause,即共和党给billionaire减税导致贫富差距极端化的问题,而是洗脑口号式的指责所谓民主党州法律问题 然后你给他指出共和党州类似法律更夸张,共和党州犯罪率更高,它们变装作没看到,不敢回复了
supersleeper 发表于 2023-10-01 20:37
还真不知道这个,刚刚看了下,确实950是petty theft,950以上算是felony在加州。不过已经碰到两次朋友来车被砸,警察都说了nothing can be done. petty theft警察除了写个report,不会做任何事情好像是given。 不知道这种所谓的petty theft情况在Texas那些州会试着看监控抓人吗。
还真不知道这个,刚刚看了下,确实950是petty theft,950以上算是felony在加州。不过已经碰到两次朋友来车被砸,警察都说了nothing can be done. petty theft警察除了写个report,不会做任何事情好像是given。 不知道这种所谓的petty theft情况在Texas那些州会试着看监控抓人吗。 happyberry 发表于 2023-10-01 22:26
在德州,misdeameanor分级别. The potential for jail time for a Texas misdemeanor depends on the nature of the offense. A Class “A” misdemeanor can result in up to one year in jail (in addition to a fine), while a Class “B” offense carries a sentence of up to 180 days. Class “C” charges do not carry potential jail time.
你说这个加州900$以下算misdemeanor的法律 你要不要去查查红的发紫的共和党州Texas对应法律额度是$2500以下不算重罪!你知道这个事实之后有什么评价呢? again 这个回复经典的显示了foxnews等纳粹媒体洗脑的强大。每次讨论petty crime小偷小摸犯罪问题,从来不去讨论root cause,即共和党给billionaire减税导致贫富差距极端化的问题,而是洗脑口号式的指责所谓民主党州法律问题 然后你给他指出共和党州类似法律更夸张,共和党州犯罪率更高,它们变装作没看到,不敢回复了
supersleeper 发表于 2023-10-01 20:37
WHAT IS TEXAS MISDEMEANOR THEFT? In the state of Texas, theft crimes where the value of the stolen property is less than $1,500 is considered to be a misdemeanor theft, with certain exceptions. Misdemeanor theft in Texas is classified as Class A, Class B, or Class C depending on the value of the stolen property. Misdemeanor thefts in Texas are classified as: CLASS C MISDEMEANOR THEFT Theft is a Class C Misdemeanor if the property stolen is valued at less than $100 and carries a fine of no more than $500 and no jail time. CLASS B MISDEMEANOR THEFT In Texas a Class B Misdemeanor theft has occurred if the property stolen is valued at $50 or more but less than $500, the stolen property is valued at less than $100, and it''s the defendant''s second or more theft offense, or a driver''s license or another identification card was stolen. This carries a fine of no more than $2,000 and a jail sentence of no more than 6 months. CLASS A MISDEMEANOR THEFT Property valued at $500 or more but less than $1,500 is a Class A misdemeanor and carries a fine of not more than $4,000 and up to one year in jail. Some of the exceptions to these values include if the item stolen is firearm or certain livestock, which would automatically upgrade the punishment to a state jail felony. Those who are found guilty of a theft crime of any kind may also be required to pay both damages and restitution to their victim as well as a civil penalty of up to $1,000.
WHAT IS TEXAS MISDEMEANOR THEFT? In the state of Texas, theft crimes where the value of the stolen property is less than $1,500 is considered to be a misdemeanor theft, with certain exceptions. Misdemeanor theft in Texas is classified as Class A, Class B, or Class C depending on the value of the stolen property. Misdemeanor thefts in Texas are classified as: CLASS C MISDEMEANOR THEFT Theft is a Class C Misdemeanor if the property stolen is valued at less than $100 and carries a fine of no more than $500 and no jail time. CLASS B MISDEMEANOR THEFT In Texas a Class B Misdemeanor theft has occurred if the property stolen is valued at $50 or more but less than $500, the stolen property is valued at less than $100, and it''s the defendant''s second or more theft offense, or a driver''s license or another identification card was stolen. This carries a fine of no more than $2,000 and a jail sentence of no more than 6 months. CLASS A MISDEMEANOR THEFT Property valued at $500 or more but less than $1,500 is a Class A misdemeanor and carries a fine of not more than $4,000 and up to one year in jail. Some of the exceptions to these values include if the item stolen is firearm or certain livestock, which would automatically upgrade the punishment to a state jail felony. Those who are found guilty of a theft crime of any kind may also be required to pay both damages and restitution to their victim as well as a civil penalty of up to $1,000. wahoo222 发表于 2023-10-01 23:04
这些地方的共同点就是某个族裔特别多。某个族裔聚集的城市或地区,治安一定差,没有反例。而且也一定是民主党控制的地盘,没有反例。再细分下去,在这些城市里,也只有某个族裔聚集的那几条街犯罪率高,同一个城市其他地方其实还可以,治安甚至还可以是非常不错滴。St. Louis 和 Oakland 就是非常好的例子。
因为共和党州的罪犯在加州都是算良民, 没有犯罪记录的
你是搞笑的吗?吃不起奶粉食物food bank 可以领,用得着去偷去抢?
旧金山已经被满街流浪汉的屎尿搞成shithole了,你是鼓励全美国homeless 都到加州来吗?是不是要全部打包送你那里你就满意。
而且,我就住在sunset 我觉得旧金山好得很,你来过SF吗?哪个城市都有烂区,根源也是共和党给billionaire减税,造成贫富差距巨大造成的。而且说的的好像共和党州的Houston st louis没有homeless没有犯罪一样
关键是 犯罪的定义 一个行为 在加州不算犯罪 在其他州算 那这个统计有毛线意义
是不是因为加州砸车和小偷小摸,零元购都不是犯罪了?不算dangerous。只是破点财? 一个同事家属是在Oakland Safeway上班,说是每几天就有几家人,带着小孩,进店,拆个垃圾袋盒子,装上几个垃圾袋的货品出门。根本都不报警了。店里manager的策略是,多order一些不是brand name的货品,货架上都是generic brand的货品,可以降低一点损失
你说的Oakland,没看我贴的榜吗?榜上有名。but 犯罪率还是在前面10来个共和党州地方之后
说到买不起奶粉的妈妈,特么的说到美国政府福利只给政庇不给缺奶的妈妈似的 lol
again 这个回复经典的显示了foxnews等纳粹媒体洗脑的强大。每次讨论petty crime小偷小摸犯罪问题,从来不去讨论root cause,即共和党给billionaire减税导致贫富差距极端化的问题,而是洗脑口号式的指责所谓民主党州法律问题
还真不知道这个,刚刚看了下,确实950是petty theft,950以上算是felony在加州。不过已经碰到两次朋友来车被砸,警察都说了nothing can be done. petty theft警察除了写个report,不会做任何事情好像是given。 不知道这种所谓的petty theft情况在Texas那些州会试着看监控抓人吗。
在德州,misdeameanor分级别. The potential for jail time for a Texas misdemeanor depends on the nature of the offense. A Class “A” misdemeanor can result in up to one year in jail (in addition to a fine), while a Class “B” offense carries a sentence of up to 180 days. Class “C” charges do not carry potential jail time.
WHAT IS TEXAS MISDEMEANOR THEFT? In the state of Texas, theft crimes where the value of the stolen property is less than $1,500 is considered to be a misdemeanor theft, with certain exceptions. Misdemeanor theft in Texas is classified as Class A, Class B, or Class C depending on the value of the stolen property.
Misdemeanor thefts in Texas are classified as: CLASS C MISDEMEANOR THEFT Theft is a Class C Misdemeanor if the property stolen is valued at less than $100 and carries a fine of no more than $500 and no jail time. CLASS B MISDEMEANOR THEFT In Texas a Class B Misdemeanor theft has occurred if the property stolen is valued at $50 or more but less than $500, the stolen property is valued at less than $100, and it''s the defendant''s second or more theft offense, or a driver''s license or another identification card was stolen. This carries a fine of no more than $2,000 and a jail sentence of no more than 6 months. CLASS A MISDEMEANOR THEFT Property valued at $500 or more but less than $1,500 is a Class A misdemeanor and carries a fine of not more than $4,000 and up to one year in jail. Some of the exceptions to these values include if the item stolen is firearm or certain livestock, which would automatically upgrade the punishment to a state jail felony. Those who are found guilty of a theft crime of any kind may also be required to pay both damages and restitution to their victim as well as a civil penalty of up to $1,000.
无鞋的不怕有鞋的 能有钱交的 比 没有钱交的 犯罪概率小 这个公平是实在是 无厘头 好搞笑 进攻好莱坞吧 圣母的聚集地 恭喜
我去 这都可以洗的 你难道不知道 根据犯罪程度 保释金的金额会不同
不要把司法体制 和 数学的比例 混在一起
还有人点赞 ? en~~~~~
我退出了 我们上网是来玩的 有的人吧 估计是有目的的
就算在南加,也有共和党的区域的。洛杉矶和Orange County就不一样。这个法案也仅仅适用于洛杉矶。
哈哈哈哈啊 民主党城市? 那民主党州的更更民主党的城市为啥犯罪率反而更低呢?
你看看San Jose民主党支持率高还是Houston民主党支持率高,哪个城市更安全?
垃圾警察的问题, 和法律有p的关系.
来来,你的claim “德州$100脏款就一定抓捕,加州$1000以下不抓” 出处在哪?
你copy paste一大篇,哪里支持你的claim?
深蓝有San Jose蓝吗?深蓝州的深蓝市,那为啥San Jose犯罪率低呢?
加州 DA 不执法被recall?有这回事吗?不过加州人觉得好就好吧,加州贫富差距也确实太大,搞共产主义试验田挺好的
这个事情的实质就是 政府现在既没有能力去提供 大批 失业 游民 物质要求 也没有能力去解决 戒毒 就业 教育 的 资金 现在 就是在打着平权 民主 的 理论 让普通大众买单 均匀一点 提供一些物质保障 给这些 打砸抢的人
还争论什么 民主党 共和党的 地盘 美国现状就是如此
这些地方的共同点就是某个族裔特别多。某个族裔聚集的城市或地区,治安一定差,没有反例。而且也一定是民主党控制的地盘,没有反例。再细分下去,在这些城市里,也只有某个族裔聚集的那几条街犯罪率高,同一个城市其他地方其实还可以,治安甚至还可以是非常不错滴。St. Louis 和 Oakland 就是非常好的例子。
就说加州,斯坦福大学 伯克利 UCLA所在zip code都是80%以上支持民主党
反而是阿拉巴马密西西比的神棍乱伦吃联邦拨款福利的zip code是美国之光?
是的,而且大的retail都不管,也是怕雇员万一阻拦受伤了,反过来还要陪雇员一大笔钱。 那些天使,抓起来有什么用,过几天就放了,然后继续这个cycle,没办法的,这就是现实了。