我之前发了一个被PIP的帖子,如果感兴趣的可以看下面的Link https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2954013&fid=398&page=1 现在有些后续的info, 我已经准备要move on 了, 在拿到PIP的那一刻起我就已经知道没必要再抱有希望了。 只是这次被坑的太惨了, 连我这种忍气吞声的性格的人都实在忍不了 现在已经file a complaint to HR for discrimination and retaliation. 也已经去了EEOC file a case 了 另外我已经发了一封email 给我的大老板说了我被 wrongly accused on PIP, 其中非常 detail 的 listed why i''m wrongly accused especially with lack of knowledge for her job 那部分。 结果大老板, 回复了非常模凌两可并很官方的话, 内容是: Thank you for reaching out, I have read your concerns and have spoke to XXX about it as well. A PIP plan is an opportunity to get things on track, I hope that you see this as a way to clarify expectations and to focus to get the work done in a good manner. Many people have been able to use PIP to improve their productivity and responsibilities. 这是什么鬼。。。。我被wrongly accuse的那部分绝口不提, 然后就在这里和我玩文字游戏,把PIP的 definition 说了一遍。 我写了一个follow up email, 内容就是, Dear XXX, I hope you are doing well. I appreciate your prompt response to this matter, and I would like to take this opportunity to further clarify my concerns. I understand that a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is intended to provide clarity on expectations and guide efforts toward improving one''s work performance. However, my concern lies in the accuracy of the PIP itself. How can I make meaningful improvements when the PIP appears to be based on incorrect information? This wrongful accusation has left me uncertain about how my future performance will be evaluated accurately. It''s crucial for both my professional growth and the success of our team that performance assessments are grounded in accuracy and fairness. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your response. Sincerely XXX 大家还有什么更好的办法吗
我之前发了一个被PIP的帖子,如果感兴趣的可以看下面的Link https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2954013&fid=398&page=1 现在有些后续的info, 我给我的大老板(CEO)发了email说了我被 wrongly accused on PIP, 就是lack of knowledge for her job 哪部分。 结果大老板, 回复了非常模凌两可并很官方的话, 内容是: Thank you for reaching out, I have read your concerns and have spoke to XXX about it as well. A PIP plan is an opportunity to get things on track, I hope that you see this as a way to clarify expectations and to focus to get the work done in a good manner. Many people have been able to use PIP to improve their productivity and responsibilities. 这是什么鬼。。。。我被wrongly accuse的那部分绝口不提, 然后就在这里和我玩文字游戏,把PIP的 definition 说了一遍。 我准备写一个follow up email, 内容就是, Dear XXX, I hope you are doing well. I appreciate your prompt response to this matter, and I'd like to take this opportunity to further clarify my concerns. I understand that a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is intended to provide clarity on expectations and guide efforts toward improving one's work performance. However, my concern lies in the accuracy of the PIP itself. How can I make meaningful improvements when the PIP appears to be based on incorrect information? This wrongful accusation has left me uncertain about how my future performance will be evaluated accurately. It's crucial for both my professional growth and the success of our team that performance assessments are grounded in accuracy and fairness. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your response. Sincerely XXX 大家还有什么更好的办法吗
你要发的回复也没什么实质内容啊?大老板:进PIP是focus to get the work done in a good manner. 那上面对你不满是认为你没干好活儿。 你: PIP appears to be based on incorrect information。 你觉得你出活儿了,他们没认可?那收集证据摆出来给大老板啊
你要发的回复也没什么实质内容啊?大老板:进PIP是focus to get the work done in a good manner. 那上面对你不满是认为你没干好活儿。 你: PIP appears to be based on incorrect information。 你觉得你出活儿了,他们没认可?那收集证据摆出来给大老板啊 kakababy666 发表于 2023-09-26 10:35
实际内容上一个email已经发过啦。 里面非常清楚的list了wrongly accused 部分。 这里只是follow up email
我之前发了一个被PIP的帖子,如果感兴趣的可以看下面的Link https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2954013&fid=398&page=1 现在有些后续的info, 我已经准备要move on 了, 在拿到PIP的那一刻起我就已经知道没必要再抱有希望了。 只是这次被坑的太惨了, 连我这种忍气吞声的性格的人都实在忍不了 现在已经file a complaint to HR for discrimination and retaliation. 也已经去了EEOC file a case 了 另外我已经发了一封email 给我的大老板说了我被 wrongly accused on PIP, 其中非常 detail 的 listed why i''''m wrongly accused especially with lack of knowledge for her job 那部分。 结果大老板, 回复了非常模凌两可并很官方的话, 内容是: Thank you for reaching out, I have read your concerns and have spoke to XXX about it as well. A PIP plan is an opportunity to get things on track, I hope that you see this as a way to clarify expectations and to focus to get the work done in a good manner. Many people have been able to use PIP to improve their productivity and responsibilities. 这是什么鬼。。。。我被wrongly accuse的那部分绝口不提, 然后就在这里和我玩文字游戏,把PIP的 definition 说了一遍。 我写一个follow up email, 内容就是, Dear XXX, I hope you are doing well. I appreciate your prompt response to this matter, and I''''''''d like to take this opportunity to further clarify my concerns. I understand that a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is intended to provide clarity on expectations and guide efforts toward improving one''''''''s work performance. However, my concern lies in the accuracy of the PIP itself. How can I make meaningful improvements when the PIP appears to be based on incorrect information? This wrongful accusation has left me uncertain about how my future performance will be evaluated accurately. It''''''''s crucial for both my professional growth and the success of our team that performance assessments are grounded in accuracy and fairness. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your response. Sincerely XXX 大家还有什么更好的办法吗
公司里这种问题或者纠纷都是由 HR处理的,你就是直接发给CEO也是要走同样的程序。你如果不服这个PIP,可以直接发给HR,按法律HR应该去调查的。不过你最好把所有的证据都搜集好,能够清晰明了的证明你的观点。 也不是所有的PIP最后都是赶人走,pip的目的主要是希望员工提高绩效。你自己的情况,如果你能自证清白或者达到PIP的performance要求就能没事。越大的公司越需要play by the book程序正确。并非老板就是看你不爽,然后就利用PIP赶你走。你先仔细想一想你想怎么做。 走HR complain也是要花时间和心思的,如果你就是已经打算走人,发这个email就是为了出口恶气,那还是劝你move on,不要浪费时间。效果不大。
我之前发了一个被PIP的帖子,如果感兴趣的可以看下面的Link https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2954013&fid=398&page=1 现在有些后续的info, 我已经准备要move on 了, 在拿到PIP的那一刻起我就已经知道没必要再抱有希望了。 只是这次被坑的太惨了, 连我这种忍气吞声的性格的人都实在忍不了 现在已经file a complaint to HR for discrimination and retaliation. 也已经去了EEOC file a case 了 另外我已经发了一封email 给我的大老板说了我被 wrongly accused on PIP, 其中非常 detail 的 listed why i''m wrongly accused especially with lack of knowledge for her job 那部分。 结果大老板, 回复了非常模凌两可并很官方的话, 内容是: Thank you for reaching out, I have read your concerns and have spoke to XXX about it as well. A PIP plan is an opportunity to get things on track, I hope that you see this as a way to clarify expectations and to focus to get the work done in a good manner. Many people have been able to use PIP to improve their productivity and responsibilities. 这是什么鬼。。。。我被wrongly accuse的那部分绝口不提, 然后就在这里和我玩文字游戏,把PIP的 definition 说了一遍。 我写了一个follow up email, 内容就是, Dear XXX, I hope you are doing well. I appreciate your prompt response to this matter, and I would like to take this opportunity to further clarify my concerns. I understand that a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is intended to provide clarity on expectations and guide efforts toward improving one''s work performance. However, my concern lies in the accuracy of the PIP itself. How can I make meaningful improvements when the PIP appears to be based on incorrect information? This wrongful accusation has left me uncertain about how my future performance will be evaluated accurately. It''s crucial for both my professional growth and the success of our team that performance assessments are grounded in accuracy and fairness. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your response. Sincerely XXX 大家还有什么更好的办法吗
Sunshine867 发表于 2023-09-26 10:27
大老板说的那个话,我真想甩他两个耳光,满口谎话。 "I hope that you see this as a way to clarify expectations and to focus to get the work done in a good manner. Many people have been able to use PIP to improve their productivity and responsibilities."
不要继续再这样email了,赶紧找employment attorney,但是注意在没有造成实际伤害前(pip不算,fire了才算),律师也干不了啥,只会提醒你此时不要乱讲话(不能公开指责公司和老板,不要发表意见)。如果有manager discriminate之类的证据,要赶紧收集written proof。总之现在你可以create a case for yourself,但是你话讲多了且有情绪的话这个case就很难成立了。如果律师觉得你case成立,回头造成实际伤害的时候,律师就可以发demand letter来negotiate了。
我已经准备要move on 了, 在拿到PIP的那一刻起我就已经知道没必要再抱有希望了。 只是这次被坑的太惨了, 连我这种忍气吞声的性格的人都实在忍不了
现在已经file a complaint to HR for discrimination and retaliation. 也已经去了EEOC file a case 了
另外我已经发了一封email 给我的大老板说了我被 wrongly accused on PIP, 其中非常 detail 的 listed why i''m wrongly accused especially with lack of knowledge for her job 那部分。 结果大老板, 回复了非常模凌两可并很官方的话, 内容是:
Thank you for reaching out, I have read your concerns and have spoke to XXX about it as well.
A PIP plan is an opportunity to get things on track, I hope that you see this as a way to clarify expectations and to focus to get the work done in a good manner. Many people have been able to use PIP to improve their productivity and responsibilities.
这是什么鬼。。。。我被wrongly accuse的那部分绝口不提, 然后就在这里和我玩文字游戏,把PIP的 definition 说了一遍。
我写了一个follow up email, 内容就是,
Dear XXX, I hope you are doing well. I appreciate your prompt response to this matter, and I would like to take this opportunity to further clarify my concerns. I understand that a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is intended to provide clarity on expectations and guide efforts toward improving one''s work performance. However, my concern lies in the accuracy of the PIP itself. How can I make meaningful improvements when the PIP appears to be based on incorrect information? This wrongful accusation has left me uncertain about how my future performance will be evaluated accurately. It''s crucial for both my professional growth and the success of our team that performance assessments are grounded in accuracy and fairness. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your response. Sincerely XXX
🔥 最新回帖
楼主要小心,你老板甩锅给你的行为说明了他自私,无情,人品低劣。 他现在会继续找证据妖魔化你孤立你,而不会否定他以前的说法。那样的话足以让他被解雇。所以不要掉以轻心,要保留对你有利的证据,打印下来。
我 complaint 到HR那里, 不知道经理他会不会拒绝签他自己写的PIP。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
比如,你小老板工作给你交代了啥,没有交代啥? 你完成了哪些工作,他怪你没有完成的工作是怎么回事?
反正已经PIP了, 难不成还指望留下来吗。
只是想反抗一下, 不想就这么被坑了
实际内容上一个email已经发过啦。 里面非常清楚的list了wrongly accused 部分。
这里只是follow up email
那就告HR吧 这个经理也许没什么经验,自己扛不住压力就会怪罪下属。
楼主本来就想走了,越级告状只不过是给老板上点眼药,给大老板心里埋一根刺而已。 这才是告状的意义。 所谓职场大忌是还打算继续在公司里发展的前提上,都要走了哪来的职场大忌呢。
"ceo永远站在你的上司那一边" exactly.
我的目的本来就不是要他替我伸冤 也没有这样的幻想, 只是需要documentation 我被wrongly accused, 这样我去EEOC才有理有据。
而且我已经准备要走了, 不能就这么憋屈的被冤枉走吧, 至少要留根刺吧。
以后就算我走了, 经理估计也没法这么嚣张了
同意这个观点 CEO一定是官方回复,但是发了信就达到给经理留差评的目的 我知道一个工作狂外加micro-manage成性的manager,手下六个人半年时间跑了四个,都是志愿离职也没有闹 但是后来这个manager就被降级调到其他部门了
2. 那个谁谁谁是你manager吗还是那个hr,还是hr的上司,如果是上司的话追加一份email。
我也没有那么傻, 觉得大老板nice就会帮我, 我只是需要documentation. 不然又是, his word against mine
你的邮件写得很不错,很清楚。走到这一步其实没有必要和你的老板和大老板做任何其他交流了。你现在的精力不要用来“证明自己的清白”,你的精力应该用在收集你的老板歧视的证据 - 歧视的关键在于他把你和别人区别对待。对别人没有的要求单单针对你,这里需要有有力的证据。
楼主我支持你 希望EEOC那边有个好结果 同时也希望赶快找到更好的下家
我觉得楼主这个组听着不大,每个人级别经历都不一样,老板会根据情况配任务,很难证明他针对楼主。但经理对新人交接工作不写清task, 不提供training是很有力的证据。 另外他在PIP前没有performance documentation, 因为一个争执直接上PIP是abuse of power。这种领导create hostile working environment,根本没有leadership quality。 楼主有没有其他同事或前同事和这个经理有矛盾的?这种人做这种事肯定不是第一次。
具体情况需要楼主自己斟酌了。我就是想告诉楼主,正规的大公司对你的经理这种行为也是零容忍的。我在的公司就有Director因此被赶走,Senior VP在大会上承认自己对diversity理解不够的。告状的两个人(都是女的)一点影响没有,继续在公司待下去现在都升到Senior Director了(当年是Associate Director)
Louder! 职场大忌是忍气吞声,坏人只会继续。华人习惯形象是被欺负也quiet. Everything on paper or email is good.
赞同。和稀泥,咬住他们给个交代,中间没必要任何冲突(为找新工作),直到你找到新工作,或者拿到laid off,
这个公司比较小, 现在找多人告估计没有太大可行性因为本来就几个人,
和我工作最多的 一个co-worker 就等着稳稳的退休了
把过去发生的各种丑恶都数了个遍 (和工作有关)...
我们组和他的组没有太大关联, 所以也就看看热闹
但是INTERNAL AUDIT看到后, 会非常非常恼火... 他也CC了 CEO, 有点类似whistle-blowing
EEOC 其实99.99%也没用 但没用也file a charge 这会打击到老板本人
据我个人经历,上面的永远无条件,闭眼睛支持上司,无论上司如何无理,无耻,即使他们亲眼见证,亲耳听见所有的bully. 作为下属,就是奴隶地位,没有任何权利。
同意这层说的 賊鼠一窝 LZMM你大老板只会护你的老板 即便知道你老板有错 管理层都是这样的 不需要挣扎了 抓紧时间找下家 就是现在立马投简历 也要好几个月才能找到下家的 完全理解你心情上很难平静 我也同样经历过 心里操蛋千万次了 有些事情很难get over 只能get through吧 五年后回头看 这破事还就是些破事 人生总要有些风浪才能成长
也不是所有的PIP最后都是赶人走,pip的目的主要是希望员工提高绩效。你自己的情况,如果你能自证清白或者达到PIP的performance要求就能没事。越大的公司越需要play by the book程序正确。并非老板就是看你不爽,然后就利用PIP赶你走。你先仔细想一想你想怎么做。
走HR complain也是要花时间和心思的,如果你就是已经打算走人,发这个email就是为了出口恶气,那还是劝你move on,不要浪费时间。效果不大。
这样太不professional, 不利于EEOC。 然后还会让他们觉得是我沟通有问题
就算PIP之后留下来了, 以后工作也是战战兢兢。 更何况我现在每天被老板折磨着写 daily tracking list. 就算他想留我我也不想留了, 天天被这么 micro-manage
做这些事情当然不是毫无意义, 如果有赔偿和留根刺, 我就可以了
所以你当时走了, 后来又回去了?
我知道的好多个pip也都是skip的意思,传达下来给小老板执行的。其实pip的流程很繁琐很耗时间 小老板很多时候并不想搞这些paperwork 每天开会track progress的。 被pip的同事有不少去找skip帮忙或者告状 skip表面上也表示安抚 其实殊不知本来就是他们的意思。
当然我支持lz speak up. 就是别抱期望在大老板 大大老板身上就好了 他们本来就是蛇鼠一窝的
我支持你,我觉得你还是很理智的,所有书面的内容不能被别人抓住把柄。我建议你去找一个好一点的labor law attonery 咨询下,一般这些咨询第一次是免费的, 看看能不能争取到赔偿,至少negotiate一个好的severance package。也可以要求一个nutural reference之类的,但是那个不是很重要,现在很多公司一般不给reference,因为给不好的reference 会被告的。
"I hope that you see this as a way to clarify expectations and to focus to get the work done in a good manner. Many people have been able to use PIP to improve their productivity and responsibilities."
告诉你们一个更狠的办法,就是走的前两天给全公司群发。最后给全公司指出,跟那manager 工作一定作好正式工作记录,小心被当替罪羊. 这种email 一发,manager 在本公司就没有上进的可能了