Same thing happened to me with my Walmart account, someone hacked my account and placed an order with an unknown credit card and the shipping address is in another state. I contacted the customer service and closed my account. I also asked for credit report to make sure no one open any bank accounts or credit card under my name. You can fill out the form at link below or call (877) 322-8228 to request one.
Same thing happened to me with my Walmart account, someone hacked my account and placed an order with an unknown credit card and the shipping address is in another state. I contacted the customer service and closed my account. I also asked for credit report to make sure no one open any bank accounts or credit card under my name. You can fill out the form at link below or call (877) 322-8228 to request one. MKdeCk 发表于 2023-09-17 08:29
Same thing happened to me with my Walmart account, someone hacked my account and placed an order with an unknown credit card and the shipping address is in another state. I contacted the customer service and closed my account. I also asked for credit report to make sure no one open any bank accounts or credit card under my name. You can fill out the form at link below or call (877) 322-8228 to request one. MKdeCk 发表于 2023-09-17 08:29
然后昨天,我收到Chase Fraud的短信,说他们拒付了我debit card上的一笔transaction,金额倒是不大,让我确认一下,是不是我发起的。我一开始怀疑是spam,但是他们提供了我卡号的最后四位数,本着小心谨慎的原则,我查看了一下我的debit card的后四位数,居然真的是我的卡。这下我就有些吃不准了,你说盗刷的人是怎么搞到我的debit card的,我上网买东西从来不用debit card,而且实体卡也在我身边,从来没丢过。我debit card很少用,除非有的时候需要cash back。
可是他用别人的credit card在你的account下单的话,并不花你的钱,影响你的credit啥的, 对他有什么好处呢
谢谢信息,我现在也不确定我的身份有没有被盗用,还是就只是信用卡被盗用了,这两次盗用都只是针对两张不同的卡的。我又仔细看了一下,盗用的人在和我不同的州消费,并且选了curbside pickup,怪不得被walmart发现了。
没有,说来惭愧,那个checking account很久以前支票用完了之后,我们再也没有request过,所以很肯定没有寄过支票。问题是就算他们有支票,但是debit card number他们是怎么来的呢?
沒錯,這也是我想不通的地方,但我查了一下新聞,Walmart 已經有好幾個這樣的案例出現,之後我老公的Walmart帳號也出現相同問題,我們就決定關掉帳號了。 下面是幾個類似案例: