你可以问一堆问题来考察一下。 What is your management style? How do you manage people who have trouble meeting goals and fails to deliver? How do you motivate your people to perform at high level? What is the most challenge you are facing right now regarding managing people? What is the short term (3 months) and long term expectation you have regarding this new position? What kind of career development path do you think this position will have? If I get recruited, what type of resources can you provide to help me to be trained to perform well in the job? You seems very successful in your career development. Are you willing to share what has helped you to succeed in this company? 如果对方告诉你他是靠大量超时加班当上领导的, 你可以考虑撤了。 通过这些七七八八的问题, 你就能对他的领导能力和方式有足够的了解。 面试是双向的,很多人急于表现自己,却忘了考察对方。
你可以问一堆问题来考察一下。 What is your management style? How do you manage people who have trouble meeting goals and fails to deliver? How do you motivate your people to perform at high level? What is the most challenge you are facing right now regarding managing people? What is the short term (3 months) and long term expectation you have regarding this new position? What kind of career development path do you think this position will have? If I get recruited, what type of resources can you provide to help me to be trained to perform well in the job? You seems very successful in your career development. Are you willing to share what has helped you to succeed in this company? 如果对方告诉你他是靠大量超时加班当上领导的, 你可以考虑撤了。 通过这些七七八八的问题, 你就能对他的领导能力和方式有足够的了解。 面试是双向的,很多人急于表现自己,却忘了考察对方。 newnew7 发表于 2023-09-16 22:20
你可以问一堆问题来考察一下。 What is your management style? How do you manage people who have trouble meeting goals and fails to deliver? How do you motivate your people to perform at high level? What is the most challenge you are facing right now regarding managing people? What is the short term (3 months) and long term expectation you have regarding this new position? What kind of career development path do you think this position will have? If I get recruited, what type of resources can you provide to help me to be trained to perform well in the job? You seems very successful in your career development. Are you willing to share what has helped you to succeed in this company? 如果对方告诉你他是靠大量超时加班当上领导的, 你可以考虑撤了。 通过这些七七八八的问题, 你就能对他的领导能力和方式有足够的了解。 面试是双向的,很多人急于表现自己,却忘了考察对方。 newnew7 发表于 2023-09-16 22:20
这些没什么用。人人都知道 1+1=2。
就好像你去审查一间幼儿园,园长吹得天花乱坠没用, 只要看里面的小娃是不是一个个开心安逸
比如,有的manager对人谦和,所以对组员也谦和。有的manager是暴君,他们的观念里,“要让人看看我的厉害!” 所以会当着新人面训斥组员。我遇到过不止一个这种。我这种人,看不得这样的事,撒腿就跑。
通过这些七七八八的问题, 你就能对他的领导能力和方式有足够的了解。 面试是双向的,很多人急于表现自己,却忘了考察对方。
哈哈哈我也参加过一个面试 让我一周时间研究个东西然后ppt讲一下 老子忙 过了三天正打算开始看 居然通知我说面试提前了 明天就要讲 老子直接就拒了