From this link: This suggests some interesting possibilities. People who have a high HRV may have greater cardiovascular fitness and may be more resilient to stress. HRV may also provide personal feedback about your lifestyle and help motivate those who are considering taking steps toward a healthier life. You might see a connection to HRV changes as you incorporate more mindfulness, meditation, sleep, and especially physical activity into your life. For those who love data and numbers, this could be a way to track how your nervous system is reacting not only to the environment, but also to your emotions, thoughts, and feelings. There are questions about the accuracy, reliability and overall usefulness of tracking HRV. While HRV has been linked to overall physical fitness, the correlation between changes in HRV and how your autonomic nervous system is functioning will require much more research. Still, if you decide to use HRV as another piece of health data, do not get too confident if you have a high HRV, or too worried if your HRV is low. Think of HRV as another way you might tap into your body and mind are responding to what your daily experiences. 没有必要太看重这一个指标吧。
This suggests some interesting possibilities. People who have a high HRV may have greater cardiovascular fitness and may be more resilient to stress. HRV may also provide personal feedback about your lifestyle and help motivate those who are considering taking steps toward a healthier life. You might see a connection to HRV changes as you incorporate more mindfulness, meditation, sleep, and especially physical activity into your life. For those who love data and numbers, this could be a way to track how your nervous system is reacting not only to the environment, but also to your emotions, thoughts, and feelings.
There are questions about the accuracy, reliability and overall usefulness of tracking HRV. While HRV has been linked to overall physical fitness, the correlation between changes in HRV and how your autonomic nervous system is functioning will require much more research. Still, if you decide to use HRV as another piece of health data, do not get too confident if you have a high HRV, or too worried if your HRV is low. Think of HRV as another way you might tap into your body and mind are responding to what your daily experiences.
我觉得自己的生活方式已经非常健康了,吃的健康(基本自己做,大量蔬菜,少量红肉),经常中低强度锻炼 (有氧力量瑜伽轮流来),睡觉有保证(质量一般般),平时生活中也没啥好焦虑的。所以不知道如何能提高HRV。估计就是基因了?
你的其他数据怎么样呢? 综合看看 另外生活方式健康, 但是好像看起来结果不是很好? “我的静心心率比较高,75左右,神经系统确实不太好,平时很谨慎,容易担惊受怕,易焦虑。”
我有心电图的diagram, 但是不知道怎么读。。。 能科普下吗?