
楼主 (北美华人网)
看到一篇非常好的文章,关于感冒药的,一直忙,也没有share给大家。 今天终于有点空,写下来,和大家分享. 我懒, 写个简要篇吧, 原文见二楼. 还有我写的不见得晚全对, 如果有错,还请专家们多多指教啊  第一: 尽量不要吃multi-symptom的药. 如果孩子只是咳嗽, 而没有鼻塞, 就只选治咳嗽的药 -- 所谓的对症下药. 第二: 如果宝宝的感冒不影响他的日常活动和他的睡眠, 就尽量不要用药. 如果想用,就用非药品类的方法: saline drop, 热水浴, 以及喝大量水  感冒药有大概可以分四种成分: 每种感冒药都是这四种之一, 或combination 组成: 1. Nasal decongestant: 用来通鼻子的. 2. Anti-histamine: 用来通因为过敏引起的runny nose. 吃了一般会让宝宝嗜睡 3. cough suppressant: 用来压制咳嗽的. 4. expectorant: 我觉得这个是药性比较厉害的了. 一般还是少用. 用于宝宝有浓痰, 咳嗽比较厉害的情况. 其余的妈妈们自己看原文吧. 买感冒药的时候, 看清楚成分, 买多了自然就成专家了 :)  还有就是我在另外的文章里看的, 二楼的文章没有指出. 就是, 有些感冒药注明了含有DM, 这种感冒药尽量避免, 好像DM对宝宝的影响不很好. DM是Dextromethorphan 的缩写. 二楼的文章里还有药品推荐,我就不一一翻译过来了. 希望对大家有点用.  还有就是厚着脸皮向班班要点美丽 -- 如果班班觉得值
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-17 23:12:21编辑过]
2 楼
Cold and Cough Medication Guide Many parents have stood in the medicine aisle at the local drug store staring at the many different options. Choosing between cough suppressants, expectorants, antihistamines and decongestants or any possible combination of these can literally give parents a headache. As a pediatrician and a parent, I've tried to design a helpful guide to help you sort your way through the many cold medications.Choosing the right medication Choosing the correct medication is easier if you understand your child's symptoms and how cold and cough medications work. Here is a quick review. Treat your child's specific symptoms: If your child simply has a bad cough, but no nasal congestion, then you probably don't need a multi-symptom cough and cold medication. You only need a cough suppressant. If your child's cold symptoms are not interfering with his sleep or daily activity, then you probably don't need to use medication. Often the most effective treatments for colds are "non-medical" such as nasal saline spray, hot steam and simply drinking plenty of fluids. Click to learn about "natural cold treatments". Four major cold medication ingredients: Cough and cold medications come either as one of the following types of medicines, or a combination of two, three or all four ingredients: Nasal decongestant – This will clear nasal passages making it easier to breath through the nose. It also has a mild drying effect so it will also help relieve runny nose a bit. I like to use decongestants during the day because they won't make your child drowsy. This is important if your child is going to school. Side effects may include excitability, which might interfere with sleep. Anti-histamine – This helps relieve a very itchy, runny nose. It decreases mucous production in the nose. The most likely side effect is drowsiness, which is fine at night, but could interfere with daytime activities. Cough suppressant – this helps with a persistent annoying cough. It acts by suppressing the cough reflex in the throat and lungs so that the mucous or irritation there won't trigger coughing. There are no likely side effects. Expectorant – this helps when your child has thick chest congestion, which he is unable to cough up. It loosens thick mucous, making it easier to cough up. There are no likely side effects. Helpful Tip: The brand name of the medication is not important, and don't get confused by the long scientific names of the ingredients. Under the name brand on the front label will be listed the types of ingredients (i.e. decongestant, cough suppressant, etc) that are in the bottle. This should make your buying decision easier. Also, it is okay to use more than one medicine at a time, as long as you are not overlapping any of the above four types of medications. For example: you could use an antihistamine/decongestant combination along with a cough suppressant/expectorant combination. Symptom Guide Here are some common symptom scenarios and how to treat them. You can click on the recommended medication for a list of brands to use, as well as dosing information. Don't forget that these medications are not curing the problem they simply offer temporary relief. Dry cough: Cough Suppressant If your child has an annoying cough, especially from a dry itchy throat, but not a lot of runny nose or congestion – then use a cough suppressant alone before bedtime. Mild productive cough: Expectorant If your child's cough is very mild – only a few coughs per hour – and it is not interfering with sleep; or if he has chest congestion with mucous that is difficult to cough up, then I recommend an expectorant. This will thin the mucous that is causing the cough and make it easier to cough up. Cough, Chest congestion: Cough Suppressant/Expectorant If your child has a wet, productive cough that is interfering with sleep or daily activity but does not have a bothersome runny nose or sinus congestion, I recommend a cough suppressant and expectorant combination. It is okay to use a cough suppressant alone if that is all you have. Nasal congestion: Decongestant If your child has nasal congestion without severe itchy, runny nose, a decongestant should help. It will also help dry-up mild mucous. An expectorant can help if the mucous is really thick, but is not necessary. Decongestants can interfere with sleep (unless they are combined with an antihistamine) so this combination is best for daytime use. Cough, Chest congestion, Nasal congestion: Cough Suppressant/Decongestant/Expectorant If your child has a wet, productive cough with chest congestion and nasal or sinus congestion but not itchy runny nose, then I recommend a cough suppressant, decongestant combination. An expectorant can help if the mucous is really thick, but is not necessary. Decongestants can interfere with sleep (unless they are combined with an antihistamine) so this combination is best for daytime use. Some preparations will also contain Acetaminophen (fever reducer), which will help relieve any aches or fever that your child may have. Nighttime cough, Nasal congestion, Runny nose, Chest congestion: Antihistamine/Decongestant/Cough Suppressant This combination is great for an itchy, runny nose, nasal congestion and frequent cough that are interfering with sleep. This is good for nighttime use because the antihistamine will make your child drowsy. Some preparations will also contain Acetaminophen (fever reducer), which will help relieve any aches or fever that your child may have. Runny nose, Nasal congestion: Antihistamine/Decongestant Like above, but without the annoying cough. This combination is great for an itchy runny nose, and nasal congestion that is interfering with sleep. This is good for nighttime use because the antihistamine will make your child drowsy. Some preparations will also have Acetaminophen (fever reducer), which will help relieve any aches or fever that your child may have. Recommended Brand Names Organized by category, this list will help you decide which medication you should choose for your child's particular symptoms. Click on any of these medications for additional information, including dosing and side effects. Cough Suppressant Delsym (12 months and up) Robitussin Pediatric Cough Suppressant (6 months and up) Expectorant
  Robitussin (6 months and up) Cough Suppressant/Expectorant Vick's Pediatric Formula 44E (6 months and up) Robitussin DM (6 months and up) Robitussin DM Infant Drops (6 months to 6 years) Decongestant Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops (6 months to 3 years) Triaminic am Decongestant (6 months and up) Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops (6 months to 3 years) Pediacare Infant Decongestant Drops (6 months to 3 years) Sudafed Pediatric Nasal Decongestant Oral Drops (6 months to 6 years) Sudafed Children's Nasal Decongestant Liquid (6 months and up) Sudafed Children's Nasal Decongestant Chewables (2 years and up) With an Expectorant: Robitussin-PE (6 months and up) Decongestant/Cough Suppressant Triaminic am Cough and Decongestant (6 months and up) Robitussin Pediatric Cough and Cold (6 months and up) Pediacare Infant's Decongestant Plus Cough (6 months to 3 years) With a Fever reducer: Infant Tylenol Cold and Cough (6 months to 3 years) Triaminic Sore Throat Liquid (6 months and up) Triaminic Softchews Throat Pain and Cough (2 years and up) With an Expectorant: Robitussin Cough and Cold Infant Drops (6 months and up) Antihistamine/Decongestant/Cough Suppressant Vick's Children's Nyquil (6 months and up) Vick's Pediatric Formula 44M (6 months and up) Triaminic Night Time Liquid (6 months and up) Robitussin Pediatric Night Relief Liquid (6 months and up) Pediacare Cough and Cold Liquid (6 months and up) Pediacare Cough and Cold Chewables (2 years and up) Pediacare Night Rest Liquid (2 years and up) With a fever reducer: Children's Tylenol Cold Plus Cough Liquid (6 months and up) Children's Tylenol Cold Plus Cough Chewables (2 years and up) Triaminic Severe Cold and Fever Liquid (6 months and up) Antihistamine/Decongestant Vick's Children's Dayquil Allergy (6 months and up) With a Fever reducer: Children's Tylenol Cold Liquid (6 months and up) Children's Tylenol Cold Chewables (2 years and up)
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-18 1:30:10编辑过]
3 楼
good article. wait for abstract.
4 楼
好文章! 这下大致有点概念了。
5 楼
谢谢!顶! 家小好像还没有类似的文章,加钻石了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-18 0:07:40编辑过]
6 楼
Thanks for sharing !
7 楼
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9 楼
10 楼
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看到一篇非常好的文章,关于感冒药的,一直忙,也没有share给大家。 今天终于有点空,写下来,和大家分享. 我懒, 写个简要篇吧, 原文见二楼. 还有我写的不见得晚全对, 如果有错,还请专家们多多指教啊 第一: 尽量不要吃multi-symptom的药. 如果孩子只是咳嗽, 而没有鼻塞, 就只选治咳嗽的药 -- 所谓的对症下药. 第二: 如果宝宝的感冒不影响他的日常活动和他的睡眠, 就尽量不要用药. 如果想用,就用非药品类的方法: saline drop, 热水浴, 以及喝大量水 感冒药有大概可以分四种成分: 每种感冒药都是这四种之一, 或combination 组成: 1. Nasal decongestant: 用来通鼻子的. 2. Anti-histamine: 用来通因为过敏引起的runny nose. 吃了一般会让宝宝嗜睡 3. cough suppressant: 用来压制咳嗽的. 4. expectorant: 我觉得这个是药性比较厉害的了. 一般还是少用. 用于宝宝有浓痰, 咳嗽比较厉害的情况. 其余的妈妈们自己看原文吧. 买感冒药的时候, 看清楚成分, 买多了自然就成专家了 :) 还有就是我在另外的文章里看的, 二楼的文章没有指出. 就是, 有些感冒药注明了含有DM, 这种感冒药尽量避免, 好像Gargamel 发表于 2014-12-23 19:54 PM
11 楼
楼主,我记得市面上的咳嗽药,基本上都是4岁以下不能服用,至少也是咨询医生,没有几个月就可以用的,所以google了一下原帖。原帖是askdrsears网上的,特别有一个Warning: All four types of cough and cold medications are NO LONGER APPROVED for kids younger than 4 years of age.后面具体药物的Link我没有找到,不过分别google,有些已经停产,有些也是写了4岁以下不能用。askdrsears.com的link在这里,不知道是不是和你看的同一个地方 http://www.askdrsears.com/topics/health-concerns/childhood-illnesses/medicine-cabinet/cold-cough-medication-guide
12 楼