参考:Need-blind admission 来源: 蓝调 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Need-blind_admission#:~:text=Need%2Dblind%20admission%20in%20the,deciding%20whether%20to%20accept%20them. Need-blind admission in the United States refers to a college admission policy that does not take into account an applicant''s financial status when deciding whether to accept them. This approach typically results in a higher percentage of accepted students who require financial assistance and often necessitates that the institution has a substantial endowment or other funding sources to support the policy. U.S. institutions that are need-blind and meet full demonstrated need for both U.S. and international students There are currently seven U.S. higher education institutions that are need-blind towards all applicants. These institutions meet full demonstrated need for all applicants, including international students.[2] These are: Amherst College[3] Bowdoin College[4] Dartmouth College[5] Harvard University[6] Massachusetts Institute of Technology[7] Princeton University[8] Yale University[9] 家庭经济有变化的,可以找到相应资源解决问题。 具体学校,请上校网核实。 还有斯坦福,对美国公民也是 need blind. " 所以呢, T5 还是 T5, 在给资助方面也是私校里最大方的,甚至强过一些外州公立。这需要学校本身要比较有钱, 来源: 于 2023-09-04 11:05:58 回答: 看这个, S是need blind。 由 Rockeymountain 于 2023-09-04 10:53:31 有经济实力才能支撑这样的政策。 举个例子来讲(数字仅是用来举例,各校具体的数字网上都可以查到): HYPMS 定的获得 FA 的家庭收入门槛高且范围广,比如家庭收入 30万以下可以获得资助,15万以下获得全额资助; 而 HYP以外的藤,这个范围可能是 12万到25万, 25万以下可以获得资助,12万以下获得全额资助; 对30万以上的那两者无区别都付全额学费。 "
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Need-blind_admission#:~:text=Need%2Dblind%20admission%20in%20the,deciding%20whether%20to%20accept%20them. Need-blind admission in the United States refers to a college admission policy that does not take into account an applicant''s financial status when deciding whether to accept them. This approach typically results in a higher percentage of accepted students who require financial assistance and often necessitates that the institution has a substantial endowment or other funding sources to support the policy. U.S. institutions that are need-blind and meet full demonstrated need for both U.S. and international students There are currently seven U.S. higher education institutions that are need-blind towards all applicants. These institutions meet full demonstrated need for all applicants, including international students.[2] These are: Amherst College[3] Bowdoin College[4] Dartmouth College[5] Harvard University[6] Massachusetts Institute of Technology[7] Princeton University[8] Yale University[9] 家庭经济有变化的,可以找到相应资源解决问题。 具体学校,请上校网核实。
还有斯坦福,对美国公民也是 need blind.
" 所以呢, T5 还是 T5, 在给资助方面也是私校里最大方的,甚至强过一些外州公立。这需要学校本身要比较有钱, 来源: 于 2023-09-04 11:05:58 回答: 看这个, S是need blind。 由 Rockeymountain 于 2023-09-04 10:53:31 有经济实力才能支撑这样的政策。 举个例子来讲(数字仅是用来举例,各校具体的数字网上都可以查到): HYPMS 定的获得 FA 的家庭收入门槛高且范围广,比如家庭收入 30万以下可以获得资助,15万以下获得全额资助; 而 HYP以外的藤,这个范围可能是 12万到25万, 25万以下可以获得资助,12万以下获得全额资助; 对30万以上的那两者无区别都付全额学费。
Unless你非常贫困。我们这儿前几年有个越南娃横扫大藤,他家真是穷的叮当响,妈妈有disability, 开车送他参加比赛会坐车里等一天不回家因为要节省油钱。
公校里UVA也是自称need blind, 可是我就没听说谁拿过FA
那还算哪门子的 need blind, need blind 就是在录取时完全不看学生的家庭收入情况
而且 UVA 是有名的对外州学生给资助抠索,收费高昂的学校, 甚至与那些私立藤不相上下
我们这高中前后两年小中女都拿到UVA need base FA, COA 低于两万上UVA!
谢谢,你的意思FAFSA和学校给的need base 奖学金不是一回事?申请的时候填要FA不是政府的FAFSA,而是学校的?