ChatGPT and other large language models are going to be more important in your life and business than your smartphone, if you use them right. ChatGPT can tutor your child in math, generate a meal plan and recipes, write software applications for your business, help you improve your personal cybersecurity, and that is just in the first hour that you use it. This course will teach you how to be an expert user of these generative AI tools. The course will show amazing examples of how you can tap into these generative AI tools' emergent intelligence and reasoning, how you can use them to be more productive day to day, and give you insight into how they work. Large language models respond to instructions and questions posed by users in natural language statements, known as “prompts”. Although large language models will disrupt many fields, most users lack the skills to write effective prompts. Expert users, who understand how to write good prompts, are orders of magnitude more productive and can unlock significantly more creative uses for these tools. This course introduces students to the patterns and approaches for writing effective prompts for large language models. Anyone can take the course and the only required knowledge is basic computer usage skills, such as using a browser and accessing ChatGPT. Students will start with basic prompts and build towards writing sophisticated prompts to solve problems in any domain. By the end of the course, students will have strong prompt engineering skills and be capable of using large language models for a wide range of tasks in their job, business, personal life, and education, such as writing, summarization, game play, planning, simulation, and programming.
我没啥有效提问啊, 就是根据基金申请上的那些问题一个个敲入去问的。比如啥outcomes, outputs, engage with industry, risks, novelties, significance, value of money, commerical return,IP.......我以前最恨这些问题花了我太多时间精力,写实验部分反倒还好。论文都是学生写了初稿,丢进去rewords,经过润色之后感觉好多了。
可以试试用不同风格的指令。他反应真的快。而且好像能记住你的需求。我现在让他改写小作文,他都和我风格开始温和: 就是1,2,3. 试试看。同一件事情回复。它可以very empathic, full of emotional or concise , cut to the point ... But still warm. Stuffs like that . Train it more . You will receive some nice surprise
回复 1楼bigsnail的帖子 咋用啊,下了chatGPT free 3.5 版 贴了文章摘要进去,问“Could you please specify what type of editing or feedback you're looking for? For instance, are you interested in grammar and language improvements, structural suggestions, or something else?” 回了个language improvement 之后,说your request failed - re-try. 文章初稿就更不知道怎么弄了,没数据它写啥?求楼主或牛人解惑
🔥 最新回帖
ChatGPT and other large language models are going to be more important in your life and business than your smartphone, if you use them right. ChatGPT can tutor your child in math, generate a meal plan and recipes, write software applications for your business, help you improve your personal cybersecurity, and that is just in the first hour that you use it. This course will teach you how to be an expert user of these generative AI tools. The course will show amazing examples of how you can tap into these generative AI tools' emergent intelligence and reasoning, how you can use them to be more productive day to day, and give you insight into how they work. Large language models respond to instructions and questions posed by users in natural language statements, known as “prompts”. Although large language models will disrupt many fields, most users lack the skills to write effective prompts. Expert users, who understand how to write good prompts, are orders of magnitude more productive and can unlock significantly more creative uses for these tools.
This course introduces students to the patterns and approaches for writing effective prompts for large language models. Anyone can take the course and the only required knowledge is basic computer usage skills, such as using a browser and accessing ChatGPT. Students will start with basic prompts and build towards writing sophisticated prompts to solve problems in any domain. By the end of the course, students will have strong prompt engineering skills and be capable of using large language models for a wide range of tasks in their job, business, personal life, and education, such as writing, summarization, game play, planning, simulation, and programming.
🛋️ 沙发板凳
剽窃是一个非常严肃的词。 按照楼主的用法,只是润色和修改 顶多是免费用了个付费的文章修正功能。想法 思路没有抄袭。
现在小可爱就是我的基本免费助理,秘书,和初期程序员啊!!!!! 还可以时不时的化身下行业资讯初级人员啥的。
文章主要是靠逻辑 思维,这个是骨架 血肉,咱们都有,怎么用词遣句就差很多,这个就是梳妆打扮啦。chat gpt 就像给一个文章梳妆打扮的高手,素颜扔给他,它还你一个盛装的新娘子。简直是给non native speaker 的写作救星。有时候他考虑很周到,还会把一些东西稍微升华一点儿,一下子就拔高了,像咱们老实谦虚不会吹牛的人,chat GTp 还会帮你吹一下,说的人模狗样,就像我那哈佛 law. School 毕业的同事说的那样positive exciting天花乱坠。 真的是该高光的高光,该阴影的阴影,各种手法毫不保留。我经常只选一些用,还tone down 一下,否则太多fancy flourish , 太多空话,跟我风格不同。毕竟我不是很喜欢浓妆艳抹,只要整体舒适就好了。
我有时候收到同事发的email, 写的那个正式,用词那个fancy, 一段段的废话,我就知道是用chat gtp, 反而浪费大家时间读那么长的废话。
我不觉得是初级程序员,哪有这么棒的初级程序员?它现在做得还不够好,一是因为有token长度限制,第二它没有error反馈机制,得你自己输给它,第三,它没有最新的信息,这亇需要你告诉它。你帮它解决这些后,它的表现绝对是senior 程序员级别的,而且速度超快,又博学。
英文写作差的 用的很得手。 像我, 写个重要点的 email, 都用 chatGPT 改改。 有次老板受不了了, 问我 你最近在找谁帮你改 email? 太文绉绉了。
想学习怎么用它来写基金。 能简单介绍一下吗? 比如:innovation,significance怎么能通过问什么样的问题,就能从chatgpt里套出有用的句子来。 把你的问题和chatgpt的回复,贴出来,大家学习学习。 然后,你的最终修改。
我只用ChatGPT润色一下general email,而且把里面的人名公司名都用xx 代替。
请问大家的水平都达到了, chatgpt润色后,你能分辨出,润色后就一定比润色前的更好吗?
有没有一种可能,我们的水平根本分辨不出好坏。明明chatgpt后,更次了, 我们还当成宝贝。
谁告诉你无法和环境交互的?这些功能都在开发中,在虚拟环境交互已经实现了不少,跟现实环境交互也快了。 没有目标不是好事吗,他有目标的话还来服务人类?不吃饭也能撑着?
估计是不敢拿leetcode题training. 否则GPT来亇一模一样的解答,容易被告
真的考试当然不能cheat啊!也不会让你有机会用吧ChatGPT吧? 平时刷题练习的时候你试试,错误率很高的。
我也受不了。我一个手下突然间email和文档风格全变了,变得很chatgpa. 我一直忍着 没问她是不是在用chatgpt
你可以让ChatGPT重写,shorter and informal.
这种可以直接问,what''s the significance of xxxx in yyy ? 如果是特定环境下或者领域,我会先描述这个环境,然后再让它在这个senario下回答问题
可以试试用不同风格的指令。他反应真的快。而且好像能记住你的需求。我现在让他改写小作文,他都和我风格开始温和: 就是1,2,3.
试试看。同一件事情回复。它可以very empathic, full of emotional or concise , cut to the point ... But still warm.
Stuffs like that . Train it more . You will receive some nice surprise
The quality of writing is absolutely better, but does not definitely fit the contexts. 其实还是得自己谨慎决定是否采纳它修改后的文本。It's just a tool, that's all.
Re . .. 向我这种懒人,东西全在脑子里。但要打出来,就开始各种拖延癌晚期直到11th hour ....
话说error 回馈我到不在意,否则AI要让更多人失业了。 我只希望要个助手,不希望助手某天把我工作翘掉~~~
Will this be caught by anti-plagiarism services?
Noam Chomsky on ChatGPT: “Basically High-Tech Plagiarism” “a Way of Avoiding Learning”
问它 How to use ChatGPT to touch up my writing? 它会教你怎么表达你的要求
chatgpt这么牛。 请各位大牛借助它帮忙回复下面这个问题吧。
data entry怎么可能会被AI取代?
领导就是用 chatGPT 审批各种申请的。
Data Entry 是被其他技术取代,但不是 AI.
“80%的码农工作会被取代” 这个已经发生了无数次了。
高级语言比如 C语言的出现,编译器代替了 99% 写汇编的人的工作 现代语言的流行减少了 80%+ catch wild pointer, fix buffer overflow 这些“高技术” 的工作 现在前端的各种技术代替了80%+ 写 HTML 的人的工作,HTML代码都是生成的 AI 会代替人做80%+ CRUD 的工作,这些代码都会是生成的
但是,每一次技术进步,技术代替 80% 码工工作的时候,都伴随着需求指数式的增长,需要更多的码工。 码工的工作会变化, 过去几十年一直在变化。 但码工的需求会持续增长。 到最后,什么都是码工, 餐厅的菜都是机器人做的,背后都是码工
Data Entry 会被 AI-enabled 技术取代
咋用啊,下了chatGPT free 3.5 版 贴了文章摘要进去,问“Could you please specify what type of editing or feedback you're looking for? For instance, are you interested in grammar and language improvements, structural suggestions, or something else?” 回了个language improvement 之后,说your request failed - re-try.
不能说全是编的,但肯定有夸张成分。或者你的专业是只靠文字语法的 我不懂那不好评价。 我老公做基础研究的,我做工程的, chatgpt有两个严重缺陷: 1。会瞎编客观事实(只是看起来对)2. 不能就context进行复杂的逻辑分析
请问你的职位是什么… 你输入进去的东西都会被输出的… 有泄密风险啊
同意,我最近找个info的来源,一个不太熟的领域,我就没Google,想着Chatgpt给我一个summary 就好,然后我拿去present了,这个info的来源虽不是决策关键,但潜在意义可以导致不同的决定,幸亏开会反馈说有待继续调查,老板和同事google 出来这个info完全不同的来源,我傻眼了,chatgpt骗人不商量啊,怒删app
##role ## request ## methodology ## workflow
这四部曲的咒语? 我查了个不太熟悉的领域。 用的是McKinsey 那套搬入methodology. 让它给我生成了keywords , 又通过keywords 给了我一些文献加链接。
我觉得还蛮靠谱的? 当然思考如何调试让它给你满意的答案肯定还是要自己来。