回复 19楼的帖子 The EB-2b 中的一类, Exceptional Ability: Foreign workers in this subcategory have a specialized degree and significant competence in art, business, or science. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Foreign Labor Certification Process must also approve workers in this category. 我读了一下忽然觉得我可能有些细节mix了。因为朋友是博士,但他是instructor。他工作两年后办的,还把读博期间的ta也按时间请原学校系米出了张换算表格。但按上面规定,博士不需要五年经验,难道朋友那时候说的是3年经验,我时间久远记错了。唯一能肯定的就是他办的EB2b当年没有要排期。具体我也不清楚。
回复 19楼的帖子 The EB-2b 中的一类, Advanced Degree: Foreign workers in this subcategory must have more than a bachelor’s degree, such as a Master’s or Doctorate, or its foreign equivalent. One equivalent is a bachelor’s degree and at least five years of work experience in the field. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Foreign Labor Certification Process must approve workers in this category. Exceptional Ability: Foreign workers in this subcategory have a specialized degree and significant competence in art, business, or science. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Foreign Labor Certification Process must also approve workers in this category. 我读了一下忽然觉得我可能有些细节mix了。因为朋友是博士,但他是instructor。他工作两年后办的,还把读博期间的ta也按时间请原学校系米出了张换算表格。但按上面规定,博士不需要五年经验,难道朋友那时候说的是3年经验,我时间久远记错了。唯一能肯定的就是他办的EB2b当年没有要排期。具体我也不清楚。 echodrawing 发表于 2023-08-19 21:54
回复 26楼的帖子 不是的,他办的是需要雇主支持的eb2b,没有要推荐信 应该是下面这个,他属于science方面的。大学讲师没文章,但可以满足下面这三个。有博士学历,加个什么成员,然后就是学校有费用的雇佣 Eb2b Exceptional Ability To show that they have an ability above that “ordinarily encountered in the arts, business, or sciences,” the applicant must provide at least 3 of the following: An official record showing that the applicant has obtained a degree or certificate in the relevant fieldA membership at a related professional association or club Official acknowledgement — from related organizations or colleagues — of applicant’s contributions to the field Proof that applicant received payment for services related to their expertise A license or certification for the applicant’s given profession Letters proving that the applicant has worked full-time for at least 10 years in their given profession
回复 27楼echodrawing的帖子 谢谢你了! 楼主查了一下, 这个可以有 EB-2(A): This category is for foreign nationals professionals with an 'advanced degrees' (masters degree or higher) and with a job offer from a U.S. company EB-2(B): This category is for foreign nationals with 'exceptional ability' in the sciences, business or arts and with a job offer from a U.S. company EB-2(C): This category is for foreign nationals with exceptional ability, or an advanced degree, who can show that their activities will substantially benefit the U.S. national interest
回复 27楼echodrawing的帖子 谢谢你了! 楼主查了一下, 这个可以有 EB-2(A): This category is for foreign nationals professionals with an 'advanced degrees' (masters degree or higher) and with a job offer from a U.S. company EB-2(B): This category is for foreign nationals with 'exceptional ability' in the sciences, business or arts and with a job offer from a U.S. company EB-2(C): This category is for foreign nationals with exceptional ability, or an advanced degree, who can show that their activities will substantially benefit the U.S. national interest egasdoow 发表于 2023-08-19 23:32
回复 27楼echodrawing的帖子 谢谢你了! 楼主查了一下, 这个可以有 EB-2(A): This category is for foreign nationals professionals with an 'advanced degrees' (masters degree or higher) and with a job offer from a U.S. company EB-2(B): This category is for foreign nationals with 'exceptional ability' in the sciences, business or arts and with a job offer from a U.S. company EB-2(C): This category is for foreign nationals with exceptional ability, or an advanced degree, who can show that their activities will substantially benefit the U.S. national interest egasdoow 发表于 2023-08-19 23:32
真心请教各位情商高的姐妹, 在会议上如何简明扼要的说明支持楼主办绿卡的好处, 和准备好他们可能问题的回答。补充一点, 楼主准备重点强调楼主愿意支付全部费用和协助提供整理各种相关文件。目测HR不太了解绿卡申请这事, 国际办公室是主要负责人, 国际办公室可能会问到HR的问题有: 1, 如何证明楼主的职位是永久的? 2, 如何证明楼主是唯一的qualified applicant? 3, 如果办Perm打广告, 过程中有其他申请者qualify怎么办?
国际办公室可能会问到楼主的问题有: 1, 工作签证有6年, 有什么必要申请永久居留? 2, 除了雇主支持, 有没有通过其他方式办理绿卡? 3, 怎样表明楼主valuable, 表决心想要永久在这工作
关于永久的职位:就是regular position, 只要你的offer letter里面没有具体的时间限制就可以,不能是那种明确写明是具体几年的职位。
你有系主任或者supervisor 的支持么?最好弄到这个,这样HR明白你对学校很重要。
是的, 有些学校明确规定不给非tenure办绿卡。不过这些学校也比较tricky, 有AP满足条件的, 也不给办
当年我也是一个startup(50人的小公司)第一个申请绿卡的, HR也不明白流程,是我的supervisor找HR谈妥的。后来他们找了律师了解流程,律师给介绍的很清楚,公司就支持我办了EB1B。
你问的那些问题,律师都知道怎么draft the story,不要担心。
对于学校,最重要的不是费用问题,是让学校支持EB2b. 其实我觉得最靠谱的是让系主任或院长帮你去跟HR说支持你办eb2b。
学校之前给几个AP办过, 应该有经验。只是楼主不是AP, 没有那么顺理成章, 所以才需要谈。楼主直觉是国际办公室的态度似乎是多一事不如少一事, 不想增加一个case增加工作量
这个靠谱, 多谢你了! 楼主之前担心如果部门以没有budget拒绝. 不过好在是一个大学校, 费用应该不是主要问题
了解了, 楼主申请工作签证的时候就提出自己出钱, 国际办公室说这样不行, 最后是部门出钱
请问你说的是EB1b 吗? 楼主当过几年ta, 也有3年工作经验, 不过楼主没有博士学位, 走EB1有些难度
是个明白人, 你说对了, 是部门老板出钱。楼主入职不久, 还没来得及跟老板谈这事。这次学到了, 楼主准备下周跟老板谈
是的, 有的学校特别随和, 各种faculty, staff 职位都给办绿卡。楼主的职位类似program manager, 走EB2 比较合适
The EB-2b 中的一类, Exceptional Ability: Foreign workers in this subcategory have a specialized degree and significant competence in art, business, or science. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Foreign Labor Certification Process must also approve workers in this category.
不是的,他办的是需要雇主支持的eb2b,没有要推荐信 应该是下面这个,他属于science方面的。大学讲师没文章,但可以满足下面这三个。有博士学历,加个什么成员,然后就是学校有费用的雇佣
Eb2b Exceptional Ability To show that they have an ability above that “ordinarily encountered in the arts, business, or sciences,” the applicant must provide at least 3 of the following: An official record showing that the applicant has obtained a degree or certificate in the relevant field A membership at a related professional association or club Official acknowledgement — from related organizations or colleagues — of applicant’s contributions to the field Proof that applicant received payment for services related to their expertise A license or certification for the applicant’s given profession Letters proving that the applicant has worked full-time for at least 10 years in their given profession
我仔细读了一些,你是program manager啊, 那跟我朋友不一样,我朋友虽然是instructor,但他算science的方面的工作。
楼主的职位可能不常见, 有的大学会把一些非professor的职位也定为faculty。 楼主的working title是一个类似program manager的职位, 但是学校内部的payroll title / faculty track 是 senior instructor。 工作职责是项目开发/管理, science, outreach 也有faciliator, trainer, mentor的职责
感谢你的支招! 楼主没有博士学位也没paper, 所以走不了eb1, niw
谢谢你了! 楼主查了一下, 这个可以有
EB-2(A): This category is for foreign nationals professionals with an 'advanced degrees' (masters degree or higher) and with a job offer from a U.S. company EB-2(B): This category is for foreign nationals with 'exceptional ability' in the sciences, business or arts and with a job offer from a U.S. company EB-2(C): This category is for foreign nationals with exceptional ability, or an advanced degree, who can show that their activities will substantially benefit the U.S. national interest
看起来你们学校流程不是很清楚,可能之前很少有外籍instructor。只要没有硬性规定,那么你就可以试着运作一下,不过就是过程不确定性大。如果已经有博士学位的话,如果你们本校不帮你办EB2/3,那么你要么找个可以办绿卡的Tenure track,要么就是自己多发文章多审稿,自己办EB1或者NIW。找个靠谱的律师问一下,然后再权衡。
你这样自己看要求没用的,要求里面很多词很模糊,exceptional ability 要问律师怎么证明,要是那么好搞也不会eb2 a现在那么久排期但是eb2c更本没有排期了。最好花点钱问移民律师。我记得eb2c好想要跨国管理层。eb2 要求最低工资,学位,要打广告证明美国人干不了这个位子等等。
这都什么乱七八糟的,INA 203不是这么写的。NIW就是INA §203(b)(2)(B),算起来可以说是“EB2B"了。
这个不对。staff 都有大把permanent。只要不是hourly paid。所谓permanent 就是正式工吧,不是说永远不能解雇的意思啊。何况tenured prof 也是可以解雇的。
一个DP: 二十年前UC是不给硕士学位的职员办绿卡的。
每个UC分校的绿卡政策都不一样, 有的友好宽松, 有的特别严格。。。 大学里很多研究专员, 实验室associate都是staff, 办绿卡时case by case
看来您是过来人, 比较明白楼主处境。想来这也是为什么国际办公室不能一口答应, 需要开会讨论。他们明白办绿卡需要得到老板的确认和HR在过程中的协助
楼主准备先跟老板谈谈, 探探口风。。。
硕士吗?知道的这-例是硕士要十年经验等等几乎mission impossible的要求,老板再怎么支持也没成功。因为没有先例。博士有的是先例。
这是个好主意, 楼主没想到这点
多谢你的支招! 这也是一条路
有一个UC分校在南加, 具体名字楼主不在这说了。 学校里有很多研究型相关的staff和faculty职位, requirement都是学士, 硕士, 工作经验要求1年到3年的。 楼主查了之前的绿卡申请记录, 跟academic, 实验室, science相关的都有先例
我说的这个也是在南加的UC. Position的requirements不代表绿卡申请的requirements. 当时是老板强烈支持,各种workaround, 都没成,只好换工作去湾区了。Anyway, YMMV.