You just need your money in an inflation adjusted asset class. Also, I don''t buy in the 4% withdraw rate that the financial analysts preach. Here is a few detailed break-down: Social security income: this is already indexed with inflation, so you can safely spend it all. Rental property: rents are increasing with inflation, so you can safely spend all the rental cash flow. Stocks: stock appreciate consists a component that is indexed with inflation (because companies can increase their prices to match inflation as well) as well as what is known as risk premium. I think risk premium is lower than 4% and it is safe to put 2% rate there. So it is safe to withdraw 2% every year, your asset will grow with the inflation. In worse case, the current dividend rate is 1.5%, you can safely spend all the dividend. Pension: if you are lucky enough to have it, this is also inflation adjusted. However, given the risks of future reduction, I would think you can spend a portion of it safely.
所以存的钱需要投资 钱生钱呀 不能光存着 好比如果买了有现金流的房子,可以花掉现金流,房子还在。 或者买了有股息的股票,可以花掉股息,股本还在。 这类的。。。
You just need your money in an inflation adjusted asset class. Also, I don''t buy in the 4% withdraw rate that the financial analysts preach.
Here is a few detailed break-down:
Social security income: this is already indexed with inflation, so you can safely spend it all. Rental property: rents are increasing with inflation, so you can safely spend all the rental cash flow. Stocks: stock appreciate consists a component that is indexed with inflation (because companies can increase their prices to match inflation as well) as well as what is known as risk premium. I think risk premium is lower than 4% and it is safe to put 2% rate there. So it is safe to withdraw 2% every year, your asset will grow with the inflation. In worse case, the current dividend rate is 1.5%, you can safely spend all the dividend. Pension: if you are lucky enough to have it, this is also inflation adjusted. However, given the risks of future reduction, I would think you can spend a portion of it safely.
80-90年代成了万元户的如果买了房子,现在远远跑赢通货膨胀. 所以存了点钱也可以投资,起码可以抗通胀.
你的想法没错, 但也只适用于你自己. 好多人觉得世界这么大, 生命这么短, 有精力有体力就自由自在坐喜欢做的事, 旅游烹饪摄影whatever, 反正没人喜欢给资本家打工帮他积累财富. 都到了晚年护理阶段, 生活不能自理还撑着活那么长干啥, 为了受罪么? 吃点止痛药早点有尊严地离世不好么. 屎尿不能自理地卧床一二十年是对自己的折磨吧?