I used to rent a house in the Bay Area and now have my own place. There is always a waiting period for problems to be solved. When I was a tenant, I sometimes would find solutions and message my landlord and see if they agree to pay. If prices are set, my landlord is okay if my found contractors could deal with the issues. We also had a field mouse moved into the place. I found a 3rd party and had a deal with the landlord. We each cover 50% of cost and it was handled asap without a glitch.
公寓就是太吵。 美国房子隔音不行
When I was a tenant, I sometimes would find solutions and message my landlord and see if they agree to pay. If prices are set, my landlord is okay if my found contractors could deal with the issues. We also had a field mouse moved into the place. I found a 3rd party and had a deal with the landlord. We each cover 50% of cost and it was handled asap without a glitch.
HVAC 还真不一定。加州规定必须有暖气,冷气不是必须的。我听到之后下巴都要掉下来了。加州夏天多热啊。
一样痛苦的在租房, 很后悔没有租高级公寓。
luxury apt当然啦,我们这儿一室一厅的价格,可以租个3室的house了,一份价钱一分货啊
新房子的问题是, 第一是清洁和噪音。 有的周围还在建设的房子, 来了一堆老莫或者是黑人的工人来装修, 白天拿着带音箱的CD机器放音乐,挖游泳池总是有声音的, 害得邻居不能午睡不说, 到处乱扔他们吃喝剩下的垃圾, 空的罐头和瓶子, 有的时候招来了不少苍蝇和老鼠。
其次是偷窃, 更加让人心惊的是, 还有人顺手牵羊, 冒充是contractor, 开着卡车, 把邻居放在门口的邮包和建筑材料一起拖走, 然后到网上卖了挣钱。 据说有的人专门让十多岁的孩子来干偷邮包的事情, 因为他们没有前科。男性的小偷连男扮女装, 用穆斯林戴面纱的主意都想得出来, 邻居有录像也不太管用的。
第三就是绑架了。 还有偷了邻居家在院子里面溜达的名贵的猫狗出去卖了的。 社区立有绑架孩子的记录都不奇怪,因为林子大了啥样的鸟都有。家里有小孩的, 哪里敢搬到这种新区去租房子。