we are talking about 2-3W credit limit, 18 month. Other banks easily give you 5% int. so the interest income will be roughly $1000. majia666 发表于 2023-08-14 14:05
0%† Intro APR for your first 15 billing cycles for purchases, and for any balance transfers made within the first 60 days of opening your account. After that, a Variable APR that''''''''s currently 18.24% to 28.24% will apply. A 3% fee applies to all balance transfers. 刚才看了一下, 不登录账户, 显示以上。登录账户, 没有 “made within the first 60 days of opening your account” the 60 days is for BT only, or both purchase AND bt?
是 不会损坏 会有影响
你要是18个月后不能一笔还清,面对你的其实就是高利贷,银行当然能赚钱。 这个我十几年前玩过,6个月12个月免息的钱拿出来还高息的贷款,然后到期前一天一把还清,银行当然不指望从我这样的顾客身上赚钱。
我现在分数满分, 而且没有其他借贷需求。 如果两三万的CREDIT LIMIT, 存起来利息不少钱啊!
我现在USAGE 在个位数。
赞! 我到不想那末麻烦, 就是付信用卡MINIMUM, 我都不好意思了。
4% 还好吗? 你们有钱人的想法真是与众不同。
比方或说: 我在七个月时BALABCE 积累到CREDIT LIMIT, 然后我一次还清。 那从下个月开始, 是不是还是0 APR?可以再来过?
别的地方会有5+的利息, 净赚1%。
we are talking about 2-3W credit limit, 18 month. Other banks easily give you 5% int. so the interest income will be roughly $1000.
认真回复你一下 1.这是18个月以后的钱, 不是现在的 2.利息是要收税的 3.做cash advance马上要收手续费,而且不抵税 4.carry high balance影响信用分数,当然你不在乎
不是不能搞,但是你最好先看清楚fine print, 网上搜搜相关文章,避免踩雷。
比方说你有18个月免利息,你如果在7个月末就还清balance,那么这笔帐就清了。剩下的11个月免利息不再适用于你再次借贷。我的情况是几乎每3-4个月boa会寄来offer, 新的借贷可以又出现18个月免利息。不过我只会再必要的时候用。
i am talking about purchase, bot balance transfer.
are you sure?
怀念起MIT BBS那啥名字忘了,医生护士?收东西的年代。。。。。…。。。。。
0%† Intro APR for your first 15 billing cycles for purchases, and for any balance transfers made within the first 60 days of opening your account. After that, a Variable APR that''''''''s currently 18.24% to 28.24% will apply. A 3% fee applies to all balance transfers.
刚才看了一下, 不登录账户, 显示以上。登录账户, 没有 “made within the first 60 days of opening your account”
the 60 days is for BT only, or both purchase AND bt?
你这个算法不对 利息还要收税砍掉40%,也就是说利息至少6%才能打平4%的手续费。如果你没有别的高息贷款要偿还或者有确定高收益的投资,balance transfer是不划算的。