Reddit 热帖 Am I The Asshole (AITA) for always turning down hang outs with my friends when they ask to bring their kids? I have a friend group of 7 women from uni. I'm the only one that's childfree, but 1 is childless, 2 are pregnant with their first and 3 have kids. We as a group rarely meet up. I've seen all of them maybe twice in the last year, and we all live in the same city. Every time someone asks to meet up and we finally find a date everyone is available, one of the moms always asks if they can bring their child, or children. Its usually 1 of 2 moms, as the third actually wants to have a kid free evening. And before anyone else can answer, the other mom says yes. All 3 moms have husbands who can watch their kids. Most of them also have both sets of grandparents who are involved. But somehow they never manage to find someone who can "babysit", as they call it. So at this point I've stopped answering until they've set a time and place, someone has asked about kids, and I say I can't make it. I hang out with them one on one, or in smaller groups instead. Well a few days ago we agreed to finally meet up. No one had asked about kids and we were having a bbq and wine night. We'll, who shows up with their 8 year old? Yep, one of the moms. I clearly didn't hide my annoyance and one of the girls asked me why. I just waved it off and 30 min later I excused myself and left. Said I didn't feel well. In those 30 min we hadn't had any "adult talk", we were just entertaining the kid. I would rather go home thsn do this for another 3-4 hours. After I left, I think they realised this was a pattern and I got text from most of the girls in the group. Some calling me an asshole, others just saying they were annoyed with me for leaving, while the third mom having my back, and asked to meet up later that week to have a proper wine night. I don't hate kids at all. I work with them every day and don't want to spend my time off, relaxing with friend, having to entertain other people's kids again. AITA?
I have a friend group of 7 women from uni. I'm the only one that's childfree, but 1 is childless, 2 are pregnant with their first and 3 have kids.
We as a group rarely meet up. I've seen all of them maybe twice in the last year, and we all live in the same city. Every time someone asks to meet up and we finally find a date everyone is available, one of the moms always asks if they can bring their child, or children. Its usually 1 of 2 moms, as the third actually wants to have a kid free evening. And before anyone else can answer, the other mom says yes. All 3 moms have husbands who can watch their kids. Most of them also have both sets of grandparents who are involved. But somehow they never manage to find someone who can "babysit", as they call it.
So at this point I've stopped answering until they've set a time and place, someone has asked about kids, and I say I can't make it. I hang out with them one on one, or in smaller groups instead.
Well a few days ago we agreed to finally meet up. No one had asked about kids and we were having a bbq and wine night. We'll, who shows up with their 8 year old? Yep, one of the moms. I clearly didn't hide my annoyance and one of the girls asked me why. I just waved it off and 30 min later I excused myself and left. Said I didn't feel well. In those 30 min we hadn't had any "adult talk", we were just entertaining the kid. I would rather go home thsn do this for another 3-4 hours.
After I left, I think they realised this was a pattern and I got text from most of the girls in the group. Some calling me an asshole, others just saying they were annoyed with me for leaving, while the third mom having my back, and asked to meet up later that week to have a proper wine night. I don't hate kids at all. I work with them every day and don't want to spend my time off, relaxing with friend, having to entertain other people's kids again. AITA?
我有娃,但是如果这么说了还有人随便带娃的话,那我直接说我会带大麻 虽然我不抽,但是酒已经不能阻止这些人带娃了,我只能用魔法打败魔法了
你不懂,很多女人的girls night是要fabulous,要能自己美美的,要能发instagram,让别人羡慕自己精致的生活。带孩子毁了这个image,当然生气了。
帶七岁娃,不O K。
infant动不动就哭,高中生don't give you a fuck,也不用你带。
你怼她一个人好了 干嘛带上所有的孩子 我们又没惹你 你看回帖那么多有孩子的都支持帖主。。。
+1 周末几个妈妈们约着去喝个下午茶聊天,说好都不带娃就为了图个清净,可是有个妈妈每次都带着娃去,说娃哭闹不让她一个人来
就算别人的娃要在医院 养老院 家外提供服务 那也只是因为他们要工作 要自己养家糊口 要消费 而已 可不是因为他们做慈善 一场买卖而已
这位听起来好无趣的大哥,从来不和朋友们一起打个球看个电影去sports bar喝一杯?
如果没人带娃大可不必出席这种成年人的party啊。人家都是大人par成天拖个娃算怎么回事?我有娃,但是如果girls night out带个娃出来的我就不会再约了
嗯,我有俩娃,朋友也都有娃,但约饭带孩子的话,我就没兴趣了,有娃在,得哄娃,有些话题也不能聊。girls night out就更不会带娃了,带娃是亲子night out...
哈哈 我记得那个层主是男的。